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If you'd like to make a comment, email it to me
Email comments are in the blue boxes.

August 31 - I've been pondering on this.
     I do not know why McCain didn't pick Katherine Harris instead of Sarah Palin.
     Same hair-do, same policies, same ta-tas, same vision for America ---- except Katherine Harris has more experience and got more votes. I mean, even when she lost, she got more votes.
     Think about it - he picked a candidate who can't hold a candle to Katherine Harris. 
     Girlfriends, that's scary.

I think McCain's strategy is to out-Obama the Dems on the issue of change and reframe McCain to look like a maverick by proximity to Palin. Harris represents Jeb Bush and the remnants of the Bush Empire. She is part of the old guard administration and closely linked to the Bush family. McCain wants to distance himself from the Bushies, except as his think tank and memory prompters.


August 30 - The best.  No, seriously, the best.
     And McCain thinks Obama wants to be a celebrity?

August 30 - For those of you asking, I live southeast of Houston.  We are not evacuating.  We're bringing in the potted plants, taking down the birdhouses, and checking to make sure we have enough Blue Bell ice cream to make this a worthwhile hurricane. 
     (A tip on hurricane preparedness:  if there's a hurricane in the Gulf, go buy your favorite brand of Blue Bell ice cream.  Then, if the electricity goes out, you are forced - forced, I tell you - to eat the whole danged thing.  This tip brought to as just another free friendly customer service of KMBBB.)
     I'll let you know if things get bad enough for me to go buy gas to fire up the generator for the hot tub and Margarita machine.

August 30 - Saturday morning laugh from Signe Wilkerson ---

August 29 - Oh no, they're not gonna get away with this one. 

Republican officials said yesterday that they are considering delaying the start of the GOP convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul because of Tropical Storm Gustav, which is on track to hit the Gulf Coast, and possibly New Orleans, as a full-force hurricane early next week.

The threat is serious enough that White House officials are also debating whether President Bush should cancel his scheduled convention appearance on Monday, the first day of the convention, according to administration officials and others familiar with the discussion.

     Dude, look, Bush didn't have a speech to cancel during Katrina so why this sudden need to be Presidential after 8 years of doing diddle squat.
     Here's how I figure it (1) they're trying to figure out a way to lose Bush completely during the convention, (2) they don't want to follow on the heels of Obama's speech, and (3) they need some time to teach Sarah something about ... I dunno ... America, maybe. 

August 29 - Just heard that McCain picked Gov. Palin.  I guess he's flip-flopped on that experience thing. 
     Yep - if McCain stops breathing, we get a one term Governor for Commander-in-Chief.  Worked great with Bush, didn't it?
     And then there's this picture of McCain text-messaging his Vice Presidential pick ---


I think he picked a woman so he wouldn't be the only boob on the ticket.

Sam from Pearland

I tell ya, I am amazed, gobsmacked, stupified -- and any other superlative I can't think of right now!  The man has lost his mind -  or what passes for one. To think there are Americans who will actually vote for that ticket is beyond belief!!  The obligatory woman , however smart or well meaning she is, is in for a very rough row ahead.  McCain and Palin vs. Obama and Biden!! --- no comparison.

My big Obama sign  is up in my picture window now.<G>


A heartbeat away from the Presidency?  Why does he feel the need to surround himself with former beauty queens?  And, btw, I thought he also opposed celebrities. 


He picked her because of her experience raising five kids.  She'll be able to cut his meat in bite sized pieces at state dinners (this is going to be so much fun!!!!!)



The website might come  down soon.  Palin had a website up to lobby for the VP job.

Found this through the UK Independent.  She thinks she's another Thatcher.


I am so offended that McCain passed over qualified women to pick an inexperienced beauty queen.  However it is not the first time he's used a beauty queen to further his purposes.  What a cad he is.


Susan - have you seen this?  Astounding!


Isn't it sad that the knuckle draggers think that we females will vote for someone just because she has the same body parts that we have?

Dear Susan,
   One of the boys on Capital Hill Blue wrote this:
She's more conservative and pro oil than Dick Cheney.
She's more anti-abortion than Mike Huckabee
She's more ultra-religious than most televangelists
She's a firm believer in Creationism, hates those who teach evolution.
She's about to be indicted for firing a State Commissioner who refused  to fire her ex-brother in-law Mike Wooten.
She's pro drilling off shore
So, do you think that the Repugnicants are trying to re-energize the Falwell-ites or what?

Don A

August 29 - Okay y'all, as most of you know, my favorite color is shiny.  My second favorite color is red (which does not please me since that's the official color of the Destroy America Party, but it was my color before it was theirs, dammit.)
     So, when my friend Sybil in Albuquerque sent me a package that arrived yesterday right before the convention coverage started, I was breathless, speechless, and weak-kneed.
     No, I'm serious.  This is one of those things you need to prepare yourself for.

     Sybil sent me a Barack Obama purse.  It's red.  It's shiny.  It's Barack.  That alone is a triple.  However, it is also lined in red velvet.  Oh, yes.  It's a homer.  And the little glitter pieces in the red are pure hall of fame.
     My friend Bev tried to steal it before the convention started.  I had to slap her and yank her hair to keep her hands off MY purse. 
     You really have to see this sucker to appreciate the handwork on it.  Barack isn't just printed on there.  No, siree. He's cut out and sewn piece by piece. 
     You've just got to get you one so you won't try to steal mine.
     And here's the fun part.  It's made by "The Kraft Ho" (would I lie about something like that?) in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  You can email her at and see if she will make you one.  Sybil tells me that they come in red, green, yellow, and black.
     Sybil was worried that I wouldn't think it's as crazzzzy artsy as she does and that I wouldn't like it.  Is she nuts?
     Me and my purse will be attending Democratic events all over the State of Texas between now and November. If you're real nice, I might even let you pose for a picture with it.
     I'll be posting more pictures of last night's festivities later today over at the Fort Bend Democrats site.
     It was a real treat last night to get calls from Christina Walsh and Chelsie Wilson who were at the stadium in Denver.  I imagine that was the best place on earth to be last night. 
     And yes, I thought the speech was perfect.

August 28 - Barbara and I want this tee-shirt. 

     The woman wearing it, Dorothy Baltrusch, of Billings, Montana, is 89 years old.  Barbara and I aren't, but we're close enough to feel the varicose veins.

August 28 - Woo, woo.  Lookie here.  Just in time for the big Republican party next week.

Since his conviction on fraud and conspiracy charges, former lobbyist Jack Abramoff has spent more than 3,000 hours helping more than 100 law enforcement agents in an ongoing federal corruption probe that has implicated "scores of other persons not yet charged," attorneys said in court filings today.

The Post's James V. Grimaldi reports that the extent of Abramoff's cooperation was described in documents from both prosecutors and defense lawyers. They are seeking leniency from the judges who heard the two cases that landed the Republican influence broker in federal prison in Cumberland, Md.

And then ----

The court papers indicate an extensive ongoing investigation by referencing a document that is sealed because it contains grand jury information. Still under investigation are former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) and retiring Rep. John Doolittle (R-Calif.), among others.

     Ain't we got fun!
     Thanks to Deb for the heads-up!


August 28 - Uncle Cletus is in Denver, y'all.

August 27 - Okay, you want to know the definition of "hard up?" 
     Well, here ya go.  The Riverside County Republicans have cornered the market on it. 

Riverside County Republicans are bringing in former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay as the keynote speaker for their annual Liberty Dinner.

The black-tie-optional fundraiser will be held Oct. 4 at Morongo Resort and Casino.

