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April 30 - Our
friends over at Folo
gave us a heads-up this morning. MSN has a cute
little dealie that lets you find the cheapest gas in
your zip code.
Here's mine - just enter your zip code at the top
and see if you can do better than $3.429.
No way to wake up - Snowing here ...just
teeny weeny flakes, not sticking, but it'
was 33 deg. Gas is $3.59 here. Oh yes
Susan, you probably know that my name is
Wright, but I hasten to assure you that I am
not related to Jeremiah or to your
April 30 -
Thank you, Signe Wilkinson!

April 29 -
Would somebody please remind me what country I live in
what the dickens happened to my Bill of Rights?
Following in the wake
of February's news that customs agents were seizing
electronics and making copies of all the files on
cell phones and laptop hard drives, a federal
appeals court has ruled on the legality of such
searches. The result: Yeah, customs can do whatever
it wants to your computer when you come across the
border, without a warrant, and without cause.
The ruling extends to
all electronics: In addition to laptops, feds can
seize phone records and even digital pictures on
your camera as they hunt for evidence. The ruling
was unanimous among the three appellate judges.
Oh, I get it. I have an I-Phone so I must be a
Well hell's bells, if they're gonna steal my photos, I'm
gonna find some cool things to photograph with my
I-Phone, like these three obviously terrorist women at
the State Democratic Executive Committee meeting last
weekend in Round Rock.
April 29 -
Okay, so you just gotta
go read this. You just gotta.
As you know, our buddy (and the best damn Republican
spy Fort Bend County has ever seen), Fenway Fran, up and
moved to Oregon.
As expected, she's causing trouble there, too.
But, this will be your favorite story for a long while.
The Oregon Voter's
Pamphlet is out. Yep, everything you want to know
about the election coming up. And if you still have
questions, there's even a phone number you can call.
A letter from Secretary of State Bill Bradbury
encourages you to call for voter assistance. The
number is conveniently posted in 11 places in the
pamphlet. Problem is ....
No, no, I'm gonna let her tell it. It gives a
whole new meaning to "hot line."
Yo Susan,
Is Fran
sure the pamphlet wasn't from the Oregon
Republican party? I'm mean... you
know... republicans..... Just sayin'.
Your Dam
Yankee Friend in Spring,
April 29 - Thanks
to Brian for the
Sighting: Former Rep.
DeLay finds religion in the Capitol
Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) was
spotted on the third floor of the Capitol last week.
What was he doing
“Bible study,” said
But of course he was.
God's gonna get him. You just watch. It's
gonna happen. You don't jack with God like that.
April 29 -
Earl rides again ---
Here's a good one for you from the
Top Ten Conservative Idiots. Read #1,
but empty your bladder first or you'll have
an "accident." This schmuck musta thought
there's no such thing as bad publicity!
Well, he was WRONG. Some Republicans just
think you can never move TOO far to the
Right. And the best part is that the harder
he tries to explain why he thought it was a
really neat idea he just keeps digging
himself in deeper...and deeper...into the
doo-doo. Oh Honey, stop digging because
there is no pony under there!
April 28 - Alfredo
is wondering if these two stories, both breaking today,
have anything to do with each other.
Democrats Registering in Record Numbers
... and the
Supreme Court Upholds Law to Prevent Democrats From
Actually Voting.
Okay, so you have to admit it's gotta be more than
Stepping into a
partisan political battle, the nation's high court
voted 6-3 to reject a challenge to Indiana's
toughest-in-the-nation voter identification law.
Democrats and other
opponents had argued the law was unconstitutional
because it made it too difficult for some people to
vote, especially minorities, the poor, the disabled
and the elderly. Those groups are most likely not to
have government identification and also tend to vote
for Democrats.
Every time I hear a Hillary supporter say that they will
vote for McCain is Hillary's not the Democratic nominee,
I want to scream in their faces, "And you want a
permanent Supreme Court set on the destruction of this
I'm just waiting for them to rule that you have to be a
white male to vote and then we'll only count it if you
live in a red state.
Alfredo also adds, "Voter
ID laws - because just beating up Democrats isn't enough
to stop them from voting."
April 28 -
Ya know what? I think they're scared of us Texans.
Democratic Chairman Howard Dean made an announcement
that the fighting had to be over in June.
But Dean didn't say
which candidate should drop out, only that it should
happen after primary voters have been to the polls.
"We want the voters
to have their say. That's over on June 3," Dean said
in an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America."
June 3rd? Hummmm ... the Texas Democratic State
Convention is on June 5th - 7th. I think maybe
that Howard Dean is scared of what we Texans will do to
each other if there's still a fight going on during our
I guess he heard of the Alamo, Goliad and San Jacinto.
We are a fightin' bunch of people here.
On the upside, the Texas Democratic Party Chairman, the
lovely and talented Boyd Richie, announced this weekend
that both candidates have been invited to speak at the
Texas convention. Neither has accepted as of yet,
but --- and I'm just thinking out loud here --- June 5th
might be a good time to have one of them make an
endorsement speech of the other one and then let the two
of them stand together and vow to put a Democrat in the
White House.
Best of all, they could do it in front of 20,000
hollerin' Texans.
April 27 - Charly
over at Zippidy Doo Da, where the glorious motto is
"I'm not stupid. I'm from Texas.", sent us a
heads-up about Tom DeLay - the 12th conviction in the
Abramoff probe.
Justice Department lost one of its own to the Jack
Abramoff lobbying scandal Tuesday as a former
high-ranking department attorney pleaded guilty to
conflict of interest.
Robert E. Coughlin II admitted in federal court in
Washington that he accepted meals, concert tickets
and luxury seats at sporting events from a lobbyist
while helping the lobbyist's clients. He pleaded
guilty to a single conflict-of-interest charge and
faces up to 10 months in prison under a plea deal
with the government.
That's the fires of hell you feel burning on your rump,
By the way, it's worth a trip to
just to follow their links!
April 27 -
As my friend Deb says, "If ya can't beat 'em,
call 'em names!"
Bill O'Reilly, he of the sex pervert fame, is calling
Bill Moyers, an ordained Baptist minister, names.
And, Lord help us, Newt is joining in ---
Fox News’s Bill
O’Reilly attacked Moyers on his show last night,
calling him a “far left PBS guy” who is “extreme”
and “pathetic.” At the end of his Talking Points
Memo segment, O’Reilly suggested that Moyers and
Wright should “take a long vacation, perhaps in
Isn't this the seventh sign? Two guys who have
been through more wives than your average Texas Mormon
cult leader are accusing a Baptist minister of hating
Damn, Moyers, you're good. You've got them
foaming at the mouth.
By the way, Bill Moyer's "The
Power of the Myth" is one of my favorite reads.
I doubt O'Reilly has read it - it has big words and no
sex scenes.
April 25 - A grin
and a thanks to Richard in Mexico for allowing us to
Richard describes a
Belles of Heaven Republican Women's Club meeting in his
Mexican resort town. He says, "They sound like
they'd be right at home among your Super Delux Christian
Ladies... though not being Texas, I somehow think
tequila was involved in all this."
It usually is, Richard, it usually is.
April 25 -
Friday's Toon compliments of Dana Summers and the
stinkin' Republican Party ---

