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And a big
thanks to
Matocha & Associates
If you'd
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Email comments are in the blue boxes. |
December 1 -
Headed back toward home now.
New Orleans is sad but unbowed since Katrina. The
Jackson Square area is, as always, one of America's best
places. There are certain cities that stand out in
America for having their own flavor - New Orleans, New
San Francisco, Santa Fe, San Antonio - they are truly
cities that belong to all of America. As you can
probably tell by my birth name, Creole burns in me and
New Orleans is almost home. My Daddy was born
Cafe du Monde
on a brisk Sunday morning is the best place in the world
to be. The coffee is brown and strong. The
powdered sugar flavors the air and if you leave not
looking like you've been in a snow storm, you're not
doing it right.
I will probably get into an argument with at least a
of you about the best place to eat in New Orleans.
It's hard to beat
NOLA. Bubba loves the gumbo and I order crab
cakes or shrimp and grits, and sometimes both.
Emeril can cook, Honey.
We listened to a little street jazz, sat still and
watched the Mississippi move, bought a voodoo doll and
some prints from
one of my favorite artist (who is completely color
blind and does amazing with color), and went to check on
my family name at
Saint Louis
Cathedral. No matter how crazy I act, they
still leave it there. I think that's nice of them.
I'll be home soon, and will start answering email.
You have been missed. But not much.
November 28
- Okay, I admit it. I'm eating my way through
the South. I fess-up to a deep love of fresh
and hush puppies, something I can't get in Texas.
And if they throw in slaw, a stuffed baked potato and a
bottle of Biltmore Vineyards white, I am instantly
turned into a happy woman and amazingly find myself
thinking less ill thoughts about even Rick Perry.
Well, that's a lie. I have to drink the whole
bottle of Biltmore to even have thoughts about Rick
Perry that don't cause me to shiver.

And while you're eating your way through the South, it
doesn't hurt to have a daughter-in-law who makes the
best Italian Cream Cake in America and then can do heart
surgery on you after you eat it.
In political news, I got information the other day that
you can now buy Barack Obama Christmas and Happy New
Year cards to send to your friends. I'll let you
know if I get one. In fact, it would be tragic if
I didn't.
There's also news that
Rick Noriega met with Barack Obama last week.
Rumors abound that he's being considered for head of
FEMA. I couldn't think of a better choice.
During Katrina, the only - and I mean only - thing that
went right was the situation at the George R Brown
Convention Center in Houston where evacuees were taken.
And who was in charge of the entire operation?
Rick Noriega. And that's just the start of a
million reasons why he would be better than gold for
that job.
(There was a minor rumor a while ago that Nick Lampson
was also being considered for the FEMA post - a rumor
undoubtedly started by Nick Lampson to make himself feel
better for letting the Republicans tattoo "Chump" on his
rear end and dropkick him through the electoral goalpost
without a shred of dignity left in his shoes. Thank God
that rumor seems to have found enough moans to quell it
for a while.)
And then there's the runoff in State Senate District 17
between Chris Bell and Joan Huffman. Our county
commissioner's court, with its dog dump dumb 4 to 1
Republican majority, has determined that the best times
to early vote are
from 8 to 5 during the week when normal people are
at work.
And, thoughtful as ever, they only put 4 of the 5
voting locations in the senatorial district itself.
No kidding, one of the voting locations isn't even in
the district! Hey, maybe now that Democrats are
starting to win in Fort Bend, they'll move all our
voting locations to Oklahoma.
November 24
- I'm fine. I'm fine.
Usually, through the miracle of modern big time
journalism, I can go away for weeks at a time without
you knowing about it. I have a cell phone and a
nifty laptop. You never know where I am, right?
Well, I have never been in the mountains like this
before. I'm lucky to have a few minutes of cell
phone service a day and then only if I stand on the roof
of my car, face east or maybe north, I can't remember
which, and scream into the phone in a heavy southern
accent while praying to the chicken fried steak gods.