     Yep, Tom's doing the casino circuit.  Next week he'll be appearing at local supermarkets wearing an apron, plastic gloves, and offering bite-sized pieces of yummy Ted Steven's Alaskan King Grab Soufflé. 
     $125 for a ticket?  Honey, people won't even pay $0.01 for his book
     You really need to go read the comments from the locals at the bottom of the article.  They are darned funny.

August 27 - From my friend El Galloviejo -

Loved your worst president endorsement item.  Just curious who is Jimmy Carter endorsing?


August 26 - And from the We Get Email file ---

Dear Susan,

I’ve got a question.  Just what does Olson do for a living?  On his website, last time I checked, it says what he what his job was (aide) up to 2007, but then…nothing.  Is his whole job running for congress?   


Dear DRK,

Contrary to popular belief, he is not Captain of The Love Boat.

He is, in fact, one of the Village People.


Susan, that was a cheap shot.  I will tell you what Olson does for a living.  You know how Phil Gramm's shoes are always so shiny?  They are personally hand licked by Pete Olson every morning and every night.  I hardly think that's unemployment. 

Hey Zeus

August 26 - Well, just in case you were wondering where John Cornyn gets all that money for those fringed jackets, it appears that the gusher has come in for the fella.

Republican U.S. Sen. John Cornyn — a top congressional proponent of expanded domestic oil drilling in an effort to reduce gasoline prices — is among the nation's largest recipients of political donations from the oil and gas industry.

In fact, among the top seven federal candidates financed by the oil industry this year, Cornyn is the only one who was not seeking the presidency.

Almost $500,000 has poured into his re-election account from the industry since 2007, including more than $50,000 from people and political committees associated with Exxon Mobil, according to statistics compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan group that tracks federal campaign finance.

     So, next time when you're paying through the nose at the pump, just remind yourself that some of that money is going to Big Bad John Cornyn. 

August 26 - I promised pictures today to let you folks from foreign states know how we convention watch in Texas. 
     First, there's food.  You cannot have a gathering of more than 3 people in Texas without food being involved.  It's the law.
     We had a nice turnout at both Fort Bend Democrats Headquarters.  Since I could only be at one, I know you're shocked that a woman of my skills hasn't mastered that time-travel thing yet, all the pictures I have are from the Rosenberg Headquarters. 
     Up above is a picture of Violet with her famous Jamaican meat pies.  She was easily the most popular woman there last night.  Bubba ate so many that he spent the rest of the night on the couch at the headquarters belching, not that that's different from any other night.
     Morgan, our office manager, liked the cupcakes best.  Since we left him to clean up the mess, we pumped him full of sugar before we all left.  He's young; he can take it.
     Our guest of honor were Charles and Connie Meisgeier, parents of Melissa Noriega and in-laws to Rick Noriega.  This is Connie with Geri, Vice President of Fort Bend Democrats. 
     And I thought you guys would want to see our Wanda, the artist who designed the shirt you all bought and continues to inspire us
with ideas and plans.  She's also a pretty darn good Southern cook and internet wizard.
     I'll post more pictures over on the Fort Bend Democrats website later today so y'all can see how to party right!  I'm waiting on pictures from the Missouri City headquarters and will post them, too, as soon as they arrive
     We're having another big event on Thursday night with free hot dogs and apple pie.  Feel free to drop by and make memories with other Democrats.

August 26 - My life is ruined.  Ruined, I tell you
     Some big city fancy-pants mainstream-media reporter just ruined my whole life.
     Folksy liberal gadfly? 
     Folksy liberal gadfly?
     Does Mr. Alan Bernstein have any idea how difficult he's made my life around my family now?  From now on, all my Christmas presents will be addressed "Folksy Liberal Gadfly."  They'll put it on my birthday cake instead of my name.  My brother will even give up calling me "Crabbait" for this one. 
     Aunt Earlene even called to say that now they've all quit pondering what to put on my tombstone. 
     Someone even suggested that Bubba should give me a silver compact engraved with FLG. 
     Folksy liberal gadfly. 
     All my life I've wanted to be sexy liberal intellectual.  But, nooo....
     He's ruined my life.  And, I have the distinct impression that he kinda enjoyed it.

Susan, In the true spirit of America and Yankee Doodle- put a feather in your hat and call it macaroni. Wear your new title proudly. And thanks for keeping me smiling up here in Aggie land.


As you know, you've been called worse.  Even by people who like.


August 25 - If you're in town tonight, come on by and watch the convention with us.  I'm even actually cooking something to bring - an activity that my kids used to refer to as "a Kodac moment." 
     I'll have pictures tomorrow.
     And I forgot to mention - we sold out of the tee-shirts.  I'll put up some more ways to weasel donations out of you later this week.  We're even going to do this again.

August 25 - My friends at Folo tell us how low we've sunk when Mississippi is laughing at us.
     It's entitled, "Why Tom DeLay Loves Pretzels."  It's funny, Honey.
     Tom's lawyer is contending that it's okay to laundry money, as long as it's in checks instead of cash.
     Listen up!  Mississippi is laughing at Texas.  Dear Lord, Tom DeLay single-handedly changed our name to The Mediocre State of Texas.  Okay, that's not exactly true, George Bush helped, but Tom did the heavy lifting.

August 25 - Ellen sent this ----

Just when you think the Texas Republican Party is lower than whale poop, they manage to drill deeper.

And Brian emailed ---

I don't know if this is an ad aired where you are, but it sure has the ugly production values to go with the ugly message. Shameless .

     The American Dream, my big blue butt.
     Dammit, John McCain "earned" his wealth by dumping his first wife when she wasn't pretty enough anymore  and marring a child bride who also did not earn money - she inherited it.  That might be considered The American Dream in Republican families, but not in mine. 
     Obama:  One spouse, one house.
     The Republican Party of Texas:  Nitwits on Video.
     I guess they come by it naturally from the ground up.


I'd forgotten about the compadres, but watching it made me wonder if the next Republican caught doing something he shouldn't in public can say that he was just trying to keep change from jumping out of his pocket.


Susan - thank you for saying outloud what others are saying behind Lampson's back.  If he stands for nothing, he'll fall for anything.  It's hard to believe he's the best we can do.

Joan in Clear Lake

The Obama video reeks of Tina Benkiser. 

Sam in Pearland

Hey there Juanita,
If we can talk about Obama's half brother in Kenya, can we talk about Cindy (snake eyed mean girl) McCain and her half sister?  You know the one...Cindy claims she was an only chile, except there's another kid in the family treehouse...and Cindy wound up with all the family money.
The Reptilian party really does miss the obvious, obviously.


August 25 - Oh dear, Momma ain't gonna be thrilled.  I got my name in the big city newspaper again and I didn't know it was coming so I didn't warn her to come up with a cover story about why her baby girl, who certainly wasn't raised that way, uses the word "butt" in public
     Momma, I'm sorry, but kiss my big blue patootie just isn't as funny.  Plus, people from foreign states might not can spell patootie correctly so they'd never find me on the internet machine.
     If you're here to look up what I said about Nick Lampson that day, click here.  It was not the nicest thing I've ever said about him, but it wasn't the worst either. 
     And, by the way, just in case you're wondering ---bi-partisan means that it's something that both Republicans and Democrats can agree on.  It does not mean voting Republican just for the heck of it.  There is, however, a term for that, too --- poopie del pollo.
     But even on Lampson's worst day, he's smarter than Pete Olson.  Which ain't saying much because I've seen tadpoles smart enough to grow into frogs.  Olson couldn't do that. 