April 24 -
For those of you waiting for Sweet Jesus to return,
you're in for a little bit of a shock. Apparently,
He ain't so sweet any more.
See for yourself.
Our local sheriff, Milton Dufus Wright, has "given his
blessing" to allow an inmate to paint a Jesus mural on
the chapel wall.
I'm not going to post the picture here because it will
scare the bejeebers out of little children and Momma.
Momma is expecting Jesus of the Sermon on the Mount, not
Evil Wizard Jesus riding a pissed-off unicorn.
I dunno, but if you look close, I think there's some
flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz in the background
on the right. I know Sheriff Milton gets the two
confused all the time - Wizard of Oz, Bible, Wizard of
Oz, Bible, Wizard ..., oh heck, what's the difference?
I dunno know 'bout your hometown but we have a sheriff
here of thinks
Gray is great literature and
Fabio is in all real art.
For those who are wondering: yes, the ADL has
been notified, but somebody needs to call the
Christians, too, because that Jesus looks like he could
hurt somebody. Maybe it's just me, but I'm not
totally certain that's what we should be using as an
inmate role model.
Susan, I took a
look at the biblical mural and wonder where
I might send your really DUFUS Sheriff a
gallon of burnt orange paint and a couple of
rollers. It's time to cover that up...first
thing you know someone of another faith
than Brother Nix's Church of the Holy Ghost
and Fried Chicken of the Blessed Virgin,
amen, gets a look at it and calls in the
A.C.L.U. If they won't allow Charleston
and his stone tablet to be painted on public
walls then they sure aren''t going to let
Milton get away with this....and who do you
think will pay for his legal representation,
there being no defense for stupidity. Oh
well, it's a pretty day in VT and I'm in
for a free meal tonight so all is well,
except in PA where they showed their true
Al, Squire
Maybe the
sheriff is into Revelation.
As if the
seeming predestinarian "logic" of
revelational theology (so fundamentally
alien to the apologetic mindset) were
not problem enough, there is the harsh
apocalypticism into which Jesus is
reported to have so deeply dipped his
hands. In the synoptics the terrible
sayings of Christ the Tiger far
outnumber the words of mercy from the
sweet and gentle Jesus. In many such
sayings life before God is pictured as a
brutal prospect: "It is better for you
to enter life maimed than with two hands
to go into hell . . ." (Mark 9:43b) .
perhaps he had thinking abut T.S.
Signs are
taken for wonders. “We would see a
The word
within a word, unable to speak a word,
with darkness. In the juvescence of the
Christ the tiger...
Susan - I think
it will be fine unless they tell the inmates
to be Christ-like, then holy shinola it's
going to be bad.
Hey Zeus
The sheriff's
spokesperson said it will be evaluated "on a
trial and error basis". Does that mean the
sheriff will see the error of his ways after
the trial, or is it "Mr. Nix"? It seems
that Ft. Bend residents are no better
educated than those in Harris Co, but then
that ain't news, is it?
Mah Fellow
That painting - I recognize that guy. Isn't
that one of the dead kings in Lord of the
Rings III?
I know where he
got the inspiration for that painting. Duh,
he is serving time for DRUGS. He should
probably have a psych evaluation too.
Robin explains
the inmate, but how do you explain the
sheriff letting it happen? And the
newspaper taking a picture of it? Same
deal ya think?
jailhouse painting looks like Harry
Potter's Dumbledore.
Or a bad LSD trip.
April 23 - One of my friends who trolls Free
Republic sent me something very interesting. I
will not go to Free Republic until they can prove beyond
a scientific doubt that whatever those people have is
not contagious.
Anyway, my friend found
Republican Commissioner Andy Meyers posting during
office hours. You just gotta wonder if he was
using his office computer, too.
There's rumors that he'll run for State Rep if Charlie
Howard resigns to run for State Senate. I doubt
it. There's more graft in being a county
April 23 - About
a week ago, David sent me a dandy story about a
Texas prison inmate who wants to further his life of
BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- A federal prison inmate got
himself listed on the ballot for Idaho's May 27
primary as a Democratic presidential candidate, the
state's top election official said.
Keith Russell Judd is serving time at the Beaumont
Federal Correctional Institution in Texas for making
threats at the University of New Mexico in 1999.
He's scheduled for release in 2013.
Judd, 49, qualified for the ballot by submitting a
notarized form and paying the required $1,000 fee,
state Secretary of State Ben Ysursa said. As a
result, Democratic voters will be able to choose
between Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Judd.
"We got conned," Ysursa told The Spokesman-Review of
Spokane, Wash.
You got conned? Ya think?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news for Mr. Russell,
but I don't think that people are going to vote for a
crook from Texas. Again.
April 23 -
Sad reminder - please only eat American farm raised
wild American shrimp.
Workers in Southeast
Asia's shrimp industry suffer regular abuse and
sometimes live in what amounts to virtual slavery, a
human-rights organization said Wednesday.
Shrimp: it's not just for breakfast anymore!
22 - And speaking of ethics reform, about 18
I filed a complaint with the Texas Ethics Commission
outlining how Commissioner Andy Meyers plays hanky-panky
with his political contribution account.
Andy, the man who gives self-righteous a bad name, has
a long and distinguished reputation for supporting his
lifestyle (and his son's lifestyle) with his campaign
contributions, 98% of which come from local developers
and vendors.
It's pay to play and Andy's in the Kickback Hall of
Fame, Hon.
Since filing my original complaint 18 months ago, I've
filed two other complaints on Andy. However, it is
of no small concern to me that it takes over 18
months to make Andy stop it, dammit. Best I can
figure, he's waiting for me to die or the law to change.
So, I got another notice last week that the first
complaint is still pending. Click the little
one to get the big one.
I called the Ethics Commission this morning to find out
if the complaint goes away if I get hit by a pickup
truck; in particular, a pick up truck purchased with
campaign account money. (Yes, Andy bought a truck
with his campaign account.)
They said the commission made a settlement offer to
Andy earlier this month and he has some time to either
accept it or appeal it. If he appeals it, there
will be a formal hearing in a couple of months. I
will be there with bells on! In fact, we may rent
a bus so you can go, too. I want to see Andy
Meyers lie under oath.
Ya see, Andy's Bible says it's a sin to dance or drink
a beer, but lying and stealing are negotiable.
Anybody else want a seat on the bus to Austin? I
can guarantee you that we'll dance and drink a beer, but
Andy's cornered the market on lying and stealing.
Hey, maybe we could even get
to bake us a tata cake in Andy's honor!
Instead of a tata cake, I think a butt cake
would be more appropriate for him-especially
if it resembled the south end of a mule.
April 22 - Alfredo
sends us some news about Texas Senator Slick John
Cornyn has high-dollar friends in low places.
I know that semi-shocks you, considering that Slick John
didn't get his nickname for his hair gel.
Less than a year ago, The Scooter Store of New
Braunfels, Texas, paid a settlement to the U.S.
government $4 million to settle allegations of Medicare
fraud. It also gave up about $13 million in
pending Medicare claims.
But, that didn't stop John Cornyn from putting his hand
in their back pockets. Take a lookie here at all
the money The Scooter Store gave John Cornyn:
12/19/2005 $3,200 Cornyn, John
12/19/2005 $2,100 Cornyn, John
10/20/2005 $1,000 Cornyn, John
4/4/2007 $800 Cornyn, John
4/4/2007 $200 Cornyn, John
4/4/2007 ($200) Cornyn, John
4/4/2007 ($400) Cornyn, John
12/19/2005 ($2,100) Cornyn, John
10/10/2005 $250 Cornyn, John
Oh no, we're not
finished yet. They were very, very good to John
Cornyn. There's more ---
12/28/2007 $5,000 To Organize a Majority
4/4/2007 $800 Cornyn, John
4/4/2007 $200 Cornyn, John
4/4/2007 ($200) Cornyn, John
4/4/2007 ($400) Cornyn, John
I hear that crime pays, and Medicare fraud pays even
Even AFTER the settlement, The Scooter Store set up a
political PAC and
lookie some more at who they big bucks to ---
PO Box 6930
Round Rock, Texas 78683
02/25/2008 Contribution to Primary Election 2500.00
Wouldn't you just know it - the slimiest man in
Congress. And that's why I gave
Mary Beth Harrell a campaign contribution two years
Now I know that The Scooter Store is just a bunch of
fine, upstanding good-ole-boys who are trying to rip off
the government like all the other corporate elites are
doing while their buddies are in the White House, but
there seems something really obscene in ripping off old
people. I think God has a real special place in
hell for people who do that.
Alfredo found more. Remember - these contributions
came AFTER the $17 million dollar settlement:
Contributions to Federal Candidates
2008 Cycle
Total Contribs
John (R-TX)
Rodriguez, Ciro D (D-TX)
Mike (D-AR)
Lamar (R-TX)
to Democratic House Candidates:
to Republican House Candidates:
Presidential Candidate
Clinton, Hillary (D)
to Democratic Presidential Candidates:
to Republican Presidential Candidates:
John (R-TX)
Specter, Arlen (R-PA)
to Democratic Senate Candidates:
to Republican Senate Candidates:
April 22 -
Thank you, Don Wright!

21 - I have a little self-awareness confession
to make here. Maybe some of you can identify with
I recently made a writing commitment with a deadline.
(I'll tell you more about it later.) It's been five
years since I worked on a deadline.
I like deadlines, especially that whooshing sound they
make as the fly past.
I have noticed something.
I have drawers that only need cleaning when I'm on
deadline. For the past two days, I have found more
errands to run and drawers to clean than I knew I owned.
All of a sudden, my belt drawer is a mess, the same mess
it's been for two years, except if I don't clean right
now this minute, all my belts will run away from home
and join the circus or something.
And I couldn't live without a new orange tee-shirt
today. It was an orange tee-shirt emergency.
After all, you never know when you're going to need an
orange tee-shirt to go with that orange ...., oh crud,
now I have to go buy a pair of yellow pants tomorrow to
go with the orange tee-shirt.
So the clock is ticking and I'm seriously considering
taking up macramé.
Bubba says he likes for me to be back on deadline - the
house gets cleaned and I take a sudden interest in
cooking elaborate dinners.
Okay, I'm going to click one of those tabs on the
bottom of my screen and go stare at a blank word
document until I realize there's real live dust bunnies
under my bed screaming to be set free.
I'm on deadline.
And then just to save me from myself and some serious
writing, Sybil sends me this. Enjoy, but don't
click at work.
Prepare yourself for
this one - maybe with a Stoli martini or two.
Back in the days of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Red
Army had an official choir composed of male soldiers
and musicians. It still exists. The Red Army Choir
performs throughout Russia to this day.
Now consider the Finnish rock band called The
Leningrad Cowboys. A little while ago, they held a
concert in Russia, in which - to the screaming
applause of Russkie teen-agers - they got the Red
Army Choir to join them on stage for a performance
of "Sweet Home Alabama." In English. You couldn't
make this up.
We're talking seriously off the wall here.
Well, you certainly upstaged my Communist
City ditty. I thought it was off the wall.
But now I think maybe the terrorists have
put chemicals in the water supply. I
watched it and thought I was trippin'. This
goes beyond Ken Russell in The Devils,
and that was pretty over the top. By the
way you might want to
check out this movie if you've never
seen it.
impressive, that pairing of the Leningrad
Cowboys and the Red Army Choir...almost as
impressive as the concert I saw last year
featuring The Mormon Tabernacle Choir and
Kanye West:

