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April 29 -
have long contended that endorsement lists never really
help a candidate. I want to
thank Rudy Giuliani for helping me prove that.
I think most people look at endorsement lists and
find people they don’t like. That gives them a reason to
support the other guy.
However, Rudy took a whole new approach to
endorsements ---
Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani released
his latest slate of New Hampshire supporters last week.
One problem: Not all of them back the former New York
City mayor.
Alongside a former state GOP chairman, a congressman and
an executive councilor who do support Giuliani, a
handful of people made the list of 125 supporters
despite their objections.
The last time I saw something like this was when Gary
Gates ran for State Rep and listed anyone he ever met,
including a convicted felon or two. Poor Gates got fewer
votes than he did endorsements.
He’s running for the school board this time.
April 29 -
Just in time for your summer gift-giving ideas!
Political signs for Republicans who haven’t yet
decided what they want to be when they grow up!
They’re cheap. They’re easy. They’re reversible!
This is the front and back of the same sign. No, I'm
not kidding.

You need some of these signs, my friends.
No matter what you want to run for, the issues can stay
the same --- all you have to do is add a sticker with the
new race.
Run every year! Make big bucks on campaign
contributions! Be the second or third on your block with
these versatile campaign signs.
Contact the Ken Bryant Politics and Law Palace to
place your order.
(You gotta love Nutty Ken - He's running for one thing
coming and another thing going!)
April 29 -
official: “Personal reasons” is the new
euphemism hoochy-koochy.
Last Friday morning, Randall Tobias announced that he
leaving the Bush administration.
Randall Tobias, coordinator of the Bush administration's
foreign aid programs, resigned Friday, citing personal
Tobias held two titles: director of U.S. foreign
assistance and administrator for the U.S. Agency for
International Development. His rank was equivalent to
deputy secretary of state.
that afternoon,
the story got fleshed-out a little.
Deputy Secretary of State Randall L. Tobias submitted
his resignation Friday, one day after confirming to ABC
News that he had been a customer of a Washington, D.C.
escort service whose owner has been charged by federal
prosecutors with running a prostitution operation.
And then yesterday,
he said he didn’t inhale ---
Tobias resigned after ABC News contacted him with
questions about the escort service, the sources said.
ABC News released a statement last night saying Tobias
acknowledged Thursday that he had used the service to
provide massages, not sex.
huh. Yep. That’s his story and he’s sticking to it.
Okay, maybe not so much.
Hi Susan,
Tobias was obviously
conducting research on the effectiveness of
abstinence in a highly charged sexual environment.
These guys make Clinton look like a schoolboy!
The DeeCee Madam is going to be on 20/20. Just
between us, I am not silly enough to think that in
DeeCee, a list of 2 people is not gonna include a
Democrat. She's got 10 to 15 thousand. Still, I'm
willing to wager that the repubs outnumber the dems
at least 4 to 1. Repubs seem to be the type to want
to skip all the hassle of 'charming the pants off
her/him', and just put it on some lobbyist's Visa
card. I think there will be books and movies and
maybe even songs from this one. 'I did not have sex
with that escort'. 'Depends on the meaning of the
word massage
Please, Susan, for all that is good and decent in
the world, if you have to write about a puffy white
boy cavorting with one or more prostitutes, at least
have the compassion to not end with a quip about
what he's sticking to. Even after a night's sleep,
I'm still shivering and whimpering.
Dr. Doyle in Nacogdoches
April 29 -
Okay, I don’t care who you are, you gotta feel sorry for
the Texas 22nd Congressional District. You
just gotta. I mean, we ought to qualify for federal
congressional disaster relief.
First, we had to suffer through a decade of Tom
DeLay. Then, DeLay resigned last April 3rd, leaving us
without a Congresscritter for 8 months.
Just when we got to thinking that anything would be
better than not having any representation at all,
Republican Shelley Sekula Gibbs got elected in the special
election and proved us wrong. Bless her heart, she was a
disaster on rocket fuel and caffeine. If she was in the
newspaper, you could bet that something hideously
embarrassing was within four words of her name. She
served a whole three weeks and managed to make a fool of
herself – and us - almost daily.
Okay, so then we elect a Democrat, Nick Lampson, in
November. Lampson has been in office for less than 5
months and
he’s already talking about running for Senate.
Oh, for pete’s sake. Good grief.
Look, I know Lampson didn’t have heart surgery on
purpose last month and I’ve kept him in my prayers daily
for good health, but you’d think he’d spend his recovery
thinking about how to serve us instead of how to run
against John Cornyn.
What with DeLay’s resignation, Shelley’s ego era, and
Nick’s distraction with the Senate race, we’re coming up
on a year of taxation without representation.
Lampson needs to get well, and represent this
district with all his energy and no diversions. In that
order. We deserve it, dammit.
April 27 -
The funniest man in Texas shot a three-pointer this week.
John Kelso takes on the Lege's voter ID bill.
Put down any hot beverages or sharp object before you read
it or you'll hurt yourself.
Just a small preview so you'll know it's worth your
time ---
But let's just say for
argument purposes that the Republicans really are trying
to keep the wrong element from voting, like maybe
poor people who allegedly vote Democrat.
If that's the case, they
should tweak Brown's bill and require voters to show up
at the polls with:
•A new set of expensive
golf clubs (with receipt for proof) and a box of Maxfli
•A color photograph of
the voter enjoying a cocktail in the West Austin News.
•The keys to the voter's
•An autographed photo of
Tom DeLay stuffing money in his pants.
Yeah, you need to read the whole thing.
April 27
There are people who’ve been crazy enough to ask who I
liked in the Democratic Presidential debate last night.
Duh. The old coot from Alaska, of course. I'm
getting me a button that says, "Vote for the Old Coot."
If my memory serves me correctly and it rarely does,
I think Mike Gravel and Wayne Morse of Oregon were the
only two Senators who voted against the Gulf of Tonkin
resolution. Good on ‘um.
We had a few friends over the watch the debate and
the clear winner was Geri’s lasagna. Hands down. Vote
April 27 -
here’s a great idea.
HB 2560 -----
passed, the bill would require all Texas school
districts to list checking account transactions
electronically. The amount, check number, payee, purpose
of the expenditure and the function code of each
transaction would be listed, according to the bill.
"A school district shall prominently post the electronic
checking account transaction register at all times on
the district's Web site for downloading by interested
parties," according to the bill. "A school district
shall update the electronic checking account transaction
register at least once a month."
The Conroe and New Caney districts are among two Texas
school districts already posting the information online.
The Texas Education Agency also posts its financial
records online at
It would probably not be a bad idea for all government
agencies to do this. It might save us a dollar or two if
elected officials knew that you would know what they’re
spending on consultants, travel, and donuts.
April 26 -
know Mr. Whitty, that mean ole man who lives down on the
corner, who everybody just hates? You know, the grumpy
old guy who throws rocks at the little children when
they’re leaving school and hollers at the neighbors for
playing music after 7:30 in the evening? You know him,
don’t you? He’s run off 3 or 4 wives, never bathes, and
has no friends whatsoever.
Well, come to find out, Mr. Whitty is more popular
than George Bush.
I have just been handed a poll by Hamilton Beattie &
Staff that shows that George Bush has a negative job
rating in Texas. Overall he has 47% positive and 51%
negative – in danged Texas, my friend. Only 34% of Texans
believe the country is headed in the right direction.
Maybe George Bush can go sit on the porch with Mr.
Whitty. But I doubt that even Mr. Whitty is speaking to
April 26 -
We get email. About Mrs. Fred and the little nasty
Thought you might
like this photo of Sen. Fred Thompson. Do you
think maybe he was watching his wifey and