But, Honey, I'll trade it all for a rack of ribs at
Dreamland's Barbeque! Dreamland, celebrating its
50th birthday this weekend, is in the beautiful town of
Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
The menu is simple: ribs and banana pudding.
That's it. No sides. No chicken. No
brisket. And they've never even heard of potato
salad. There's no pickles, no onions. There
is, however, white bread and sweet tea.

But with ribs like these --- you do not need anything
else. Add almost perfect banana pudding and you
got your major food groups covered. Meat,
vegetables - that being the tomato sauce and don't even
bother to tell me that a tomato is fruit not a vegetable
because that's a vicious rumor started by the string
bean lobby. Then you got your fruit and milk in
the banana pudding, so dinner at Dreamland is damn heath
I worked hard this election season so I'm taking a much
needed vacation away from civilization for a while.
I'm touring my beloved south and will return home in
time to help Chris Bell win a State Senate seat.
But, I have some fried green tomatoes, fresh okra and
hushy puppies to kill before then.
If I don't answer your email, don't worry. I'll
get to it when my fingers aren't greasy.
November 20 -
And a thanks to Kathy for the heads-up about
the squirrels in Brazoria County --
JACKSON — Church seems an unlikely place to hear the
phrase “Islam is the light.”
To Linda Huebner of West Columbia, the phrase
shouldn’t come from a baby doll’s mouth, either.
Huebner, 50, said a couple at her church told her
the Fisher-Price Little Mommy Real Loving Baby
Cuddle and Coo Doll had the phrase “Islam is the
light” as part of its recorded cooing noises. Then
she heard it for herself.
has three voice cycles, and moms shopping would go,
‘Oh how precious!’ ” Huebner said. “I would buy her
right then until I got her home and my baby kicked
her legs and then it says, ‘Islam is the light.’”
Huebner, who said she is a Christian, said the
message was sneaky and she was offended it would
play on a toy that was not advertised to say that.
She went to the Target store in Lake Jackson on
Tuesday and bought the doll, then set up in the
store’s parking lot to alert shoppers.
“This is subversive,” she said. “I’m offended by
that, I’m greatly offended by that.”
Oh Dear Lord, it's religious tolerance! That has to be
stopped immediately before some poor child is ruined -
ruined, I tell you - by gibberish.
I'll bet you fifty bucks cash American money that Linda
Huebner has
read about this on the Internet Machine and went to
five different Target stores to find this particular
doll solely so she could get her outrage in the
newspaper. I promise you that outrage is
considered foreplay in Republican households.
It was on Fox News last week, Linda. You probably
got the last doll in a five county area, you stoopid
Here at Tech Talk for
we reviewed the doll earlier this year, and even
though our kids have been playing with it ever
since, we have yet to hear anything but babbling,
blowing "raspberries," and "Mama" out of it. If you
listen closely to the babbling, while some of those
sounds are similar to the alleged phrase, it sounds
more to me like, "Ichabod is the light." But like
many song lyrics, it's easy to hear differently than
the maker's intent. If there's anything offensive
here, it's the raspberry sound, but every baby I've
ever known has made this sound, usually when fed
green beans.
Which proves, once and for all that watching Fox News
makes you delusional.
This is not the first
time the doll, which was made in China, has come
under scrutiny. In October, a news report from
Philadelphia said some owners reported hearing
“Satan is king” from the voice box.
Apparently, it also says, "Paul is dead."
Crazzzy wimmen. Totally nuts. Out buying dolls.
There's a recession going on, you fools - save your
money for porno and outrage.
November 20 -
We get email from Deb with a good question --
crook bites the dust in the Abramoff
Do you
think Tom DeLay will get a pardon? I
can't help but remember him flying
around with Dubya and how windblown he
looked that day. But I don't think Tom
Tubby and Gee-Dubya were really bff's. Then
again, today on CNN, the leaders of
G-20 wouldn't even look at, much
less shake the hand of our (can't
happen soon enough) soon-to-be ex. Tom
may be looking a lot better now that
it's closing time. That's just sad.