Their rendition of "Goldigger" brought
down the house...
April 21 - Okay,
ya'll, Earl is funny.
Here's a
joke, in a poll that I just pulled out of my
butt, 25% of Hillary supporters said that
they'd support John McCain against that
"dangerous Leftist" if Obama got the
nomination. Another 25% said that they'd
support John McCain against that "dangerous
Leftist" if Hillary got the nomination. And
another 25%said that they wouldn't support
that "dangerous Leftist" John McCain under
any circumstances.
April 21 -
Alfredo calls it the
YCVUYAR Law in Florida (You
Vote Unless You're a Republican).
If the point of
elections laws is to make voting as convenient as
possible, Florida has missed it. The state has just
been named by three voting rights advocacy groups as
"the most hostile state in the nation to new
I don't know about you, but I've already made up my
mind: I am not going to let them steal another
election. I'm gonna pitch a walleyed snot nosed
hissy fit this time. I hope they know that they
are on notice that we're taking ten acres of snakes mean
once you really hack me off.
"I'm gonna pitch a walleyed snot nosed
hissy fit this time."
Do you have
lessons on such activities???? Sounds
like a Tennessee thang .....
BTW -- do you
watch the Colbert Report???? Last
Thursday, our fave candidate (aka John
Edwards) was so awesome -- he bested
those two that stilll want to be
President ....
If the "hissy fit" is anything
like Mama's "blowing a gasket", You
don't want to be any where within
Dear Tom - Scientific studies
have shown that hissy fits are 70
decibels louder than blowing gaskets.
That's information you need to know -
I think you need to see
this site and start pitchin' that
April 20 -
My friend Lorraine in Spring (who was a gift to us from
Philly) sent me this picture
and link, saying, "I couldn't be prouder of my

That there is what they call Independence Hall in the
background with 35,000 people in front wanting change.
Gorgeous picture!
April 20 -
And not to be outdone by Don, Squire Al checks in from
Vermont ---
Susan, Today I am a happy camper. This
morning at the close of CBS's Face the
Nation, Bob Schiefer, a good ole Texas boy,
was bemoaning the stupidity of the ABC
Network handling of the "debate" between the
two Dem candidates, specifically the flag
pin question to B. Obama from George
Steponhisowntoesis.. He gave hissown
feelings on the matter of flag pins being
necessary to prove ones patriotism and if
you didn't hear it, shame on you. The gist
of it is that ones patriotism or religion
should not be required to be worn as a pin
on ones lapel.
Ohhhh, and you can say that you heard it
here first. Earlier this afternoon I
attended a function at which a LADY, Gaye
Symington who is the current Speaker of the
Vermont House and is considering a run to be
elected to become the next Governor of
Vermont met with a group of Democrats in
Middlebury to get our input on whether or
not to make the run. I think I can say that
she left the event with a very positive
feeling judging from the reaction of those
present. I sincerely hope so.
April 20 -
Oh the shame!

And Vicki sends us this
shocking picture of George Stephanopoulos.
April 19 - Don A.,
our foreign correspondent in Pennsylvania, sends us the
latest from primary country.
Dear Susan,
Well things are beginning to heat up
here in the middle of Pennsylvania (the part
James Carville referred to as "Alabama in
between" but it's really Pennsyltucky
because the coefficient of iinbreeding is
exceeded only by West Virgina and
Tennessee). We're getting our 3rd Clinton
-- first there was Bill, then there was
Chelsea, and now it is Hillary her own self
who will be sashaying onto campus for a
Sunday night show in Rec Hall. Even if she
packs the place to the rafters the sum of
all 3 Clinton events won't match the single
Obama appearance but that isn't stopping her
minions from bloody HOUNDING everyone with
automated phone calls announcing this
appearance as if it were the actual 2nd
Weather-wise we've gotten a warm
spell. The thermometer is approaching the
80F mark, the daffodils are up, and it's
bike riding time! Riding down the creek
road, I came upon a new sign that someone
had erected since last year. Since it has
nothing at all to do with politics, I send a
copy for your edification.

And it is also the day of the annual Blue-White game
where the Nits play each other and people
come from miles around to watch them. There
are political tailgates for both Mr. B and
Ms. H and I expect that someone will be
keeping a tally of how many people went to
each one.
On the local political scene, the race
to get the Repugnicant ballot spot for the
5th district <hic> has finally gotten
interesting. Derek Walker ("I'm a DeeCON
and a Boy Scout, I'm a good boy you should
vote for meee." sung to the tune of Boola
Boola) started to run TV adds that played up
Matt Shaner's driving incident where he
crashed his car and ran home and hid in the
house and wouldn't answer the door when the
police came. But our District Attorney -- a
Bob Jones University graduate -- didn't see
any reason to bring any charges. And just
as Matt was getting ready to retaliate, the
D.A. in the next
county over filed charges against Derek
Walker for stalking and harassing his former
girlfriend. And now ALL of the Repugnicant
candidates -- all 9 of them -- are crying
foul and saying that the D.A. is playing
politics by filing the charges so close to
the election. These are the same people who
were saying that Alberto's Justice
Department would NEVER do anything for
political reasons.
And in the meantime, my friend Tom who
used to run for Congress as a Libertarian,
has the inside track for the Repugnicant
slot in the 77th state house district and
the Democrap incumbent has pulled out his
old Libertarian platform and started
shouting that Tom Martin wants to legalize
marijuana so now the Repugs are wondering if
there's any way to keep him off the ballot.
The Tri-City Valley Cats -- your Class
A affiliate -- will play 3 games here in
July against the State College Spikes. Want
to wager on the outcome of the series?
April 19 -
We get some dandy ideas ---
Hi Susan, it's your buddy from the
state that is not going to have a spring
this year, we're still hoping we'll have
a summer.
Wedns, night, after I quit tearing my
hair out, I got to thinking about how
gawd awful the debates are. Every last
one just sucks and I just hate the idea
that the network, rather then being a
good American, actually makes money off
of airing them. I always thought the
airwaves belonged to us. Stupid huh?
Then I got to thinking about the old
days when the League of Women Voters
were in charge. So I googled to find out
why they quit, and came across this on
"The League of Women Voters is
withdrawing sponsorship of the
presidential debates ... because the
demands of the two campaign
organizations would perpetrate a fraud
on the American voter. It has become
clear to us that the candidates'
organizations aim to add debates to
their list of campaign-trail charades
devoid of substance, spontaneity and
answers to tough questions. The League
has no intention of becoming an
accessory to the hoodwinking of the
American public." Do they have it right
or what?
So, I got to thinking we Democrats
have to make it clear to the DNC that we
should have NO more debates unless the
League handles them. And I think we
should organize and I don't have the
slightest idea how to get started and
you popped into my mind, which is the
reason for this post. Maybe you have
some ideas.
Tukwila, WA
April 18
Oh dear.
At a small
closed-door fundraiser after Super Tuesday, Sen.
Hillary Clinton blamed what she called the "activist
base" of the Democratic Party -- and in
particular -- for many of her electoral defeats,
saying activists had "flooded" state caucuses and
"intimidated" her supporters, according to an audio
recording of the event obtained by The Huffington
Oh dear, now she's
complaining about the vast left-wing conspiracy.
April 18 -
David gives us a heads-up on this whole
George Bush and history deal ----
President Bush often
argues that history will vindicate him. So he can't
be pleased with an informal survey of 109
professional historians conducted by the History
News Network. It found that 98 percent of them
believe that Bush's presidency has been a failure,
while only about 2 percent see it as a success. Not
only that, more than 61 percent of the historians
say the current presidency is the worst in American
I would like to personally thank the Republican Party
and especially The Belles of Heaven Republican Women's
Club for helping make every Democratic President
look so darned good.
Anyone who voted for Bush the second time has exhibited
such poor judgment and mental capacity that they should
have their voter registration card revoked for at least
16 years or a mental health re-evaluation hearing,
whichever comes first. No, I'm serious. We
should not let those people vote again. It would
be like letting some guy who lost his shirt at the
racetrack place your bets for you.
We cannot afford that kind of stoopid again.
I’m only an
amateur sort-of historian, but I had the
Shrub down as worst American president ever
early last year. I think he’s now aiming at
“Worst Elected Leader Ever”. In fact,
thinking about it, he might already have it
I’ve been trying to think of another one as
bad as him, and failing. I think he might be
able to give the dimmer Hapsburgs a run for
”Worst Head of State Ever” by the time he’s
who voted for Bush the second time has
exhibited such poor judgment and mental
capacity that they should have their
voter registration card revoked for at
least 16 years or a mental health
re-evaluation hearing, whichever comes
As an
officer of elections here in VA I do
have some trouble with this sort of
As a
conscientious American voter, all I can
say is Amen sister!
April 18 - Friday
cheer from Signe Wilkinson --