August 24 - My friend Kary in Maryland, who lives just 26 miles down the road from George Bush, was born and raised in Conroe, just up the road from me.
     So, he could hardly help himself ---

     Lincoln with an Obama button.  Hey, it's at Kary's house.  It has to be true. 

August 24 - Well, the devil's breath is a little closer to Tom DeLay's chubby rump today. 

An appeals court has upheld money-laundering indictments against two of former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's political associates, finding that the Texas law is not unconstitutional vague or overbroad.

"The challenged statutes give constitutionally adequate notice of the conduct prohibited and sufficiently determine guidelines for law enforcement," said Third Court of Appeals Justice Alan Waldrop in a 46-page opinion issued late Friday.

     Two things that make this even more fun---
     1.) That was Tom's DeLay's defense.  He says the law wasn't the law when he broke it.  Wrong.
     2.)  The three judge panel who decided the appeal?  All Republicans. 

August 24 - I have been reminded, not very politely I might add, by several folks, Ann did win the Veep pool.  She is, however, in Denver, probably shopping for something real cool to bring back to me.  She promises to call me several times during the convention so I'll let her know she won!
     So, Dr. Ann, you're the winner!

August 23 - Oh, yes!

     After hearing Joe's speech, I'm happy as a toad frog under a dripping faucet.  We're gonna get an America as good as Americans!

August 23 - Nobody won the Veepstakes here at KMBBB. 
     I'm happy with Biden.  My friend Norma says that getting Biden is kinda like getting socks for Christmas - you know you need them and that you'll use them, but it really wasn't what you were hoping for.

August 23 - Happy Saturday from Jack Ohman -

August 22 - We get funny email from Mickey, who is getting an early start on the season  ---

Hi Susan,
Thanks for your website. I'd flunk a Wasserman before I'd miss a day. Anyway, Merry Christmas and here's my list:
  1. I wish the candidates would spend time and money addressing the issues
  2. I wish the Rove School of Mud would be closed so we could dig out from under the smut
  3. I wish discussion of who is rich, who is a celebrity, who is old and who is not christian enough were banned from the discussion
  4. I wish the disgruntled would ask themselves if they seriously want four more years of bushwah*
  5. I wish the hate mongers would find Jesus
  6. I wish news programs would be cut back to only 12 hours a day
  7. I wish the quadrennial juggernaut for the presidency would be limited to a six month all-out hair pulling and eye gouging fight, then have a vote and be done
  8. I wish the fairness doctrine would be reinstated
  9. I wish the America I grew up with could be resuscitated**
  10. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

*bushwa |ˈboŏ sh wä| (also bushwah)

noun informa/rubbish; nonsense.

ORIGIN early 20th cent.: from French bourgeois, now used as a euphemism for bullshit

 ** to make something  such as an idea or enterprise active or vigorous again


August 22 - Now, this is funny. 


     No bullets in his gun, huh?

August 22 - My friend Christina Walsh in Spring Branch is headed out to Denver today but leaves me with this quick note about trip --

I won't have a laptop, so I wont be around to see who won the betting pool, No worry if I didn't get in time to get into the postings online, but I'll take my chances & send in my 5-- See you on the tube !! Have a great watch party ! I prefer Clark but I predict the billiards room...with the lug-wrench

     I love that woman.  She promises to wave at me if she gets on teevee.  So if you see Christina waving, it's for me.
     Well, and for Momma.  Momma just adores Christina, too. 


August 22 - If, like me, you're wondering what the fool tarnation happened to Joe Lieberman on his way to total nuttiness, you'll enjoy this article, which includes these tidbits ---

But we digress. Lieberman used to be a perfectly good senator, but somewhere along the line he began thinking of himself as being above the partisan fray, and it had a terrible effect. When he ran for vice president, he was so busy being pompous that he didn’t notice that Dick Cheney had won the debate. (Of all the negative achievements in Lieberman’s career, it’s hard to top making Cheney the most likable man in the room.) During the Florida vote-counting crisis, he was so deeply unhelpful you could argue that it cost Gore his chance at the White House. I plan to go into this point in more depth in my upcoming book, “How Joe Lieberman Ruined Everything.”

AND --

But let’s get back to the Democrats. Who will Barack pick? I don’t care. Just as long as it’s somebody in the same party.

     It's a fun Friday read.

August 21 It is one of my beliefs that a person should be sane enough to (1) make and keep airline reservations, even if there are connecting flights, and (2) know all their children's names, preferably in birth order.  Any sanity beyond that is just wasted effort.
     I need to add something else to that list.
     You need to know how many houses you have and a general idea of where they are located.  Not necessarily the zip code, mind you, but maybe the state or even something like, "somewhere up northeast over there." 

Senator John McCain said in an interview Wednesday that he was uncertain how many houses he and his wife, Cindy, own.

"I think — I'll have my staff get to you," McCain told Politico in Las Cruces, N.M. "It's condominiums where — I'll have them get to you."

     Now, I have trouble keeping up with my scissors so I have no idea how many I have.  And I'd probably have to go count before I could tell you how many pairs of shoes are in my closet. 
      But, houses?  Unless they're counting the little plastic ones in the Monopoly game in the upstairs closet, I'm pretty sure I can tell you how many I have.
      Heck, Honey, I'm so sane that I can even tell how many cars I own. 
     I will know I have ventured into areas where even God doesn't go when I have to have my staff keep count of my houses. 
     Another question - if you don't know how many houses you have, how will you know if one goes missing?     Or where you put the damn scissors?

August 21 - Thanks to Beth for this great find at the Jed Report
     John McCain says he would have chosen both Cheney and Rumsfeld.
     That's all I need to know.


August 21 - Happy Thursday from Tom Toles --

     And Mark says it'll be Hillary on Saturday.
     Dale says Caroline Kennedy on Saturday.
     Carl says Bayh today.
     Cathy says Bayh tomorrow.
     Kirk says Hillary tomorrow.
     Betsy says Hillary on Saturday.
     Ann says Biden on Saturday.
     Ricardo says Kane tomorrow.
     Sorry if I left you off.  I messed up my email.

August 20 - I dunno, maybe they didn't fumigate the office well enough after Katherine Harris left.  Her replacement Congressvarmint made the news ---

The explosive allegations indicate that Buchanan and his dealership employees may have taken part in conspiracy, fraud, and retaliatory personnel actions. The plaintiffs, mainly former employees, describe incidents in which Buchanan and his staff appear to have violated campaign finance laws, hired undocumented workers, bilked customers, threatened employees, sent fraudulent information to banks, and misappropriated funds.

     Of course, this activity may qualify him to be McCain's running mate.

August 20 - Okay, so Bubba and Bubba II think it's gonna be Saturday and it's gonna be Hillary.
     Viv says Thursday, Biden.
     Kary says Friday morning, Kane.
     Kathy says Thursday, Hillary.
     Melanie says tonight, Chet Edwards.
     Jon says tomorrow, Gore.
     HeyZeus says tomorrow, Biden.
     Marie says Thursday, Biden.
     TJ says tonight, Bayh.

     ---- and thats' a good sampling of the emails I got.  If everybody keeps their promise, we'll make a couple hundred bucks for the good folks at Fort Bend Democrats, and get a Vice President at the same time.

August 19 - Kary sent us the quote of the day --

"George Bush's record as a student, military man, businessman and leader of the free world is one of constant failure. And the part that troubles me most is he seems content with himself. He will leave office with the country $10 trillion in debt, fighting two wars, our international reputation in shambles, our government cloaked in secrecy and suspicion that his entire presidency has been a litany of broken laws and promises, our citizens' faith in our own country ripped to shreds. Yet Bush goes bumbling along, grinning and spewing moronic one-liners, as though nobody understands what a colossal failure he has been.