November 20 -
Every couple of months, I head over to County
Commissioner Andy Meyer's website. As most of
recall, Meyers is Attila the Hun in a business suit.
It has always amazed me that this "conservative"
commissioner spends a small fortune from his campaign
on his website and it never seems to change.
Today, I checked and the latest newsletter on the site
is from October of 2007. Yet, I'll bet you my best
pair of pink boots that he'll have a couple of thousand
in charges for his website on his next campaign expense
It's like ... I dunno, magic! Spend lotsa money,
get nothing - the Bush Administration on a local level!
November 20
Damn. Damn, damn, damn.
I expect Republicans to act like jerks. They've
had a lot of time to hone their skills.
But I'm still stunned when a Democrat does it.
I don't care if it is legal. I don't care if it's
done all the time. It's still wrong, wrong, wrong
Jim Sharp, a
Democrat just elected to serve on the Texas
First Court of
Appeals here, sent an unusually frank
request for funds by email last week.
``I trust that you
will see your way clear to contribute to my
campaign account in an amount reflective of the
$2,000 contribution you made towards my defeat
;-) and the fact that by their very nature
post-election contributions are tardy and in
very few realms does tardiness not incur an
up-charge,'' Sharp wrote.
He said he only sent
that e-mail to a lawyer at the law firm
Andrews Kurth
and he did so because it was suggested to
him that if he asked, he would receive.
It's unseemly, uncouth, and .... worst of all,
Plus, to add insult to injury, an appeals court judge
shouldn't use emoticons. It's two and half click
beyond silly. It's totally weird.
November 19
- Okay, so I got a little touch of the virus that's
going around. I spent 36 hours in bed with the
sheets pulled over my head, and then like some kind of
political junkie sleeping beauty,
awoke to find this ----
McALLEN — A South
Texas grand jury has indicted Vice President Dick
Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
on state charges related to the alleged abuse of
prisoners in Willacy County's federal detention
The indictment, which
had not yet been signed by the presiding judge, was
one of seven released Tuesday in a county that has
been a source of bizarre legal and political battles
in recent years. Another of the indictments named a
state senator on charges of profiting from his
Grand juries are glorious things.
South Texas politics is a whole lot of fun.
November 17 -
Oh Good Lord, Calvin Trillin is eating Texas barbeque!
And liking it! And it's in
the damn New Yorker magazine!
As most of you know, Bubba and I go on the The Great
Bluebonnet and Barbeque Tour every spring. We
spend a week looking at bluebonnets and eating barbeque.
It's pretty much what hope heaven will be like.
Like all good Texans, Bubba and I differ strongly on
the best barbeque joints. I like Luling City
Market and Bubba liked Cooper's in Llano, especially
their big chop, until they put up a big ole picture of
George Bush and Bubba ain't been back since because
there are some things more important than barbeque.
Not many, mind you, but politics is one of them.
In fact, politics might be the only thing more important
than barbeque.
Now, Bubba is a primo pit master himself, having won
some trophies bigger than Del Rio for his pork ribs.
He has a barbeque shack out back that has it's own
running water and electricity. Momma calls it the
Barbeque Condo and says it should have it's own zip
code. It's decorated all proper with old license
plates, a ceiling fan, a tin roof and old political
bumper stickers on the rafters. In my mind, the
best barbeque in Texas comes out of the front door of
Bubba's shack, but if you ain't a friend of Bubba's,
you'll have to settle for
- Texas Monthly's choice for the best barbeque.
I'm partial
to Coopers in Llano, especially their
cabrito and porkloin. I figured they put up
the Bush picture to shorten the line. John
said they couldn't do that with nekkid
pictures of Barbara Bush, it's too damn
tasty and we can just avert our eyes from
the Bushies.
Love, EClaire
I, too, have eaten at Cooper’s in Llano
many times, inasmuch as my husband’s
grandparents lived in Llano when they
were alive. It was good, and I
always enjoyed watching them take the
meat right off the smoker for us.