April 18 -
The delegation of SD 18 Fort Bend to the Texas
Democratic Convention has been challenged. A
challenge was filed by a Hillary delegate to throw out
the entire delegation and seat no one, including the
other Hillary delegates.
Ho Boy! They're willing to sacrifice each other.
The challenge, which we will cheerfully post online
early next week, is both self-contradictory and full
of misstatements of both the facts and the rules of the
Texas Democratic Party.
The Hillary delegate filing the challenge is a recently
disbarred Florida lawyer with a stack of grievances and
no history of voting in the Democratic primary. We
have no idea who paid the approximately $500 mailing and
copying costs of the challenge because this same
delegate gave sworn testimony in a Florida court last
year that she was financially unable to repay her
student loans. Her employment situation has not
changed since then.
If the Hillary campaign is behind this challenge, then
they can really pick 'um - recently disbarred Florida
lawyer who tried to weasel out of her student loans, and
admits under oath that her boyfriend/baby's daddy is her
only means of support. Cripes, people, is that the
best you can do? Why don't you just hand John
McCain the election on a silver platter?
The best part, however, is the nuttiness of challenge
itself. The challenger obviously does not realize
that there are videotapes of things happening that she
swears did not happen.
The challenge will not be successful, but if it were,
none of SD18 Fort Bend's delegates would be seated
except for our one state super-delegate, who is an Obama
supporter. He would cast our district's entire 64
votes, all to Obama. Hillary would lose the 18
votes she currently holds in the district.
Double dog duh with little chocolate sprinkles on top.
It don't take a mathematics professor to figure that one
I'll keep ya informed.
Ya know, I like Hillary just fine. It's her
supporters I can't abide, and I'm just gonna have to
break down and write about it.
You do NOT
want to get that Hillbot woman mad at you.
Don't you know that when you mess with her
you're messing with her whole darn Trailer
April 16 -
I know I'm always thinking of ways for you to spend your
money, but this is the best bargain in town.
Washington Spectator is a bi-weekly with one of my
favorite Texas writers, Lou Dubose, as the editor.
It cost a whopping $18 a year for a subscription.
You can't even buy a pair of earrings for $18, Honey!
You will love yourself for subscribing.
Yesterday, Lou did an article on Hillary's campaign in
Texas that is worth the whole $18. It's called
Winning Ugly and the free part says ---
Since the beginning of March,
every major contest in the race for the Democratic
nomination has been do or die for Hillary Clinton.
(Never mind that Barack Obama actually "won" in
Texas.) The Clintons have always responded to
adversity with unshakeable resolve and a willingness
to fight. The country is now in the process of
learning if that resolve is an asset or a liability
in a national political campaign. More and more, it
looks like a liability.
And a little taste of
what's not free ---
Yet the Texas primary
brought new life to a moribund state party, most of
it in the form of younger voters turning out in
record-setting numbers to support Obama. Their
passionate commitment to their candidate was evident
in the fact that many of them didn't vote in
down-ballot races, voting only for their
presidential candidate at the top of the ticket,
according to analysis by the Dallas Morning News.
It was, however, their guy who got stiffed in what
is widely perceived to have been an election won on
fear and deceit. Those Obama Democrats, the first
new blood the party has seen that wasn't drying on
the floor, might not come back if Hillary Clinton
gets the nomination.
I have tried my darnest to avoid what some folks call
"Hillary bashing," which has come to mean that you
cannot say anything critical of Hillary, which is a sort
of an elitism that rises above even royalty.
However, Lou's work cannot be missed by any Texas
Go give
yourself a treat!
And here's
another treat - from Jon Stewart on elitism.
April 16 -
Alfredo sent the following cryptic message:
to be attacking a Democrat near you
The uncreatively named "Texans for Freedom" was formed
by Vanessa Cahill, who claims to be a Texas artist.
She's even
got a website, decorated adoringly with oddly
elongated pictures of Ron Paul.
She also
rumped out of a Corpus Christi GOP convention with
about 40 other people because she claims that the
chairman wouldn't give her the committee selection
He [the convention
chair] was prepared to give Cahill the committee
contact information until a friend sent him an
e-mail in which one of Cahill's associates called
county leadership "marxist, fascist and warmongers."
The e-mail was addressed to an Internet group in
support of Paul.
I've never known Alfredo to be wrong about anything, but
it seems to me that Vanessa is waaaay too busy attacking
Republicans to have time to pester Democrats.
Paulicans are kinda famous for that.
Plus, there's that whole conundrum about how you could
be a Marxist and a fascist at the same darned time.
Trying to figure that out makes my ears ring.
I make it down to Corpus every now and again, so I'll
see if I can hunt-up some of Vanessa's art to show you.
Odds are that it's kinda prissy.
April 15
- I have a theory that when anything really odd
happens in Texas, the perpetrator is either stoned,
drunk or just a good ole boy acting naturally.
Here's one for ya:
water moccasin wasn’t the most unusual thing police
found in the late-model Buick of a man charged with
burglary this weekend.
A day after police found a 4-foot long water
moccasin in the car of William Eric Johnson,
authorities discovered a live, 6-foot alligator
lounging in his back seat.
“It was like Crocodile Dundee, Brazoria style,”
Brazoria Police Chief Neal Longbotham said.
Johnson, 30, had “several addresses,” including one
in Tennessee but was possibly living at a trailer
park in the 500 block of West San Bernard Street in
Brazoria, Longbotham said. Johnson was charged with
burglary of a habitation early Sunday after he was
found with items missing from a trailer in the same
park, Department of Public Safety Trooper Steven
Stanfield said.
Johnson also was cited
by a game warden for illegally possessing an
Okay, you figure it out: stoned, drunk or
By the way, I've got a deal with alligators- I don't
eat them and they don't eat me. So far, it's
worked out okay.
And the icing on the cake is this quote from the
“It was a weird deal,” Stanfield said. “The
alligator was perfectly content — happy. You don’t
see that every day, that’s for sure.”
Okay, so how do you tell that an alligator's happy?
Wags his tail and votes Republican?
You just gotta go read the whole story.
There's no tellin' when's the next time you get to read
this about a burglar ---
TV was too big for him to carry by himself, so he
knocked on a door and asked for help getting it into
his car,” Longbotham said. “The neighbor saw the man
and the alligator and wanted no part of that.”
Yes sireee, that's some fine Texas reading.
Thanks to Kathy or the heads-up.
I gotta ask. Just how in
the name of the good Lord, do you not
discover a "live, 6-foot alligator lounging
in his back seat" for a whole day,
especially after you've already discovered a
four foot water moccasin in the same car?
Like the
dude says, Here's your sign!
April 15 -
My personal geek - and if you don't have one, get one -
David rode in
the MS150 last weekend, and although he's older than
dirt, he has kept the aching and whining to a minimum.
He told me yesterday that he met people with MS along
the route who kept thanking him. "My little aches
and pains from riding are nothing compared to what they
go through every day," he said.
David is short of his goal of $2184, to match the
number of miles he's pedaled in the MS150 over the
years. So if you have some extra money,
pitch it into David's pot and feel good about what
you've done.
Another sidelight - I've sponsored riders every year
since it's beginning and I can assure you that donating
to the MS150 doesn't get you hounded for more money and
on half the email charitable lists in the country.
You donate, they thank you and that's it.
Give them a little money. It's the right thing
to do if you're a lefty.
April 15 - We get
email from Earl.
In Texas
they'd make the
Christian license plate mandatory, with
the proceeds going to Perry's campaign fund!
Even though Florida
now has more than 100 specialized
license tags, the Republican-controlled
Legislature may soon add one more: a
colorful license plate that features the
words ''I Believe'' set among a
resplendent sunrise and the image of a
cross in front of stained-glass window.
April 15 -
You think you've got it bad on tax day? That ain't
nothing compared to trying to run for office with Tom
DeLay on your back.
Alfredo tells us, "Tom DeLay - the gift that keeps on
giving. Tommy boy is going to cost the Republithugs a
U.S. Senate seat in Colorado."
Democratic staffers
involved in the 1999 [Abramoff] hearings said that
at that time an extensive Republican effort to
change the subject and quash legislation that would
have imposed strict immigration and labor laws on
the islands was being directed out of the office of
Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas, the powerful majority
leader, and communicated to Republicans on the
Resources Committee.
DeLay was one of
Abramoff's most powerful allies, and several former
staff members were later caught up in a wide-ranging
federal corruption probe that had Abramoff at its
center. DeLay resigned his seat under pressure from
the scandal.
Yeah, DeLay resigned and left his friends hanging.
And he still claims he did nothing wrong. Gotta
love that 'bout Tom - he just keeps on making Democrats
April 14
- Well, I wonder if he's thought of looking in the
want ads under "Torturing Sycophant Idiots Sons of
Motherless Goats?"
Turns out that
Alberto Gonzales is having a hard time finding a job
in that free market economy he loves so well.
Listen here:
Alberto R. Gonzales,
like many others recently unemployed, has discovered
how difficult it can be to find a new job. Mr.
Gonzales, the former attorney general, who was
forced to resign last year, has been unable to
interest law firms in adding his name to their
roster, Washington lawyers and his associates said
in recent interviews.
He has, through
friends, put out inquiries, they said, and has not
found any takers. What makes Mr. Gonzales’s case
extraordinary is that former attorneys general, the
government’s chief lawyer, are typically highly
You know how it is - you hate to spend time training a
guy to be the WalMart greeter just to have him have to
go off to prison.
They say he's making money giving speeches. Isn't
there some law about criminals not being able to make
money off their crimes?
Thanks to Deb for the heads-up!
April 14 -
Okay, back to local politics.
My heart got all a'flutter this morning
over my morning newspaper when I read that GOP State
Representative Charlie Howard, founding member of the
Fort Bend Christian Coalition and self-described Tom
DeLay BFF, is pondering on running for the State
Senate seat that Kyle Janek is resigning in June.
And state Reps.
Charlie Howard, R-Sugar Land, and Scott Hochberg,
D-Houston, also are considering running ....
Oh Holy Mother of Crash and Burn, this is the best news
for local Democratic political pundits since Dean
Hrbacek announced he was running for Congress.
Charlie Howard is so much fun to kick around because he
takes hypocrisy and arrogance high enough to see the
lights of Memphis.
Short description for you folks from foreign states:
Think Tom DeLay with more money and less good looks.
That's Charlie.
Yep, that's a picture of Charlie campaigning next to
Tom DeLay on election day in front of Sugar Creek
Country Club. Charlie is the shorter one on the
left. In real life, he's to the right of Tom, but
still shorter.
I've got some good stories about Charlie because the
two of us go back years and years. One of my
favorites involves a personal moral confession he shared
with me a decade ago.
I was asking him why he kept his horses on land owned
by Fluor-Daniels, giving Fluor millions of dollars in
agricultural tax abatements over the years.
Charlie admitted to me that he paid Fluor a "small
amount of money" to keep his horses there and so it was
a win-win for everybody.
"Not me," I hollered. "I don't win. You get
a cheap place to keep your horses. Fluor gets
millions in tax abatements. And I get diddle squat
except higher taxes to make-up for what Fluor and you
aren't paying."
Ole Charlie looked sheepish and says, "I am a Christian
but greed is my one shortcoming. I pray about
I kinda got red in the face and grabbed his shirt and
said in that real mean voice I have, "Well, dammit,
Charlie, here's the answer to your prayer - quit taking
other people's money that don't belong to you. You
need me to go set a bush on fire or something so you can
hear that?"