I fear to the depth of my being that John McCain is just like him," - Jack Cafferty, CNN.

August 19 - Rats

And much has been made of a counter clue: Sen. Joe Biden has been uncharacteristically quiet recently.

The senator from Delaware, just off a two-day trip to the republic of Georgia, has been quickly rising to the top tier of VP contenders.

On Tuesday, Biden drove a white pickup truck past a group of reporters and said only: "I'm not the guy. See you."

August 19 - I'm betting it's Joe Biden and I'm betting it's tomorrow. 
     Anybody else want in on this bet?
     I'd be happy with that choice.  Of course, I can't think of a Democrat I wouldn't be happy with. 
     Okay, here's the rules for getting into this action.  You win, you get bragging rights right here in front of God and Aunt Clara Mae.  You lose, you put $5.00 in an envelope and mail it to Fort Bend Democrats, BOX 785, Richmond, Texas 77406.  All bets must be on the table by midnight tonight.  (Extra bragging rights for picking the right time of day.)

August 19 - Okay, we've got some fun stuff this morning.
     Carol Ann sent us a little test to tell which Presidential candidate you should support.  I fell somewhere between Obama and Nader so I guess I won't be voting for McCain.
     And Deb, who always sends cool stuff, thinks the Belles of Heaven Republican Women's Club might finally get dates to the VFW dance.  However, they'll have to relocate - which ain't a bad thing either.

Life can get a little lonely for bachelors in the Australian Outback mining town of Mount Isa. So the mayor has offered up a solution: recruit ugly women.

     And, according to Deb, Newt Gingrich's third wife has apparently goosed him silly.  He's now claiming that air enriches big oil.  Really.  Newt speaking ---

Well, I got a very funny e-mail from a retired military officer in Tampa who pointed out that most tire inflation is done at service stations and you pay for it. And it’s actually a higher profit margin than selling gasoline. So Sen. Obama was urging you to go out and enrich Big Oil by inflating your tires instead of buying gas.

     So big oil now owns air?  I knew that Newt was breathing something weird and now we know what it is.
     Finally, Stephanie in Arlington writes,

I thought maybe I'd see this already on your page, but I don't, & I don't want y'all down there to think you have all the Texas crazies. Let's all move to Harrold, Texas, where they now allow guns in schools! wooo hooo!!!!

     Yeah, but they have to use ammunition that is designed to minimize the risk of ricochet in school halls, which sorta takes all of the fun out of that "hit an innocent bystander head-on instead of by ricochet."

August 18 - If my county government was trying to scare me half outta my wits, they were successful.
     Click the little one to get the big one.
     Okay, I dunno about you, but this is a real goose pimpler for me.
     First off, that's a river bank, not a ocean.  There ain't no sand in that picture.  If it's the ocean, it has to have sand.  That's the rules. 
     This is a river with a tsunami, bygawd.
     And that tsunami isn't going upstream.  It isn't even going downstream.  That sucker is going across the river.
     Holy guacamole!
     No wonder that guy is wearing a suit down to the river bank. I'd dress-up to see something like that myself. 
     So, is my government trying to tell me that it's likely that there's a tsunami coming across the Brazos River, so I better go buy myself a suit to give it a proper welcome? 
     That ain't gonna happen, Honey.  Not this girl. 
     If there's a sudden outbreak of river tsumanis, I'm heading to San Antonio where they have their river properly surrounded by big walls and a shopping mall to protect against such events.
     So, when I went to their website, this is what I get.  There's nothing about tsunamis.  There is, however, frightening stuff about flu.  They've got seasonal flu, bird flu, and pandemic flu.  They don't have diddle squat about tsunami crosswise river flu. 
     I ain't joking about all this.  My local government sent me this in the United States mail.  It was, however, mailed from Santa Ana, California, where they probably have all manner of odd occurrences on their rivers. 
     And there's even a magnet on the back so I can remind myself daily at my refrigerator door that there's some scary stuff out there, and most of it is in local government. 

August 17 - Y'all this is me and Suzy Allison this afternoon in Brazoria County at the Donkey Fest.  Suzy and I have been fighting Tom DeLay from opposite ends of the district since 1984.  No, I am perfectly serious.  1984.  Hard to believe we were even born then, huh? 
     Heck, there wasn't even teh internets back then - we had to call each other with smoke signals. 
     Twenty five years later and you tell
me who looks better for the wear?  Us or Tom?  Suzy and I do, dammit.  Not even a contest, huh?   
     No, look.
     We are
two fine looking Democratic women and Tom DeLay looks like he spent the night in the dishwasher.  Honey, he's an eyesore.  He couldn't even get the tide to go out with him. 
     Suzy and I like to think we had something to do with that. 
     By the way, Kathy (who you see here sometimes, and is in this picture) and Sam from Pearland were both there, too. 

     This was only half the room - the place was hoppin'.  Brazoria County Democrats are making a whoppin' comeback. 
     And, yes, I had my picture taken with the donkey but I'm not going to put it here so you guys can ask which one is which.  I ain't stupid.  Okay, so maybe I am a little bit, but I'm certainly not that stupid.

August 17 - Do I hear an Amen?

The Texas Ethics Commission is considering a recommendation that would make politicians pay fines themselves when they break rules on campaign finance, rather than having political donors pick up the tab.

"If you're paying a fine with someone else's money, there is no personal accountability," Ross Fischer, an ethics commissioner in charge of drafting recommendations to the Legislature, said in a story in Saturday's Austin American-Statesman. "When I talk to the public, that offends them more than anything."

     Ho boy, that ought to really get Republican County Judge Bob Hebert and Republican Commissioner Andy Meyer's attention the next time they want to play cutsie with their campaign accounts.  The only words those boys hate worse than "It's your turn to get the check," is "personal accountability."
     And while we're at it, here's another good idea.

The idea was included Friday in a draft copy of recommendations, which also included a suggestion that lawmakers decide how to address bloggers paid by or affiliated with campaigns.

     If getting pretty tired of paid political campaign bloggers trying to act all independent.  Sorta ruins the whole purpose of a citizen's internet, doesn't it?

August 17 - ON EDIT:  Check out pictures and commentary at Hal's Place.

More pictures to come after I get home from the DonkeyFest in Brazoria County this afternoon, but I thought you'd like to see how Democratic volunteers dress at a party.  They dress fancy, Honey!

     See, I told you those shirts would make you look hot!

August 16 - Okay, dudes and dudettes, it's the big opening weekend of the Fort Bend Democrats Eastside Headquarters.  Expect pictures tonight or tomorrow morning, depending on how much partying I do.  Hope to see you there!
    Thanks to all of you folks from foreign states who have ordered the tee-shirts and those who just sent money.  The home of Tom DeLay is gonna elect Democrats, thanks to your help!

August 15 - Republican fight in Needville!  Everybody duck!

   A battle line has been drawn in a county office in Needville, and only glass separates the warring factions.

    The facility houses Fort Bend County Precinct 1, Place 1 Justice of the Peace Gary “Ike” Fredrickson’s office on one side and Constable A.J. Dorr’s on the other.

    Fredrickson said his office employs five women and is so busy and crowded, they are “sitting on top of each other,” while Dorr’s office employs one clerk — Dorr’s wife, Sandra.

    “My girls work hard and Sandra kind of goes and comes when she wants,” Fredrickson said, “so these girls got tired of it.”

     If AJ and Ike wanna fight, I'm just getting out of the way.  Don't ever get between a JP and a Constable in Needville, Texas.  I've heard that people have died doing that.