In my mind, the best BBQ I’ve
ever eaten has been at Rudy’s (but then,
I’ve never had the pleasure of feasting
at Bubba’s). I’m not sure where Rudy’s
is headquartered, but I know for a fact
that they’re in College Station and
Corpus Christi. Of course, the more
locations they have, the better the
chances the quality will take a dive at
some point. Have you ever eaten there?
Gotta go…I’m with you: Still doin’ the
Happy Dance about our new President!!!
Kathy Grace
So...You are talking about a
barbecue tour or a Bar B Q tour, one
or the other an you ain't invited
none of your Tennessee cousins. I
have held Sam Houston's walking cane
in my personal hands, and I don't
get no invite to the Bar B Q tour?
Well OK, Sorry about Sam
Houston...But anyway...
I smell FUNdraiser!
In Tennessee we spell that p o r
k o u t. But then we can't spell,
actually. (Hey...We're ahead of
Lemme know.
November 17
- Don A sends us such fun email -
Dear Susan:
Flabbergastronomy -- noun. The science which
studies the effects of nitwads, blowhards, and other
assorted losers on the stomachs of normal humans.
In my case, it seems that web sites that are
promoting Gas Bags give me gas.
The Columbia Journalism Review has a lovely
little story on the person who gives Tom
DuhLay a running for Gas Bag of the Decade. That
would be Joe 'Call me Joe' the Erstwhile Plumber
and his web site.
Like Hot Tub Tommy (and maybe Joe could help with
Tommy's TeleTubbosity) you need to pay to join the
site and you need to join to be able to participate
in the forums. It'll cost you $14.95 a year to be
able to tell the blowhard to stop blowing gas
because it makes us blow chunks. Or you can just
pre-order the book he is "writing" with the help of
Thomas N. Tabback. By some curious coincidence the
domain name for belongs to
PearlGate Publishing which also published Thomas N.
Tabback's "novel". And need I say that is both the
administrative and the technical contact for the web
site. He sounds like a real Renaissance Man type.
Sadly, PearlGate Publishing appears to be a blot on
Austin for the address listed is 12 White Magnolia
Circle which appears to be a residential
neighborhood. I guess Austin will survive this,
Don A in Pennsyltucky
November 17 -
Dudes! Grab an Exacto knife and a glue gun - I've
something useful to do with those campaign signs the
Republicans posted at our Democratic headquarters.

Campaign sign birdhouses! My buddy Wanda can turn
this into a fundraising project within the hour!
What a cool keepsake from the election - and these
suckers would last for-freekin-'ever!
Thanks to
Somervell County Salon for the heads-up!
November 17
- Phew! It's done. Nobody never needs to
say anything about Sarah Palin again because
Dick Cavett just said it all. Glad that's
I suppose it will be
recorded as among political history’s ironies that
Palin was brought in to help John McCain. I can’t
blame feminists who might draw amusement from the
fact that a woman managed to both cripple the male
she was supposed to help while gleaning an almost
Elvis-sized following for herself. Mac loses, Sarah
wins big-time was the gist of headlines.
I feel a little sorry
for John. He aimed low and missed.
It's a charming read and a great way to start the week.
November 16
- Okay, I'm home from the State Democratic Executive
Committee Meeting in Austin.
Here's a tip if you ever go anywhere: find Evelyn
Burrelson of Calhoun County and grab ahold of her.
She will get you the best seat in the house.

Bubba and Vicki Vogel are representing Senate District
18 again, and I got to meet our new SDEC members from
neighboring SD17 - Carol Wright and Alan Blakley.
They are both bright eyed and bushy tailed and can pump
new energy into the district. I know for a fact
that they are both hard workers and that Carol is the
smartest of the two --- based solely on the renown
hooter-toter scale, of course.
Chairman Richie gave a report on the election and
everybody got their committee assignments. Bubba's
doing Rules (his favorite) and Grassroots.