Charlie and I haven't been close as you'd suspect since
I have other great stories about Charlie, many of them
on tape, and him running for higher office just gives me
an excuse to dust them off.
Come on, Charlie, do it. Dean came in fifth -
prove you can do better than that. You're the odds
on favorite for fourth. Think of the bragging

Well, Susan .... I was all willing to
come to work for you .... and then you
had to go and defame MEMPHIS .... Home
of Elvis and Cybill and THE ORIGINAL Al
Green ..... I was devastated .....I'm
still a dang good secretary in need of a
job .... perhaps we can chat -- AS LONG
do so love your commentaries :)
Yo Susan,
Looks like Charlie
himself wrote his own campaign
"I am a Christian
but greed is my one shortcoming. I
pray about constantly."
Yep, sounds just
like Hot Tub Tom. Except for the
prayer part, of course. Looking
forward to more Charlie stories.
Your Dam Yankee
Friend in Spring,
I'd like to feel sorry for you kids
in FBC over the possibility that
Charlie "Baby Bugkiller" Howard
could be your next State Senator,
but frankly, we-uns in District 7
already have our own arrogant
hypocrite to worry about:
 |
 |
don't know if he Dan Patrick on the
right would be much of a politician, but
he'd be less of an embarrassment, for
Susan, you forgot to mention that
Charlie used to quote the Bible saying
that men should be the leaders in this
country. Some GOPer women got him
to quit saying that. Even they
were embarrassed.
April 14 -
My friend Carol in Vermont thinks
that if Vermont is too cold for me, maybe I'd consider
San Francisco.
Check this out. No, really, click that sucker.
There are a group of people in San Francisco who want
to name their sewage plant after George W Bush.
That is dandy!
However, that last time I was in San Francisco, there
was a Gap store on the corner of
Haight Ashbury. That just seemed so wrong.
Which brings me to another email I got this morning.
I think my other displaced Texan friend who moved to
Vermont, Squire Al, was a bit miffed that I mentioned
Carol but not him when I was discussing Vermont last
week. Yes, I have two friends in Vermont.
That information would required that I resign my
membership in the Daughters of the Alamo so please keep
it quiet.
Anyway, Al found reason to send me this picture with a
note that says -
Susan, Have you ever asked yourself where the
producers of this world would be without the
consumers? Attached is a pic of a producer
(Ben Cohen, ice cream producer) and a consumer (Al
Wright). Haven't met Jerry yet, but hope to one
day. Al, Squire Extrordinaire

My friend Al, where Chunky Monkey got its name.
April 13 -
And to round-out our weekend fun, Nancy sent us these
pictures taken by a friend of hers.
Nancy, who is a longtime friend of mine, says, "A
friend sent this to me. This
was on Hwy 59 S. near Sugar Land. You can
see Williams Tower in the background, so you know it's
on the northbound side."

And there's another ...

Susan, I'm pretty sure the 'ladder
car' is just step 1 in making an art
think it was very sweet of you to edit
out the Bush/Cheney bumper sticker on
that car.
Obviously, he's on his way to the
Mexican border to sell that 11 foot
ladder for a large profit after Lou
Dobbs and Nick Lampson build that ten
foot fence.
April 13 - One
more reason why I love Texas on Friday nights. Can
you name one other place
where a trailer shoots itself to death? Okay,
so maybe Mississippi, but not with such flare!
I just love the whole, "I dunno what happened officer.
I was using my ammo dump for an ashtray and then I went
to the bathroom and ....
ANGLETON — Constant ammunition fire kept Angleton
firefighters away for more than an hour Friday night
as they watched a trailer home burn to the ground.
Firefighters responded to the fire in the 3700 block
of CR 34 at about 7:30 p.m. Friday. As they pulled
up, the heat was setting off ammunition inside the
trailer, preventing them from getting near it,
Angleton Assistant Fire Chief Hardwick Bieri said.
“I was told there were guns and ammunition all
throughout the house,” Bieri said. “We backed away
because it got too dangerous.”
Standing a few feet away was Ben Salazar, 52, who
lived at the home with his son, Adrian Salazar, 16.
When asked where he would stay Friday night, Ben
Salazar said solemnly, “I don’t know what I’m going
to do.”
Adrian Salazar told firefighters he was smoking a
cigarette in his bedroom and went to the bathroom.
When he came out, he noticed his room on fire, Bieri
Thanks to Kathy, my foreign correspondence down the
road, for the heads-up on this one.
And then there's the complications ----
While firefighters monitored the blaze, insulation
melted off an electrical wire, causing a transformer
across the road to catch fire, Bieri said.
“There has not been a quiet moment,” he said as
rounds of ammunition continued to fire.
Sounds like the only thing that could top this is if the
first day of deer season fell on the Fourth of July.
April 13 -
We get emails with cool political ads ---
Found this
on David Agren's website, "The
not-so-lowrent correspondent". David is
a Canadian reporter now working for the
Mexico City News.
A little too intelligently designed?

April 12 -
Okay, it's a long time past the March primary, but
Pasadena Mayor John Manlove, crushed GOP candidate for
CD22, is still has his tacky illegally placed signs in

It's on a fence between an apartment complex and an
elementary school.
Look, I realize that Pasadena ain't exactly a garden
spot, but why does in think he can leave his garbage all
over my hometown?
Come get your sign, nincompoop.
11 - You know how you keep hearing about that
18% of America who still support George Bush?
Well, wouldn't you know it - he lives around the
from me. The crankiest old man in the entire
greater Houston area lives about a mile from my house.
Bubba says the old coot keeps that sign in his yard
because he knows I have to pass by his house to get to
my best shopping buddy's house.
He has the last moldy old Yeehaw Bush! sign in the
entire world.