August 15 - Thank you, Ben Sargent, for a Friday morning grin.

August 14 - Ya know, we told him that if he went to bed with them, they wouldn't respect him in the morning.
     But Nick Lampson thinks he's cute enough to turn their heads.  He's not.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce agrees with Rep. Nick Lampson on energy policy and gave the Democratic congressman an award in April for being "an effective ally to the business community."

Republican challenger Pete Olson is diametrically opposed to the business federation on what to do about the 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States.

But today the Washington-based coalition of millions of businesses will endorse Olson for election on Nov. 4 to the 22nd District U.S. House seat.

The chamber, which lobbies for trade agreements and against many labor union initiatives and proposed business regulations, said the endorsement makes sense despite the candidates' stances on some of the biggest issues of the year.

     So, Lampson voted their way, and laid down with the dogs.  All he got up with was ... fleas.  Now Lampson has a plaque, but no money and no votes. 
     One day - one day, dammit - Blue Dog Democrats will learn that Republicans will use you, abuse you, and then lose you. 
     One other piddlin' little thing that drives me nuts.  How come the Chamber can speak for themselves, Olson can speak for himself, but Lampson has to have a "campaign consultant" speak for him?  If that ain't "inside the Beltway", I don't know what is.  For goodness sake, tote your own luggage, cast your own vote and speak your own voice. 
     Grrrrr ..... that whole danged thing just made me real cranky.

August 14 - We've got a few odds and ends this morning.
     Fran just sent us a short Ellen clip that will put you on the floor.  I do not know Gladys from Austin, but she sounds exactly like my Aunt Verdelia from Dallas. 
     And Alana from Austin (via West Texas) sent us this really cool world renowned artist in Austin named Guy Juke who did a really cool Obama print.  I bought one this morning and thought you might want one, too. 
     I am told that they'll soon have tee-shirts and tank tops.

August 14 - New shirt.  For a twenty measly dollars American money donation

     Say "hi" to Marsha.  She's holding it up.

August 13 - Oh Goodness Sake, Mr. Nicklus responded to my legal team. 
     This is his actual email.  I'm not kidding.  You can come to my house and read it yourself on my computer machine.  I am not making this up.
      Okay, now look, it took him two years to find the old entry that got him all a'twitter so it's apparent that he ain't the brightest light on the Christmas tree.  Be kind to him because I think he fell without his helmet one time too many.
     Here we go - the first one came at 3:44 p.m. today.

HAHAHA....Well just remember one thing here. In the end when McCain does kick Obama mommas ass we can sit back and laugh at your ignorance. I can not wait until that day!!! I have sent out your "BLOG" info to all of the RNC members I know and my family knows. Jeff was laughing at the way you think that the bike Delay was sitting onwas his. It is NOT Delays. Its is the National Rifle assosications motorcycle. Get your facts straight. Oh and we also built George Bush Jr. a motorcycle at OUR expense...Yes we donated the bike to the RNC and Bush himself.
So in the long run I will get the last laugh out of your kiss my ass or worlds most ignorant democrat woman salon campaign. In thjis freedom of speech thing we both get our laughs and opinions I guess. But I like the truth to be known about Jeff Nicklus and not lies be spread by some little parasite such as yourself.
But then again no hard feelings MAM. Sorry for the SIR commentary, the writing was in male form but then again who knows.
Part of the Obama is just an Anti-Christ in disguise campaign.

     Then three minutes later -----

Also, just a question of curiosity. How did you do your blog style site? That is a neat little deal within reason. I mean Im not siding with a democrat here in anyway but person to person what program are you using to run it?

     I can really attract them, can't I? 
     Imagine my horror at being reported to all the members he knows at the RNC?  I wonder if those are the ones on parole, indicted, under investigation, or the ones still in jail?
     Uh, I think I'm not going to respond because he used up all his IQ points on "commentary," which he thinks is a high falutin' way of saying "comment."

Well, wooo wooo to you too!  hilarious!  when iclicked on desperado etc nothing came up.  must be pretty bad huh?


As per your August 12th "non-blog" entry -

I checked out the Desperate Motorcycle tubesite and they's got pictures of women draped on their products whose hair is bigger than their butts.  This is something that has universal support amonngst all good Texans.

Is it possible for you to replace the pictures previously posted with some cheesecake alternatives?



You are even braver than I suspected.  Taking on bikers, even if they are the wimpy Republican ones.


Dear Susan,

    Do you suppose that Conrad "Don't Call Me Connie" Nicklus knows the definition of "proofread"?

    He's not all that subtle.  Please tell me what you use to run your web site so that I can try to hack it.

Don A

Well Susan, You do attract some gems.  Does he really think George W. Bush is a Junior???  I feel so much more secure in a Democratic Sweep now!


Dear Susan: 

Now that we’re back on the same side (my one regret about my support of Hillary Clinton is that it put us on different sides, sort of, for a while), I have something to say: I taught school for a long time, and I can recognize a moron when I see one, even in print. Conrad Niklus is a moron (as if you didn’t know). Even this dumb damn computer underlines his spelling of his name in red. Not only that: he didn’t invent that spelling; he got it from his mama and/or daddy, so they must be morons (or sister and brother), too. Logic is logic. 

 Wonder how many generations it takes before you get to the redneck biker stage? 

Anyway, Juanita couldn’t have done him in any better. You haven’t lost a thing while I’ve been away hollerin’ for Hillary. 


August 13 - You know that part of the brain that George Bush is missing that helps you make a complete sentence when you talk?
     Well, Hon, John Cornyn caught the same darn thing.

Cornyn said in a speech to the Greater Houston Pachyderm Club that past elections were important, but not as important as this one, because past elections are, well, in the past.

Here's the quote:

In every election I know you have people who say this is the most important election in our lifetime. And I am not going to disappoint you. This is the most important election in our lifetime, because it is about the future. And sure we've had important elections in the past, but they are just that, in the past, and this is about the future.

August 13 - Deb gives us a heads-up that Rush Limbaugh is a real pig.  She writes, "Sometimes I can't help but wonder what, if he reincarnates, he would come back as." 
     (Momma, don't click that link.  It'll just upset you. Limbaugh thinks everything bad that happens is because women don't "use their mouths for something other than talk," and he don't mean eating ice cream either.) 

August 13 - We get email from Don A.

Dear Susan,

You know the flap about tire inflation and how Senator McSame has been poking fun at Senator Obama?  Well this evening after work I got on my bike and headed over to the library -- it's about 10 miles away. 

After I'd gone about 100 yards, I noticed the tires were making a louder noise and I looked down and could see that they were a little bit low.  But I figured -- oh what the heck, if I go back to pump them up it'll waste 3 or 4 minutes.  So I kept on going. 

WHAT a mistake.  After about 5 miles it began to feel like I was pedaling through wet sand.  It took me about 15 minutes longer to complete the round trip and I could feel the difference in my legs.

So keep your tires inflated -- it really does make a difference.

Don A.

August 12 - You knew it was bound to happen.  Somebody threatened to sue me.  No kidding.
     A lot of people have lawyers.  I, however, have a whole legal team and most of them are sober at least half of the day. 
     The following is a real and honest full report of an email sent to me for something I wrote over two years ago on a website I wrote back then, and the response prepared by my legal team, some of who were almost awake that day.