There's a picture of Chairman Richie and my adored
Senfronia Thompson, my choice for the new Speaker of
the Texas House. I'm going to have some stories to
tell you about Senfronia in the coming months.
check her out. She can stand without hitching,
A great weekend was had by all.
November 15
- Okay, I've been pondering on something.
I got a really goofy email last night from somebody who
went on and on and on about how Barack Obama was gonna
turn this country into a communist nation, and they knew
that for a fact because Sarah Palin and Tom DeLay told
them so and why didn't I listen to Sarah and Tom and now
it's too late and we're already in a handbasket with a
one way downhill ticket to hell thanks to me and my
commie friends. I think they mean you.
Well, actually it went on longer than that but I kinda
just summed it up for you there.
First of all, I have no idea why anybody would take Tom
DeLay's and Sarah Palin's economic ideas seriously.
They are the two biggest moochers on the planet.
From what I've seen, neither one of them ever paid for
anything in their adult lives with their own money so,
come to think of it, I guess they truly are harbingers
of communist doom under the well-known scientific theory
of "takes one to be one."
Second off, and I mean this seriously, maybe this
election was a referendum on socialism. Think
about it - Sarah, Tom, and some other moochers were
running around hollering, "The socialist is falling!
The socialist is falling!"
They rarely let more than two or three words play
between the word Obama and the word Socialist. The
last week of the campaign, that's all you heard.
You vote for Obama and you get gol-darned socialism with
a cherry on top!
America overwhelmingly picked socialism.
So, dammit, let's get on with it! I want me some
Hey, listen up - I bought me some financial
institutions with my tax money. Now I want to run
those suckers because I sure the fool tarnation could do
a better job than those bozo CEO's are doing.
I want health care. For sick people.
Without insurance companies telling my doctor what
treatments they will pay for while their CEOs get golden
parachutes and golf trips with my insurance premiums,
which by the way, cost about the same as landing on
Boardwalk with three hotels.
And if we have to buy some car companies, let's run
those suckers ourselves and pay the middle class a
decent wage with benefits and retirement. Heckfire,
I could do a better job running those companies with
both hands tied behind my back and I know for a fact
that you could, too.
We voted for socialism after goofball conservatives
screwed this country up one side and down the other.
After what conservatives have done, we're not gonna
scare real easy.
Socialism trumps fascism any day of the week and I do
believe that Tom DeLay and Sarah Palin just proved that.

(On a personal note, the next time that Bill complains
bitterly at breakfast that I haven't updated my unblog
enough lately to suit him, I'm gonna tell you how he ate
paste when he was six and how his sister got all the
good genes.)
November 14
- Okay, it was on CNN. It made the
front page of the Austin American Statesman.
And now it appears on my blog ---
Austin, Texas, has a fulltime Obama store. Glen
Maxey, who has trained two generations of Bubbas in
political organizing, sold me a truckload of Obama stuff

Glen has tee-shirts, plastic glasses, totes, posters,
buttons, bumperstickers, and handmade Obama jewelry.
(Or so he says. The store only opened yesterday
and he was
out of the jewelry by 5:00 this evening.)
There were a steady stream of customers while we were
If there's something in particular that you want, you
might try contacting Glen
at this email
address or pester me for his phone number.
Tell him I sent you and he promises not to charge you a
dime more for knowing me. That's a helluva deal in
my book.
November 14 - I'm
headed to Austin tomorrow for the State Democratic
Executive Committee meeting. I'm not saying that
there will be some partying going on, but I will admit
that I'm bringing my boa, hula shirt, and Mardi Gras
And, I got some insider information that there's an
Obama Store at 1111 Eleventh Street that's open from
11:00 - 11:00 and has all manner of Obama things that
you can buy, presumably for $11. I'll take
pictures and let you know!
And, I thought you'd enjoy this from Steve Sack ---

November 13
- Sorry I'm being a lazy non-blogger. I've
been working on closing down the headquarters, storing
things away, and doing the books. I have numbers
dancing in my head at night.