Used to be that every stinkin' Republican had one of
those signs in their yards. Slowly, they started
coming down in the middle of the night as the war got
You don't even see Bush bumper stickers around
here anymore. But, by golly, this old fart is
standing by his man, no matter that both of them are
dumber than bean dip.
I'll let you be the first to know when he puts a McCain
sign in his yard.
Bush bumper stickers
disappearing --
It’s only because the rapture
has begun that you don’t see any
of those on the roads these
days. Those vehicles with the
Bush bumper stickers are
gathering dust, and mold, in the
garages of those special few
that have already been called.
Maybe that cranky old man has
been called too, thus the mold.
like there are
more nuts than peas in the
Peanut Gallery.
Did you see that "Family
Guy" episode last week with the
Star Wars satire? At the
beginning they show the famous
opening scene where the Imperial
cruiser captures Princess Leia's
space ship. As the infernal
warship goes past the camera
there's a bumpersticker on the
rear, "BUSH/CHENEY"--what a
hoot! Today Iraq, tomorrow
April 11 - My
friend Carol up and moved to Vermont a few years ago.
We stay in touch with email and I even sent her a
Goode Company
pecan pie (simply the best) when she had surgery
last fall. It is a scientific fact that pecan pie
will cure anything. One day I'm going to get a
Nobel Prize for all the research I've done in proving
Anyway, Carol keeps telling me that I need to move to
Vermont because they have much better politicians than
we do. She even sent me a signed Pat Leahy
tee-shirt to sweeten the deal. Well hell, truth be
known, Louisiana has better politicians than we do.
Abilene has better politicians than we do. We are
the whale poop on the ocean floor of politicians, so I
didn't take her bait.
Then came Bernie Sanders. Carol was staff on
Bernie's campaign. That's hard to top in the
desired goals of political junkies. She sent a
Bernie! tee-shirt.
And she knows Ben and Jerry personally. I imagine
that honor includes some free ice cream.
So, I was semi-seriously pondering on packing up and
moving to Vermont where my politics wouldn't stand out
like black roots on bleached blonde hair.
And then today I get an email from Carol. I'm
sitting here in shorts and tee shirt, overlooking my
garden in full bloom and then Carol writes me ---
than the dog shedding up a storm, getting rid of her
winter coat, the attached picture is the only sign
that winter may soon be over. Of course there is a
blizzard in MN and our weather comes from the west
except when we’re blasted by the Montreal Express.
I ain't moving to no damn Vermont.
April 11 -
When Republican voting officials can't prevent Democrats
from registering to vote, they just resort to
physically attacking Democratic candidates.
A Republican voter
registration deputy faces battery charges after he
tackled a newspaper reporter and hit the Democratic
6th District congressional candidate after a
contentious Delaware County Election Board meeting
this afternoon.
The meeting had just
ended when Will Statom, GOP registration deputy and
secretary of the local Republican Party, attacked
Star Press reporter Nick Werner while Werner was
interviewing Ball State University student Johanna
Perez about hundreds of last-minute voter
registrations for Democrat Barack Obama’s campaign.
Statom had just
walked past Werner when Statom turned around and
pushed Werner against the wall, grabbed him and they
fell to the ground, according to witnesses.
Okay, so my question is this: Was it an anger
attack or just flirtatious erotic playing man to man?
With Republicans these days, it's hard to tell.
10 - Okay, an old buddy named Brian showed up at
my joint a few minutes ago with this.

con diablo, Shelley.
In that picture that Brian that an empty bottle of
Yuengling Lager? It's a poor substitute for
Saint Arnold's but we are fortunate enough
to live near the Elk Creek Cafe and Aleworks
so the lack of Saint Arnold's products is
not noticeable.
I remember when we first moved
to Houston we were amazed to see that
Rolling Rock was considered exotic. Last
month I saw Shiner Bock given the same
treatment up here.
Ms. Chelsea was here yesterday evening and Ron Paul is scheduled for
tonight. Did you ever notice how much
Chelsea looks like Veruca Salt from Willie
Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? (The
original version with Gene Wilder, not the
recent remake with Johnny Depp.)
Don A.
10 - Okay, NOW I finally get to buy a copy and
read for myself how he lied, lied, lied about me.
According to his spiffy new website,
Tom DeLay's book is
now selling for one cent. No, really.
Okay, so I know that's still too much. I mean, a
penny can also buy ... ummm ... let me think here ....
uh .... well, one penny buys diddle squat in this
Republican economy.
However, the next time somebody complains about the
rising price of gas, groceries, housing, hair spray ....
you can step up and announce, "Yes, but one cent still
buys a piece of Tom DeLay."
April 10 - You know how I believe it is my
solemn duty to bring vital news about my community to
people from those unlucky foreign states, so ---
The Pecan Grove Fire Volunteer Department seems to be
lighting more fires than they are putting out.
First, it was
ta-ta fires.
Now they've got flaming tempers at board meetings.
LeDoux refused to
release the names of firefighters, saying that the
department is a nonprofit corporation and not a
government agency. Since the department is not a
public agency, LeDoux said, it is not obligated to
release such information.
Minchew challenged LeDoux’s refusal.
“So, therefore, as a private group, you do whatever
you want to do?” Minchew said. “Obviously that’s the
problem that’s been going on with the fire
department. You’re trying to hide under the
corporation and you’re a firefighter.”
LeDoux repeated that the department was not a
government agency, only to have Minchew again accuse
him of “hiding.”
“Here we go again, we’re hiding under the
corporation,” Minchew interjected.
LeDoux turned in his seat, pointed at Minchew and
shouted that he was not hiding.
Well, Cowpoke, it appears that nobody is hiding
nothing over there at the fire department.
I mean, if that ain't irony, I ain't a short redhead
with way too much time on my hands.
And how the fool tarnation the Municipal Utility
District got involved in this investigation is one of
those Texas mystery things only understood by downtown
Houston law firms who charge major bucks to be the only
people who understand.
Anyway, the sheriff's department is spending perfectly
good tax dollars investigating the legal fact that some
grown woman flashed her hooters and hiney at the fire
department when no one was there except somebody armed
with a camera and a sense of humor.
But, the Boys at the Sheriff's Department are gonna
solve this crime before sunset because there's boobies
My bet is that all these fellas are going to have a
dozen or so meetings about this, get the Greater Mount
Hope and Utopia Baptist Church Ladies' Missionary Union
and the Republican Men's Club involved, and find
themselves some pictures of nakkid lungs.
We just have all the fun in Richmond.
You're right. Y'all do have all the fun
down there. All our local
does is, like put out fires. How boring!
April 10
- Locals will not want to miss
Hal's farewell tribute to Shelley Sekula Gibbs.
It's a damn hoot.
But, think about sad old Dean Hrbacek - that
unfortunate dude
lost the election twice!
April 10 -
You just gotta love a guy who brings back good old Henry

And they said no one could top Cheney. Honey, you
ain't seen nation building yet.
Thanks to Bob for the heads-up.
let small children see this, it could do
serious emotional harm. Indeed, adults
may find it difficult to sleep at night.
Dr. Strangelove endorses McCain.
April 10 - And
Kellybee has another treat for us ---
I'll just let this
explain my latest set of pitchers:
As a
veteran of the Armed Forces, I find
tin-plated little poseurs like this
"tough guy" from North Carolina both
annoying and offensive...
April 9 - In local
results, County Commissioner Tom "Mr. Hawaii" Stavinoha
got himself beat in his own primary. Greg
Ordeneaux whipped him like a red-headed stepchild.
Interesting side note - if you recall, I got
a testy letter from Ordeneaux's sister jumping me
with the comment, "My
thoughts are people you have nothing good to say about
them, generally resort to finding fault in others. Think
about it---", which we think comes close to meaning that
I shouldn't be writing.
Well, she needs to save her lectures for her brother,
who ran a very negative half-page ad against Stavinoha
the week before the election. Yo, Paula, Rock's on
the phone - he wants to talk to you about glass houses.
On the Democratic side for that race, it was a tough
choice. Bubba and I gave money to three of the 5
Democratic candidates because good people should be
encouraged to enter politics. The race stayed
clean and on the issues. Richard Morrison was the
victor. He'll take it in November because nobody
except 15 Houston lawyers and some concrete salesmen
wants a tollroad through the heart of this county.
Paula say whaaa?
Again with the grammar already!
My thoughts are people? My thoughts
are: people? Your are people nothing
Did she go to school with
Miss Teen USA South Carolina?
to see
this go to waste ---
Stavinoha Campaign
2402 Standing Oak Ln
Richmond, Texas 774691816
02/01/2008 DIRECT CONTRIBUTION 300.00
April 9 -
Well, the customers are really split this morning about
the GOP CD22 race.
Earl says --
So long
So long Shelley
So long Shelley
Beat like a rented mule!
But Dennis
sends a picture with his message ---
Apparently, out new Republican running for District
22 can't hire campaign people any smarter than Silly
Shelly. Outside my polling place at precinct 2088
were three signs. Apparently he doesn't know the
guy he wants to emulate and replace moved that
precinct out of his district in the big fiasco a few
years back.
The attached pic is for possible public consumption.
I am also sending
a link to a photo where someone obviously felt the
same way I did, but used a word an election
judge would never use where momma might read it.

I'm so excited; we get to choose between a
DINO and a DeLay clone who could be one of
the Village People.
Sam in Pearland
you might like this. Olson supporters are
as silly as Shelley.....

And my
friend John Coby down in Clear Lake makes a
strong statement about GOP State
Representative John Davis -

Hey Juanita - did you catch those
ads for SSG calling Mark Foley a
"disgraced liberal" ?
Ah well, it was fun while it lasted.
Does anyone know when
Hot-Tub-Tom's plane is landing? I read
that he is flying in from his home in
Old Virginny to rally the dupes to
support Olson's campaign. The twins and
me and the twin's mom wanna go down and
welcome Tom with a bash in our homespa.
Tinfoil hats are optional.
April 8 -
Well, it's runoff day here in Texas and Earl says "there
they may be NO joy at Casa Bankston tonight," because
all the rightwing nutcases have left the glowing shadow
of Shelley Sekula Gibbs and hitched up with Tom DeLay,
Jr., Pete Olson.
Ed Hendee made robo calls yesterday for Pete.
Yes, that would be Tom DeLay's big buddy Ed Hendee.
And then
Dan Patrick, who is our local Rush Limbaugh except
for the cigar and charm, came within inches of jumping
up and screaming, "I'm Dan and I'm the man. I love Pete
because he's the treat!"
Yeah, Earl's right. It'll take a little work on
my part to list all the dirty money and Tom DeLay
backwater that ends up in Pete Olson's grab-bag of
goodies. But Sekula Gibbs writes herself.
April 7 - UPDATED
Well, CD22 candidate for Congressbimbo, Shelley Sekula
Gibbs, just dumped another $25,000 of her own money into
her campaign.
It ain't about money, Honey, it's about stoopid.
UPDATE - and if you're
voting in the GOPper primary, don't think the
information about Shelley is going to make your choice
any easier --- Her opponent,
Pete Olson got a $2,000 contribution from the
leadership PAC of Rep. Hal Rogers (R-KY). Rogers
made CREW's 2007 list of
the 22
Most Corrupt Members of Congress.
So, it's Bimbochick vs. Tom DeLay, Jr. Heck of a
April 6 - You
just gotta love those Looneytarians! I took this
picture at Highway 59 and FM 762 today.