The email ---

----- Original Message -----
From: Conrad Nicklus
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2008 11:23 PM
Subject: April 22nd Legal demand

Here is the deal as per your April 22nd "blog" entry. (
I would advise you to delete the pictures of Jeff Nicklus and the name Desperado Motorcycles before legal action is taken on you and the website.
Again, this is the first and last warning before legal action is taken.
Conrad Nicklus

And the response ----

Our Dear Mr. Nicklus, Ma'am,

Here is the deal as per your rather taciturn letter, which amusingly uses the phrase "as per your," as well as the less than amusingly presumptive salutation "Sir"...

All copyrighted materials appearing on are used in compliance with the Fair Use provisions of United States copyright law covering non-commercial use of copyrighted material for public comment or criticism of a public official or limited-purpose public figure. Image use is also protected under the Fair Use exemption for editorial, satirical, and parody work as determined by the United States Supreme Court in Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc.

Please note that you will be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys' fees) if you materially misrepresent that an activity is infringing your copyrights. Indeed, in a recent case, Online Policy Group v. Diebold Inc., a company that sent an infringement notification seeking removal of online materials that were protected by the Fair Use was ordered to pay over $100,000 in costs and attorneys' fees.

I would advise you that this ain't our first rodeo.

Should you nonetheless wish to continue your legal harassment, you may serve process on your frivolous lawsuit at the following address:

The World's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon
509 South Fifth Street
Richmond, TX 77469

This is the first and last reply before legal hilarity ensues.

In short, Mr. Nicklus, woo wooo.

Department of Legalism and Miscellaneous Annoyances,
World's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon
A Kiss My Big Blue Butt Non-Profit Venture and Colloquium on Civic and Cosmetological Policy

Visit us on TEH INTERNETS @

     (I just love threats.  They make my eyelashes tingle.)

You reckon this is the same person?

Google also comes up with a few hits where he rants about Indian motorcycles being ugly.


August 12 - Okay, some things are just too fun to miss, so I can't let this one go by unnoticed.
     It was sent to me by Carol with the title:  "The Video Barack Obama Does NOT Want You to See."

     Yes, Ellen is most assuredly the better dancer.

August 12 - Well, sometimes reporters are just stoopid, especially if they're from Fort Worth.
     The Fort Worth Star Telegram ran a story today about the CD22 race here in my home county, where Democrat-When-Convenient  Nick Lampson is trying to hold on to a seat against Phil Gramm's adorable double digit IQ protégé, Pete Olson.
     The reporter was able to spell both candidate's names correctly, and even remembered to start each sentence with a capital letter.  That was about it.

Delay, who has since moved to Virginia to champion conservative causes, has distanced himself from his old district, but two former aides are helping Olson’s campaign. Lampson says the staffers’ involvement suggests that DeLay "has his hand in" the race, but Olson dismisses that assertion, saying he has had no contact with DeLay.

     Uh, DeLay never really moved to Virginia, Bub, and he's home now.  Distance?  Hell,  I see him at the Honey Baked Ham store and local eateries where he tries to get someone else to pick up the tab. 

     Second, "no contact with DeLay," depends on what the meaning of "is" is.  Olson has Tom DeLay's campaign manager, Tom DeLay's party planner, Tom DeLay's email list, Tom DeLay's supporters, and Tom DeLay's blessings.  Honey, if he had any closer contacts with DeLay, he'd have to wear a condom. 
     Look, if you combine Tom DeLay's social craziness with Phil Gramm's economic insanity, you've got Pete Olson.  There just ain't no paved road around that.

August 12 - Thank you, Ben Sargent.

August 11 - Speaking of begging (see below), who wants one of these? 

     Cool, huh?
     I've got some.  Ten bucks to Fort Bend Democrats and I'll mail it to you personally.

August 11 - For those of you keeping score at home, Tom DeLay now has a new scam - hacking into your home computer.
     Yeah, he sent me a  email this morning begging me to download this sucker so he can make money off me. 
     So that's his latest money-making deal.  Honey, he's come so far down so fast from his heady days of money-making with Jack Abramoff that he has sliding blusters on his butt. 
     Too bad that book thing didn't work out because this dealie doesn't appear to be a bright star of dollar churning machines either.  They now have 8 - count them, eight! - chapters across the vast acreage that is conservative America.  Hey, if even Kansas ain't interested, you ain't going nowhere double quick. 
     And anybody who would turn over their computers to Tom DeLay has what my Aunt Bessie calls "Issues."  (When somebody has major mental problems, Aunt Bessie, who would never speak ill of another person, pulls you up close and whispers, "They have ... well, issues."  I was a grown woman before I found out that issues are not a social disease.)  Honey, Tom DeLay has issues.
     You know, I've done some shameless begging here, but I've never asked you for your computer.

If you forward the Tom Delay email to 8 of your friends, Jack Abramoff will pop up on your screen and toss money around like there's no tomorrow. 

I know it's true, on account'a I read about it on the Internets.


August 11 - Okay, just remember that the people who want you to vote for McCain are the same people who voted for this guy ---

     'Nuf said.

August 11 - Cool, but I still want one of them jet-pack things. 

Scientists say they are a step closer to developing materials that could render people and objects invisible.

Researchers have demonstrated for the first time they were able to cloak three-dimensional objects using artificially engineered materials that redirect light around the objects.

     Just think, if you were invisible, had a jet pack, and and had Truman The Democrat Dog, nobody would mess with you. 
     I've got one out of three and people still mess with me.

August 11 - Okay, so both Deb and I want to know how much they paid Ralph Reed ---

On Thursday afternoon, Republicans around Georgia received an invitation from Reed, who will serve as a host of a “special event” for McCain at the downtown Marriot Marquis on Aug. 18.

“John McCain believes in a strong national defense, a smaller, more accountable government, steady economic growth and opportunity, the dignity of life and traditional values,” wrote Reed, whose 2006 campaign for lieutenant governor sank under the weight of evidence detailing his relationship with Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff — much of it uncovered by McCain’s Indian Affairs Committee.

     And they say Democrats hang with bimbos.  Honey, Ralph Reed is the biggest bimbo on the planet.

August 10 - I've been catching up on my email today and have these fun ways to start the week items for you.
     TS wants us to see how a real southern wedding planner gets advertising.  He says to be sure to click to see the slide show - it's the best.
     And BlueStateBill says, "Neither you or Jon Stewart had anything to say about this important news item.  What's up with that?" 

Gimme an “O.’ Gimme a “K.” What’s that spell? “OK,” which is what a group of 26 cheerleaders are after getting stuck in an elevator they squeezed into Tuesday night. The incident took place at the University of Texas where the teenage girls were attending a cheerleading camp. After the girls jammed themselves into the elevator, the doors wouldn’t open, whereupon several girls whipped out their cell phones and made frantic calls for help. An elevator repairman who was brought in freed the cheerleaders after 25 minutes. One girl went to the hospital after fainting, while two others received medical attention on site.

     I dunno. Slackers, I guess.  No, seriously, Bill, we do not see anything funny about cheerleaders in Texas.  Cheerleading and Rodeo Queening are far too serious matters for me to poke fun about.  We do not even allow wagering on Rodeo Queen contests in Texas.  It's the law, Babe.

August 10 - Bubba paid the ransom and I'm fine.  It took him two days to bargain them down to $4.98 and by then they were willing to pay him to take me back.
     If you wanna know what I've been doing, Hal will tell you.  We have headquarters #1 up and running. 

     The second headquarters opens next weekend and it's gonna be a party, y'all.

     Okay, I admit I was deeply, deeply disappointed in John Edwards.  He was my favorite Presidential candidate, and I was hoping he'd be attorney General in the Obama Presidency.  I think John Edwards would have been a dandy Attorney General.
     I am again wondering why Democratic men get caught in consensual hanky-panky with bimbos, but Republican men are into that real kinky stuff. 
     In the next administration, I think Attorney General is the most important position we'll have.  Cleaning up the mess made by the Bush Justice Department will have a super-hero.  Edwards could have done that.  But nooooo, it's bimbo time!
     Any suggestions for an Attorney General now?