Fort Bend Democrats had over 700 donors this election
season, ranging from $2,500 to $3 - and each and every
one was appreciated, especially you guys online because
a lot of you don't even live here, but you trusted us.
We did you proud!
I've also been trying to write something that's hard
for me write about. I'll let you know how it goes.
I do need, however, to take note that
Sarah Palin and Governor Rick Perry shared a stage
in Miami and by golly, you could sure tell it wasn't a
MENSA meeting. It was hard to tell which one
thought they were prettiest and smartest. I betcha
they had themselves a hair-pulling match backstage.
Ya think?
November 12
- Okay, here's Reason #73 Why Bush Should Not Be
Allowed to Have a Presidential Library.
He's nuts.
Okay, so that's reason #8 - 67, too,
but this one takes the cake.
As his presidency
nears its end, a reflective President Bush suggested
Tuesday he regrets some of his more blunt statements
on the war on terror over the last eight years.
"I regret saying some
things I shouldn't have said," Bush told CNN's Heidi
Collins when asked to reflect on his regrets over
his two terms as president. "Like 'Dead or Alive'
and 'Bring 'em on.' My wife reminded me that, hey,
as president of the United States be careful what
you say."
Yeah, that's it. Total. Todo. Eight loooong years
of death and destruction and incompetence at a level
heretofore unknown ...and this is all he regrets,
just "bring em on" and "dead or alive?"
He doesn't regret the war, the destruction of the Justice
Department, his response to Katrina, the loss of any
moral authority we have in the world, Abu Graib,
Guantanamo ... Good Lord, I'm just getting warmed
As my buddy Kary says, "We must spay those daughters.
We must. We cannot keep this gene pool alive.
We're doing it for their own good."
Hello there, dear Susan:
I thought I’d add to your store of
reasons why Bush shouldn’t be allowed a
library. Here’s a story Keith Olbermann
told last night on MSNBC. Somebody asked
Bush if there was some particularly
memorable book he’d read, and he named
one—presumably a children’s book—that,
he said, he’d read as a child. Olbermann
said that someone on his staff had
looked it up, and, assuming his infamous
deadpan stare straight into the camera,
he said, ”It was published when Bush was
Love, luv.
PS: He also said that when Laura was
interviewing publishers about the
publication of her memoirs, someone
asked one of them when Bush should write
his book, and the guy said, “Oh, in 30
or 40 years.”
November 11 -
It would be hard for me to come up with something
I'd like better than having Sarah Palin be the next GOP
Presidential nominee, but if I had to think of something
even better .....
It just might be ......
John Cornyn as chairman of the NRSC ...
Moving to solidify his
hold on the chairmanship of the National Republican
Senatorial Committee in the 2010 election cycle,
Sen. John Cornyn (Texas) is raising money for Sen.
Saxby Chambliss’ (Ga.) runoff campaign and offering
to help Sen. Norm Coleman (Minn.) survive an
upcoming recount.
Cornyn has been eying
the NRSC chairmanship since early this summer. Faced
with the potential for a tough fight for the post
with Coleman, Cornyn in July donated $250,000 from
his campaign account to the NRSC to lay the
groundwork for his bid, and he gave another $50,000
in October.
Also in October,
Cornyn gave $25,000 apiece to Republican parties in
five states where GOP Senators were facing tough
re-election fights: Georgia, Minnesota, Mississippi,
North Carolina and Oregon.
John Cornyn is a corporate whore and he's a dandy fit
for Nutty Republicans You Wouldn't Even Trust With Your
Old Boots.