Apparently this one is saying, "The government should
leave us all alone, uh, well ...., except for that
woman's uterus over there."
Babe, this creeps me out. There it was right there
on the side of the road with the garage sale, cracked
windshields, and house for lease important public
So, I search
online and I discover that this dude is real worried
about "preborn Americans." Uh, I guess that makes me a
predead American. Who's worrying about me?
However, this guy apparently ain't worried at all about
the Texas Ethics Commission because there is no
disclaimer on his sign and the sign was illegally place
in a right of way. So, I might just have to give
him something to worry about. I think he might be
a prefined and preconvicted American.
Look, Guys, it's okay with me if you want to be a twit.
I'm fine with that. Just don't do it on my way to
Maybe the
poor soldiers serving their 4th and 5th
tour of stop- loss should be called
"pre-dead". Hopefully that would get
the masses mobilized to stop the
A while back
I was reading a article about the
"Vaginal Police". Yes you read that
right. Seems down in South and Central
America many of the countries have
banned abortions. Any time a woman
comes into an emergency room with
vaginal bleeding out comes the "Vaginal
Police" they are their to write report
and arrest women suspected of
having illegal abortions.
The particular story I read about was
this woman in her 30's who had 4
children and her husband had left her.
She was pregnant and because of money
decided not to have the child. The
abortion went wrong she ended up in the
hospital and shortly after in jail.
Now her children are being raised by her
mother and she is sentenced to life in
Does it not give you hope for the day
when we too can look forward to the
"Vaginal Police"?
So he's the
Libertarian? Say what you want to
Susan, and I know you will, but in no
way is he nuttier than Gibbs or Olson.
is it that the folks who are so
concerned with pre-Americans are
always the same ones blocking health
care, education, civil rights,
housing, etc. for anyone from their
moment of birth on? Is it because
they are only concerned with the
unborn and not the undead?
Someone wiser than me pointed out
that they get re-interested in the
undead when they are old enough to
enlist in the military, but then
lose interest in them once again
when they return from service,
especially if they are disabled in
any way.
Bumper sticker politics can be a
tough game to score sometimes.
April 5 -
Shelley Sekula Gibbs, listen up, you store- bought
blonde bimbo. We natural blondes are getting
madder than a wet hen over the reputation you're giving
all blondes. Not all of us are dumb enough to
spend perfectly good American cash money to send
Republican campaign mailers to triple D Democrats who
voted in the Democratic primary. This is the
second one I got from you in two days. And, yes, I
am keeping count of this, as a matter of fact.
Mercy, woman, what is wrong with you? I hate to
be tacky about this, but you could use some of that
money on a decent pair of shoes and a purse that doesn't
look like you're toting around Ecuador.
I know you're powerfully upset that Pete drives a
Mercedes, doesn't trim his hedges, and brutally killed
the potted plant in the urn at his doorstep, but
Democrats don't give a big bear's butt about stuff like
that. Seriously, we don't. Okay, so maybe we
will in November, but not now. Right now we don't
care which of you two double-digit IQ, opportunistic,
money grubbing sons of a motherless goat get the
(The preceding message was paid for by the Write In Dean
Hrbacek Campaign, Juanita Jean Herownself, Treasurer.)
that's the liar-flyer I got too. It says
that--"Shelley is endorsed by leaders of
Texas Border Volunteers for her hard work to
SECURE our borders, ..." Well, I looked
them up and they are a hoot! Here's their
merchandize page, and they've got BADGES and
everything! Oh and here's a photo that
mastheaded their Events page, showing the
TBV "on the job." Hey, I think even Bubba
could qualify. Some of their "Operational
Photos" (Menu on the left hand margin) give
you the flavor of the group--yeah they hang
around gunshows a lot--no, A LOT.
more from Earl
Yeah, it's
also kinda ambiguous, isn't it? Shelley
claims to have been endorsed by "leaders" of
the Texas Border Volunteers, for what it's
worth, NOT the organization itself. Maybe
she's been talking to DeWayne and DelMar
Krumpdorf down at the Sunset Leisure
Trailerpark. I'd also be interested to know
where her "100 percent rating from the
National Right to Life organization" comes
from. Yeah, you cast ONE VOTE their way and
it's 100% alright. With Shelley trying to
pin her down on some of her "facts" is like
trying to nail a glob of jelly to the wall.
She even explains away "asshole Republicans"
by calling them "liberals!" But the fact
that the only campaigning she's capable of
is negative tells you a lot about the
woman. You'd think Olson was behind 9/11 if
you didn't know better.
... and
Earl ain't finished yet ----
Yeah, I
was right! Shelley's vaunted "100 percent
rating from the National Right to Life
organization" refers to their Congressional
Scorecard for the 2005-6 Congress, where
there were 11 votes tallied on abortion
issues. Silly Shelley was only able to vote
on the last one, the "Unborn Child Pain
Awareness Act," so since she only had one
vote and voted their way, they listed her as
"100%" kosher! Oh, and her endorsement by
the "Susan B. Anthony Fund, an organization
dedicated to electing pro-life women . . ."
According to Source Watch, almost HALF the
candidates they've supported have been
ANTI-CHOICE MEN--even against women
candidates who are pro-choice. She just
repeated what they say in their promotional
Reminds me
of that old saying, "The more she talked of
her honor, the faster we counted the
April 4 -
Alfredo is afraid that the GOP is
preparing to steal the election. Again.
It appears that they're already doing it. Where?
Florida, of course.
(AP) -- Florida can
temporarily enforce a law that disqualifies any
voter registration where the Social Security or
driver license numbers on the application can't be
matched with government databases, an appeals court
ruled Thursday.
The 11th U.S. Circuit
Court of Appeals in Atlanta said a lower court
shouldn't have ordered a temporary injunction in
December that prevented Florida from enforcing an
anti-fraud law that dismissed applications when
matches couldn't be made.
Plaintiffs sued in
September, arguing the law could easily and unfairly
exclude people based on simple mistakes. For
example, if someone got their driver's license
number wrong by one digit, they could be prevented
from registering.
Holy Katherine Harris in a sombrero! When are
Democrats in Florida gonna take their state back?
April 4 -
Okay, so now I'm going to show you people from foreign
states how CD22 GOPper candidate Dr. Shelley Sekula
Gibbs got the nickname Dr. Silly.
Remember that $50,00 she loaned her
herownself? Well, now we know why she needed all
that money. Bubba and I got a campaign mailer from her
yesterday. Yep, Bubba and me - two people who
voted in the Democratic primary and who cannot, by law
of the Great State of Texas, vote in the Republican
run-off. A list of that information cost $5.00 at
the elections office.
But, nooooo..... she spent $50,000 to save $5.
Shelley wanted Democrats to see how clever she is with
the Dean Hrbacek trick of replacing heads on bodies, and
she was willing to pay big bucks for this 4 page full
color mailer to send to people who cannot vote for or
against her. You need to make a note of that
Click the little one to get the big one.
This sucker goes on for 4 pages and will be a dandy
reminder that cowboy boots make Pete Olson's butt look
And, speaking of big butts,
Tom DeLay's brother Randy the Lobbyist just dropped
$1,000 into Pete's campaign.
So, you got your choice this runoff - you can vote for
a silly girl or Tom DeLay, Jr.
Me? I am encouraging a "Write-In Dean Hrbacek"
Dear Susan,
I have an online friend who lives in Houston
who recounts just hearing a radio ad today
for Shelley Sekula Gibbs.
Here is what he says:
heard a radio ad for the batchip crazy
political performance artist Shelley Sekula
Gibbs - taunting her opponent for the repug
nomination over contributions from various
pacs which have - omg - also given to dems.
But what really jumps out in the ad was some
line attempting to tie her opponent, Olson,
to Mark
Foley, the quote - "disgraced
LIBERAL", period.
Ahhh, Shelley, Her Holy Highness the
Emperess Kathryn 'pink sugah' Harris herself
got nothin on you. You go girl. "
Just wondered if you or anyone you know has
heard this radio ad? Anyway it was too funny
not to relay.
Yeah, I got
the 4-pager some days ago. Just got a
two-pager the other day: "Pete Olson has
lived in D.C. so long, he's acting just like
a seasoned Washington Insider--Mixing Up
Facts. Twisting The Truth--it's the
Washington Way!" Then the back is full of
"Fact Checks." Awwww, I don't think Silly
Shelley would know a Fact that she couldn't
explain away if it bit her. And Yes, I
voted in the Democratic Primary, so she's
preaching to the heathen again. Just to
make sure you know that Olson isn't a real
Texan she has grafted a photo of his head
onto a cartoon body that's wearing a suit &
tie! Doesn't that just SCREAM "illegal
alien?" But it's great seeing the two wings
of the GOP duke it out. Olson's a hired gun
sent in by the Lobbyist Wing to blast open
the government spigot, while Shelley is the
Whackdoodle Wing's great white hope to
restore insanity to the 22nd District.
Hell, it's like they cut Tom DeLay in half
and he's running against himself!
April 4 - I
almost always read Mark Morford because he's a dandy
wordsmith, making words dance around the page in a
little jig that makes other editorial writers seem like
they've got a bum leg.
Kathy sent me his column this morning even before I
finished my first cup of coffee. I didn't need the
second cup because Morford's stuff is far superior to
Yes, it is.
The very best thing
about Barack Obama
No, not that. Or
that or that or that. It's that other thing, deeper,
crazier, intuitive
Nope, it's not what
you might think. The best thing about Barack Obama
has almost nothing to do with him as a person or as
a leader or even as Oh My God The First Black
President Who Could Really Change Everything I Mean
Wow. It's not even the wondrous oratory power or the
charisma or the sweet sense of deeper change
overlaid with all kinds of sparkly utopian
futuriffic goodness.
There is, I think,
something more. Something richer. And it's rather
Treat yourself to a fine read this morning.
Susan, Gawd I'm
glad that you're there pointing the way to
these really good articles. This one has
really moved me. It's dead spot on and I
want to thank you for pointing the way.
Squireless today as it snowed again.
April 3 -
Hal found something very interesting. Two
people, supporting the same Presidential candidate
(Hillary Clinton), a very different view of what
happened at the convention. I think the comment
(s) at Hal's site are interesting, too.
April 3 -
Earl says, "Do your job well, vote GOP, and still get
fired because you're suspected of
being a WITCH!"
The Justice
Department's inspector general is investigating
whether a career attorney in the department was
dismissed from her job because of rumors that she is
a lesbian.
...At the height of the scandal over the fired U.S.
attorneys, Goodling admitted to making personnel
decisions about career Justice Department lawyers
based on improper partisan considerations.
"I crossed the line of the civil service rules,"
Goodling told Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA) at a
congressional hearing in May 2007.
I'm going to say it twice in one day: John Edwards
needs to be Attorney General.
April 3 -
My friend Lenny in Arkansas sent me this and asked me to
share it with you. By the way, if you're ever in
Hot Springs, Lenny knows all the best places to eat.