     If any of your Republican friends want to make hay out of what John Edwards did, you might remind them that they don't want to go down that path.

Democrats screw their campaign workers; Republicans screw the country.


Attorney General?  Patrick Fitzgerald. 


"It [is] more a duty [of the Attorney General] to save an innocent than to convict a guilty man." --Thomas Jefferson: Biographical Sketch of Peyton Randolph. ME 18:139


Patrick Fitzgerald - another vote for him.


There's only one name that comes to mind offhand...Patrick Fitzgerald. He just got married a little while back, so maybe he's safe from bimbos for few years. I know he's a republican, but if you ask me, they could use a few more like him.


Bubba.  Uh huh, Bubba.


August 8 - From Kary ---

I just turned on CNN and see that Russia has invaded Georgia. For my money, they could take
Alabama and Mississippi while they're at it.

August 7 - Locals can hold on to their hats because another act of political incest is fixing to break at the DA's office between ADA Mike Elliott and a well-know local Republican political operative.  This one makes the Holden Roofing case look like child's play.
     And it's all going to happen just in time to embarrass local Republicans in November.  Sometimes justice is slow, but she always comes around. 
     Mike Elliott is totally out of control and his boss, the elected DA John Healey, is way too busy with Ms. Elizabeth being a movie star to even care.  Who's pocket are you in, John?

August 7 - Okay, this is war.
     Gotta be the child of my plumber.  Jesus Pepper at Chili's in Rosenberg.

     Okay, y'all, Fran got in on the fight

Dear Ms. Susan:  Once again, thanks for what you do. As a fellow CD 22 resident just over the county line, I am grateful for your perspective: I'm often laughing with you rather than crying.  My church just got ourselves a new preacher.  As a welcome gift we got him a "Jesus Saves!" piggy bank.  (it was sort of  a test of his sense of humor. He passed with flying colors and told us he is considering using it for the offering next sunday.)  Thanks for pointing out the absurdity of using Jesus as an advertising or campaign slogan.  As a lawyer I'm pretty sure that "Christian Trial Lawyer" is a bad idea. 

All the best, KM

August 7 - In the never-ending story of Freaky Republican Men, we have this week's entry
     (No, seriously, have you thought about it?  Are they just taking turns getting caught?  I mean, is this an organized effort to keep Freaky Republican Men in the news so other Freaky Republican Men can get all frisky just reading what Freaky Republican Men do?  You never thought about that, did ya?  Aren't you glad you know a major intellect like me to figure these things out?)

 JEFFERSON CITY -- Missouri state Rep. Scott Muschany, R-Frontenac, was indicted today in connection with a reported sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl on May 17, the day after this year’s Legislative session ended.

And then ---

In 2006, Muschany was a co-sponsor of legislation that toughened sex offender laws. 

     I am telling you the truth - the more they want to pass sex laws, the nastier they are.

August 6 - Okay, so first it was Lord Jesus Used Cars, and then Jesus Died for Your Sins Tires and Whatnot, and now ----

---- God Plumbing Company. 
     Okay, so I know how grateful I am when the clog is unstopped and all, but I dunno if praying over them is gonna be all that much help.
     Honestly, I've been pondering since seeing all this stuff within one square mile of my home.  How 'bout I open "Bob's Church and Baptistery:  Where You Get Your Money's Worth." 
     I think the lines are blurred enough that it'll work. 

     By the way, I airbrushed out their phone number because I don't want you calling them and asking if God can come over and clean your pipes.  I know you'd do something like that.

"For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool: this also is vanity."
Ecclesiastes (ch. VII, v. 6)


I have an idea!   Why not open a drive through Church.  You could just drive up to the outdoor speaker, place your order, then proceed to the pick-up window , pay the  money and receive salvation.  Quick, easy and you never have to get out of your car.  Or you could buy a van and make deliveries.  Maybe call it salvation on Wheels.

August 6 - For those of you who love baseball, Fran sent us this amazing video.  "Just when you think you've seen it all ---"

August 6 - Ho boy, they are one scared bunch of people.
     You know how a Republican has hit bottom?  They start kissing Libertarian hineys

Libertarians continue to enjoy overtures from Republicans who, at least in some circles, worry that third-party candidates could be a factor in close legislative races this fall.

Just days after former state Rep. Suzanna Hupp, R-Lampasas, urged Libertarian candidates to quit key Texas House races, three members of House Speaker Tom Craddick's staff met Monday afternoon with Libertarian leaders.

In the past, Libertarian candidates might get only 5 percent of the vote, but that's enough to determine the winner in a close legislative contest. With the House closely split between Republicans and Democrats, a handful of legislative races could affect the partisan outcome and Craddick's chances to remain the speaker.

      I dunno what chemical reaction happens when Republicans and Looneytarians meet, but there's got to be some sort of unpleasant odor surrounding it.
     The oddest part of the article was from a looneytarian who dropped out, saying that the Republican Party was the lesser of two evils.  Yes, it was a deaf, dumb, and blind looneytarian who had no contact to the outside world for the past 8 years.

August 6 - Our friend Sam from Pearland got another letter to the editor published in the Houston Chronicle today (second letter). 
     The fanatical ultra-right religious wackos drive Sam to charming fits of wordsmithing.  It's a delight to watch. 

August 5 - Okay, Kary sent me the quote of the day!

"I don't know if you know this. John McCain is looking for someone for vice president who has more economic expertise than he does. So congratulations to all of you, you’re on the short list," - John Kerry.

     If nominated I will not accept, if elected ....

August 5 - Swing State has some very interesting numbers this morning that Daryl sent us.


Total gain

White gain

Af.-Am. gain

Asian gain

Hisp. gain







Fort Bend


















     Those of you fixated with numbers (and yes, I'm talking to you Hal and David) will really enjoy reading all the details of the demographic shift occurring right here in our county and across Texas. 
     The rest of you will take comfort in knowing that the Tom DeLay inspired redistricting of Texas lasted just long enough to prove that Republican simply cannot govern.  DeLay may have single-handedly given us two decades of Democrats to come.

August 5 - Ben Sargent knocks it out of the park!

August 5 - Steve sends some good rainy day Republican reading.  (Momma, don't click this link.  There's hanky-panky talk there.)
     Honey, I need that book.  I really, really need to donate a copy to our local library.

August 5 - Well, the storm went east of here.  We got a few sprinkles, which is good because we haven't had rain since 1987. 
     Evelyn sent me some webcams from Galveston this morning. 
     Local news has been on all morning reporting a couple of small branches down on a neighborhood street and gusts of wind blowing some leaves and paper around. One actually showed a three inch puddle this morning, seriously reporting that puddles can be hazardous.  Heck, they bought new raincoats and they'll be darned if they're coming inside.
     I have a tradition that Momma started.  When there's a threat of a hurricane, the first thing you do is go buy a gallon of Blue Bell ice cream.  Then if the electricity goes out, you are forced - forced, I say - to eat the whole danged gallon before it melts.  So, I'm a little disappointed.  There's a gallon of Chocolate Almond Marshmallow in my freezer.

Susan, your logic, as usual, is flawless.

When there's a threat of a hurricane, the first thing you do is go buy a gallon of Blue Bell ice cream.  Then if the electricity goes out, you are forced - forced, I say - to eat the whole danged gallon before it melts.