Ya know, I thought all my dreams came true when Obama
was elected. It appears I was wrong --- more
dreams just keep on coming.
honey, I hate to sound critical but you
need to get over to your favorite java
shop and get your self a recharge. Your
imagination is not rising to the best of
all possible pairings: A Palin/Cornyn
November 11
Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Sarah Palin reveals her thought processes about becoming
President ---
I'm like, OK, God, if
there is an open door for me somewhere, this is what
I always pray, I'm like, don't let me miss the open
door. Show me where the open door is. Even if it's
cracked up a little bit, maybe I'll plow right on
through that and maybe prematurely plow through it,
but don't let me miss an open door. And if there is
an open door in (20)12 or four years later, and if
it is something that is going to be good for my
family, for my state, for my nation, an opportunity
for me, then I'll plow through that door.
And I'm all like OK God, I'm praying here so listen up.
If you see this Sarah woman pounding her head into
doors, you just let her sweet booty right on through
because there's a heckuva big surprise for her on the
other side. You betcha! Ya hear, God?
Isn't is funny how it is "God's
will" when they want to do
something, but never when they
got their collective butts beat?
See, this is why I will
never again attend a church
on a regular basis. Those
people use God as some kind
of spiritual Santa Claus in
order to get what THEY want
out of life, and NOT what
God wants for them. Well,
Sarah honey, it’s not for
nothing that Santa bellows
“Ho Ho Ho” when he sees you!
Kathy Grace
Truth and wisdom
from "M.A.S.H."
the movie -
"Oh, now damn
it, Henry. Frank
Burns is a
menace! Every
time a patient
croaks on him,
he says it's
God's will
or somebody
else's fault."
Capt. Augustus
Bedford "Duke"
I'm curious - If
it's God's
will for
somebody to die
in an accident,
is it also
God's will
for somebody
else to be raped
by their father
and have an
abortion? Does
God will
the fate of a
wolf pup shot by
a Great White
Hunter from a
helicopter? Was
it God's
will that I
voted for a
Democrat? Or
maybe it was
"somebody else's
B. Cole
I love people who are
seeking God, but am scared
to death of those who have
found him.
Hey Zeus
Lincoln, about who Sarah
Palin is clearly unaware
(along with the countries in
"Sir, my concern is not
whether God is on our side,
my greatest concern is to be
on God's side, for God is
always right."
I wonder if God told her to
throw her President under
the bus, too.
"I think the Republican
ticket represented too much
of the status quo, too much
of what had gone on in these
last eight years, that
Americans were kind of
shaking their heads like
going, wait a minute, how
did we run up a $10 trillion
debt in a Republican
administration? How have
there been blunders with war
strategy under a Republican
administration? If we're
talking change, we want to
get far away from what it
was that the present
administration represented
and that is to a great
degree what the Republican
Party at the time had been
Listen closely - that sound
you hear is Freepers
shrieking that she betrayed
them same as all those the
other "moderate" Bush
"haters" like George Will
and Peggy Noonan and Colin
November 10
Happy Veteran's Day to a couple of my favorite

November 8 -
Hal's got himself a new job.
Check out the video!
November 8 -
Thank you Mike Luckovich ---

November 7 -
So many of you folks from foreign states sent love,
money, and gifts to Fort Bend Democrats that I thought
I'd share
some election night joy with you. This is from
our Westside Headquarters in Rosenberg - we had two
headquarters this year. You'll see different faces
throughout the night because some folks had to get home
because it was a school night and others arrived late.
That's champagne and joy you see in almost every shot!
November 7 -
Today is the first day since the election I've been
able to just sit down undistracted and read the internet
machine. By the way, packing up a headquarters
when you're the winners is a whole lot more fun than
packing up a headquarters when you're not, but it's
still hard work. We'll finish with the heavy
lifting this weekend, but my part is done. So, anyway, the first thing I see this morning is Paul
Krugman, who I kinda have a crush on because smart men
are oh so sexy and Bubba forgives me for getting kinda
frisky when I talk about Krugman, Olbermann, Moyers,
Stewart ... you get the idea. So, anyway,
I read Krugman. You should, too.
The monster years
Last night wasn’t
just a victory for tolerance; it wasn’t just a
mandate for progressive change; it was also, I
hope, the end of the monster years.