Well, when you elect two Republican Texas oil men to the
White House, just be glad that a gallon of gas isn't $10
and a pint of blood. Oh wait, it is.

April 3 - It
must GOP CD22 day! My email box is filled with
happy little things about the CD22 kiddos.
Kellybee has fun with photos again ---
Not that us peeps here in the Third Largest
County In The U.S. feel the need to tell
CD22ers who they should send to Congress,
but...couldn't you come up with a better
Olson than "Pete The Pirate"? Permit me to
suggest a couple of alternatives:
one on the left is helpful, makes a great
cup of coffee and has a delightful
Scandinavian accent. The two on the left,
while occasionally annoying, are cute and
feel at ease in front of a camera (great for
those C-SPAN moments).
And someone knew I'd love
Alan Bernstein's snark in this morning's Houston
Chronicle --
Pressing her theme
that Olson is a newcomer, Sekula Gibbs chided Olson
for incorrectly saying the local NASA facility is
the "Johnson Spacecraft Center." But on the health
care issue, Sekula Gibbs said the doctor's oath of
"first do no harm" is "caveat emptor" in Latin. The
phrase means "let the buyer beware."
I don't think English is her strong point, either.
April 3 - Alfredo's
emails are always filled with good
First off, he lets us know that CD22 GOP Official Nutty
Lady Shelley Sekula Gibbs has
loaned herself more money to the tune of $50,000, so
if she tells you that you need a boob job, it might be
that she really, really needs some more billboards.
On another note, you know how your Aunt Clara and your
Momma are always sending you links that they call "a
must read?" And then they call you on the phone
later to give you a test to make sure you read it?
Well, Alfredo doesn't do that. In all the years
he's been sending me really good stuff from the world of
bigtime politics in Washington DeeCee, this is the first
time he's sent something he calls a must read.
I'd do it if I were you.
Unfortunately, the
public hasn't heard just how nonexistent the voter
fraud epidemic actually is. While progressives have
successfully challenged some of the most restrictive
laws in court, they're still playing catch-up when
it comes to combating the glib sound bites of
voter-fraud alarmists. Republicans and the Bush
Justice Department have cloaked their schemes under
such noble-sounding concepts as "ballot integrity."
The GOP's vote-suppression playbook features
everything from phony lawsuits to questionable
investigations to authoritative-seeming reports, all
with the aim of promoting restrictive laws. These
tactics were first perfected in the hotly contested
swing state of Missouri.
Democrats have taken their eye off the ball and it may
cost us another election.
Let me add my opinion. I sincerely hope that
whichever Democrat wins in November, they will
immediately appoint John Edwards as Attorney General.
I want my country back, dammit.
April 3 - If
you heard the Hallelujah Chorus coming from Richmond
last night, it's because all the paperwork for the State
Democratic convention is finally done.
I will tell you, however, that I am very cranky today.
I've run out of nice, and I'm highly likely to whip your
rear so hard that it shines in the dark if you even look
at me like you're gonna get whiney on me. I had
some woman get on my very last nerve last night.
I'm gonna spend the day with you guys, catch up on my
emails, and romp around the backyard with Truman.
I'll get started in a few minutes, so tune back in
later today.
April 2 -
Okay, I've got some girlfriends -- both Clinton and
Obama supporters because we get along down here --
coming over today to help with piles of paperwork for
the State convention that has to be postmarked by
tomorrow. Hell, our feet still hurt from Saturday,
and someone expects us to work?
As with any girlfriend get-together, it will involve
hard work,
a serious look on our faces, and much
wrangling over proper procedures.
Chairman Richie, if you're reading this, we want you to
know that we take our job real seriously. You know
how it is -- a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, and
a woman's gotta do the rest.
I tell you, I just KNEW it! You are my
kinda gal, for sure. The superior
intelligence of having a work party at a
winery indicates why the Dems are gonna win
this thing - hands down. I just wish I coulda
been there to help - like lick envelope
flaps and flavor them with some good Merlot
or Zinfandel. The pictures of you dedicated
and tireless workers has inspired me to go
pour myself a glass of Merlot and raise a
toast to you all. Salut!!!
Dear Marie - I
hate to admit this, but we did the work at
my house. However, the wine came from
a little local winery down the road in Kemeh.
Excellent Texas wines. Susan
April 1 - And
speaking of Pete Olson being easy to whip in November
(see below), here's some ammo ---
the FEC wants to know what Olson is hiding about his
campaign loans.
Come on, Pete, you're making it too easy.
April 1 -
Alfredo has sent us some interesting information about
Capt. Love Boat, CD22 GOP candidate Pete Olson.
It seems that the leadership PACs of former DeLay
acolytes Eric Cantor (R-VA) and Tom Feeney (R-FL) have
dumped money into the Olson campaign against Shelley
Sekula Gibbs.
Darlin', Pete Olson is Tom DeLay in an old sailor suit.
Heckfire, they even have the same sleazy and
violence-prone campaign manager, Chris Homan.
Now, here's an oddity:
noticed an article on Politico where Chris Homan
says, "Democrats want nothing more than to say that the
nominee is the person picked by DeLay. That’s their hope
and dream."
Duh. No, wait, that's not what I want to say.
I don't want to say "duh." I want to say - Double dog
duh with a cherry on top and some of them little
sprinkle thingys.
Olson's got DeLay's campaign manager, DeLay's friends,
DeLay's contributors, DeLay's supporters, DeLay's email
list, and as far as I know, he might have been awarded
DeLay's little black book of best golf courses, big
cigars, and hot babes.
But nooooooo, he's not picked by DeLay.
Holy IQ points, how stoopid does he think we are?
And then yesterday I get an email from Olson saying
that the Democrats want Shelley to win because she'll be
easier to beat in November. As proof of this
valuable information, he quotes an unnamed "prominent"
blogger who says, "I want Shelley Sekula Gibbs to win
because she will not only be the easiest candidate for
Lampson to defeat in November, but also because we all
should be in for a few laughs between now and then."
Oh yeah, well, Honey, if you have a blogger saying it,
you can take it to the bank and get a car loan on that
Well, here's better proof, Mr. Olson. As a
not-even-close-to-prominent non-blogger, I say we can
whip you so bad that you'll have to unzip your pants to
see out. That's a promise.
Welcome to the website formerly known as The World's Most
Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.
My name is
Susan DuQuesnay Bankston.
I live in Richmond, Texas, in heart of Tom
DeLay's old district. It's crazy here.
No, seriously, it's triple z crazzzy.
I used to be an independent voter, but that all changed when
I got to know a few local Republicans. They are meaner
than 10 acres of snakes and have the ethical compass of a
bank robber.
So, I
decided that they could just Kiss My Big Blue Butt.
A lot of
what I post here has to do with local politics, but you
probably have the same folks in your local government.
This ain't
a blog. Blogs are way too trendy for me. I've
been doing this since 1992, so I'm used to it even if you
Email me
and I'll find a place to put it if I like it.