In late December of 1999, while everyone else was preparing for the Millennium by hoarding generators, candles and dehydrated water,  Gentle Ben and I stocked up on the two things one should never be 
without, especially if the world is about to end: red wine and Snickers.

BTW, the Snickers do double duty: they can be eaten at room temperature (no cooking!) or frozen.

Perhaps FEMA could improve its image by adopting some of our Emergency  Measures.

Big Hug from Big D!

August 4 - So they have no idea when the storm is supposed to get here except "sometime tomorrow" and they have no idea if it's even coming here, and if it does come how bad it'll be.
     My Uncle Melvin's gouty toe was a better predictor of the weather.
     If you don't hear from me tomorrow, you can bet it's because I don't have electricity and it's hotter than a Cadillac hood ornament on a Del Rio parking lot, plus it's wet, and odds are that I'm cranky so you probably don't want to hear from me anyway.
     They've closed the courthouse and the city halls, so I suspect there won't be much foolishness to report on anyway.

August 4 - Okay, so I'm not saying that Barack Obama was at the Fort Bend Democrats Headquarters workday yesterday ---

     --- but I'm not saying he wasn't, either.

     What I am willing to say is that you just gotta love these people.  Make a damn donation or buy a tee-shirt or something.  They're working for you, Babe!

     Meet Don, Wanda, Bev, Geri, and Jack - the only people willing to stop working and pose for my not-a-blog.

August 4 - Okay, so I've got to find the damn umbrella.

     Ole Bubba and me and Truman are not afraid of hurricanes.  We are, however, terrified that developers have been given free reign of the flooding situation in our county by pumping kickback money - er, excuse me, "campaign contributions" - to our county commissioners.
     So, I've also got to find rubber boots and some ladders.

August 3 - Phew! 
     Sex toys are once again legal in the Great State of Texas.

AUSTIN — A federal appeals court turned down Attorney General Greg Abbott's attempt to reinstate a ban on the sale and marketing of sex toys Friday, upholding its previous ruling that the prohibition violated Texans' right to privacy.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in February had struck down the Texas law, which made it illegal to sell or promote obscene devices.

The attorney general sought a rehearing on the matter, decided by a panel of judges. The state argued that the full court should have a chance to rule, but the court turned down the request and said any appeal would have to be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.

     Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott says he hasn't decided if he's going to appeal again.  Right.
     Oh sure, Abbott is going to give up the opportunity to talk real dirty in a legal document that he can force other lawyers to read while he watches. 
     On the other hand, that's about as close as you can come to normal hoochy-koochy from Republican men these days.
     The way Abbott figures it, the only think keeping him from getting lucky is the existence of sex toys.  Banning them will leave women with no choice but .... oh dear God, a Republican man.
     Me?  I think it should be illegal for Republican men to pass laws dealing with what women do while they're alone.  Oh hell, what am I saying?, it should be illegal for Republican men to even think about that.  It's just creepy. 
     You know that phrase above that says "obscene devices?"  Honey, that's what Greg Abbott is.
     By the way, Bubba says he's very relieved with this ruling because according to law books, he could legally be classified as a sex toy.  Oh, Bubba.
     (Momma, I didn't say that.  Bubba said that.  I can't help what Bubba says.  You know how men are.)

August 2 - Nice weekend read for those who enjoy a good wordsmith.  Steve talks about empty nests, hummingbirds fighting, life's end, and John McCain ... and it all makes sense.  Drop in on White's Creek every now and then so Steve's way with words.

August 1 - Well, former Texas Senator Phil Gramm and his Nation of Whiners are back in the news. 

But campaign finance records show that expanded political giving is an approach shared by UBS and other key figures in the Senate's probe of offshore tax shelters that are costing the government $100 billion a year.

Experts say that political contributions may offer an effective strategy for dealing with legal, regulatory and financial problems. Before the Senate inquiry began, UBS faced trouble with investors over financial losses that left its shares at a 10-year low.

"Corporations use PACs for different purposes at different times," said Brett G. Kappel, a campaign finance lawyer. "When they need congressional assistance, they use the PAC to build relationships to work towards achieving a legislative goal. Other times, when they have involuntarily become the object of congressional interest, they use the PAC to build relationships in an effort to avoid negative legislation."

     Good Lord, they're Leona Hemsley in Ferragamo loafers
     We have the best democracy that money can buy.

August 1 - Thank you, Tom Toles ---

August 1 - So maybe now we have a pretty decent explanation of why District Attorney John Healey will not prosecute violations of election law.

The Texas Ethics Commission has fined Fort Bend County District Attorney John Healey $1,500 for violating campaign finance laws.

The fine and an accompanying order were issued July 15 in response to a lengthy sworn complaint that mostly covers the election cycle in 2006, in which Healey beat attorney Larry McDougal in the March Republican Party primary.

The order doesn't disclose who filed the complaint.

Healey said Thursday afternoon the ethics violations were mostly the result of math errors and characterizing certain purchases as being for "auction items" when the commission sought a more detailed description.

He said the math errors were "easily identifiable" because he included all the data needed to check the math, "so it's not like I was trying to hide anything."

     Uh, I dunno if John is reading the same legal document that I am, but it appears that one of us needs our eyes checked, and it ain't me. 

This order and agreed resolution describes violations that the commission has determined are neither technical nor de minimis.

AND ----

After considering the seriousness of the violations described under Sections III and IV, including the nature, circumstances, and consequences of the violations, and after considering the sanction necessary to deter future violations, the commission imposes a $1,500 civil penalty.

     Simply math errors?  I kinda surprised that he didn't use the "my cousin did it" defense. 
     I didn't file this complaint, but thanks to whoever did.  It explains why politicians in this county do not fear running afoul of the election law.  The District Attorney is the Fouler-In-Chief.
     How embarrassing to have a county commissioner, the county judge and the district attorney all run willy-nilly over the Texas Election Code.  I mean, even more embarrassing than this.  Okay, maybe not.

Susan - so the Texas Ethics Commission told John Healey to keep his change in his pocket, too!!

By the way, John Healey is in so many pockets that they're going to start using his picture as the example photo in wallets.

He's such a goofus.

Danny Boy

August 1 - It's the Wall Street Journal, y'all.

Is John McCain Stupid?

Is John McCain losing it?

On Sunday, he said on national television that to solve Social Security "everything's on the table," which of course means raising payroll taxes. On July 7 in Denver he said: "Senator Obama will raise your taxes. I won't."

This isn't a flip-flop. It's a sex-change operation.

     It's the damn Wall Street Journal.  Next thing we know, Fox News will start calling him "goofy."

Today's question: 

"Simply",  yes!  But, what the hell is really going on? 

Jim Arthur

Dear Susan,

   Doug Thompson of Capital Hill Blue has some pretty inflammatory things to say about Senator McCain. Capital Hill Blue has been around for a long time.  It's always a bit inflammatory and often includes things that can't be verified because it's just the things remembered by someone who has been around the Hill for 25 years or so.




Welcome to the website formerly known as The World's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.

My name is Susan DuQuesnay Bankston.
I live in Richmond, Texas, in heart of Tom DeLay's old district.  It's crazy here.  No, seriously, it's triple z crazzzy.

I used to be an independent voter, but that all changed when I got to know a few local Republicans.  They are meaner than 10 acres of snakes and have the ethical compass of a bank robber. 

So, I decided that they could just Kiss My Big Blue Butt.

A lot of what I post here has to do with local politics, but you probably have the same folks in your local government.

This ain't a blog.  Blogs are way too trendy for me.  I've been doing this since 1992, so I'm used to it even if you ain't. 

Email me and I'll find a place to put it if I like it.