What I mean by
that is that for the past 14 years America’s
political life has been largely dominated by,
well, monsters. Monsters like Tom DeLay, who
suggested that the shootings at Columbine
happened because schools teach students the
theory of evolution. Monsters like Karl Rove,
who declared that liberals wanted to offer
“therapy and understanding” to terrorists.
Monsters like Dick Cheney, who saw 9/11 as an
opportunity to start torturing people.
And in our
national discourse, we pretended that these
monsters were reasonable, respectable people. To
point out that the monsters were, in fact,
monsters, was “shrill.”
Four years ago
it seemed as if the monsters would dominate
American politics for a long time to come. But
for now, at least, they’ve been banished to the
While I believe there
are a few more monsters we need to politically slay, I
agree with Krugman that we certainly have a good start.
November 6 - We get email from Wimberley, Texas!
Some local Dems made this sign for use at precinct
337 in Wimberley.
We're right proud of it.

And then TS
sent us this one from Tank Town, and notes that they are
rainwater collection tanks, not Bush/Cheney tanks ---

November 6 -
This is kinda cool. Front pages of newspapers from around the world on
Obama's election.
November 6
- I guess this just about says it all --

The victory banner went up this morning! It looks
great. Now that I have a minute to breathe, there are so many
stories I want to tell you. This one comes to mind
first -- On election day about 3:00 in the afternoon, Bubba gets
a call from the Houston Chronicle wanting a statement.
It seems that a local deputy sheriff has been in the
storage shed of our headquarters, which is on the back
of the parking lot, and has seen a McCain Palin sign in
there, proving that we are stealing signs. The head of the local Republican party, Rick "Hit Man"
Miller, has declared that we should be prosecuted for
stealing their sign! And, get ready for this, even
the sheriff thinks so, too. The Chronicle reporter
wants to know if Bubba has a statement. Bubba's Momma spent a lot of money on law school, and
it was not wasted. Bubba said, "Yeah, tell them
both to kiss my big blue butt." Bubba then called me and told me to go turn myself in
to the sheriff and try to get a personal recognizance
bond because he sure the hell didn't think he'd pay my
bond since I've been kinda falling down on my cooking
and housekeeping chores as of late. Bubba thinks he's a comedian.
First off, what the fool tarnation was a sheriff's
deputy doing in our storage shed? I want to see
the search warrant. More importantly, if he was in
there, why didn't he make himself useful and do a little
tidying-up. Second off, Rick Miller thinks we should be prosecuted
but not
him and his buddies when they purposefully beat up an
old lady?
Third off, thanks to Rick Miller and his phone call to
the Houston Chronicle, I now have reason to believe that
Rick Miller himself was the one who defaced our property
by nailing a large McCain Palin to it. Don't ya
think it was probably him since he's so danged excited
to see me go to jail? And how now he wants it back
without paying me to store it? Duh, you Republican idiots -- I told you
the sign was and how I found it. We ain't
hiding it, ya know? And there's one other thing -- we were broken into
three times and I still ain't seen a sheriff's deputy
bring me a suspect. But, boy howdy, they're all over a
set-up with a McCain / Palin sign! So, Sheriff, you know where to find me. Come on
and get me, Babe, and make my day. By the way, the Chronicle didn't do a story. At
least somebody has some brains.
Welcome to the website formerly known as The World's Most
Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.
My name is
Susan DuQuesnay Bankston.
I live in Richmond, Texas, in heart of Tom DeLay's old
district. It's crazy here. No, seriously, it's
triple z crazzzy.
I used to be an independent voter, but that all changed when
I got to know a few local Republicans. They are meaner
than 10 acres of snakes and have the ethical compass of a
bank robber.
So, I
decided that they could just Kiss My Big Blue Butt.
A lot of
what I post here has to do with local politics, but you
probably have the same folks in your local government.
This ain't
a blog. Blogs are way too trendy for me. I've
been doing this since 1992, so I'm used to it even if you
Email me
and I'll find a place to put it if I like it.