Sue Ann
April 26 -
Just what I've been talking about. Thanks to Jim
Morin of the Miama Herald.
Click the little one to get the big one.

April 25 -
you out of towners, The Houston Chronicle let the city
know what we knew yesterday.
Tom DeLay’s butt is so hot that you can bake potatoes
in his pants.
federal probe into corruption related to disgraced
lobbyist Jack Abramoff could be inching closer to former
U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay of Sugar Land as investigators focus
on a former DeLay chief of staff who later employed the
Republican leader's wife.
So, expect Tom to start talking that crazy talk again. I
still claim that he’s trying to play the martyr, but
Thelma thinks the working on an insanity defense.
Verdelia, on the pother hand, thinks he’s just nuts and
always has been.
April 25 -
Okay, they got the hamsters to run again down at Pepe’s
Chinese Buffet and Internet Connection, so we’re back in
We had 2 inches of rain in Fort Bend County today so
there’s standing water in my street, the electricity went
out, and Pepe’s hamsters went on strike. Two inches of
rain. Two. Just in case I’m not here when the next
hurricane hits – and, trust me, I won’t be – I’d like to
thank our county fathers and the Greater Fort Bend
Economic Development Council for nothin’.
April 25 -
before you enjoy that morning donut,
here’s an appetizing thought ….
FDA inspections have steadily dropped in recent years,
the proportion of imported food used in domestic
manufacturing has skyrocketed. There is no requirement
that the FDA conduct an in-person inspection before a
foreign producer begins to ship ingredients to US
suppliers seeking bargain-basement prices.
And, what little FDA we have left has found
cyanuric acid, a chemical used as a pool cleaner, in rice
we bought from China. So, sprinkle some Drano on that
donut, Honey, and enjoy!
April 25 -
Bulletproof Baptist?
Okay, so nobody ever said that physics is a required
course at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, but
you would think that the college President would know that
a gun beats a hand or a belly every damn time.
president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
in Fort Worth has told male students there that in a
situation like last week's Virginia Tech shootings, he
would expect them to charge the assailant, sacrificing
their lives if necessary.
Paige Patterson made the remarks at Wednesday's seminary
chapel service, two days after the shootings.
you had to do was have six or eight [students] rush him
right at that time and 32 people wouldn't have died,"
Dr. Patterson said of Seung-Hui Cho, who went on a
lethal shooting spree, then shot himself.
Now, I’m wondering why he would say something like this.
First, it’s an insult to students who acted bravely by
closing doors and holding their bodies against them.
Secondly, why only guys? I’ve known guys who thought they
were bulletproof, but that usually followed a keg of Lone
Star at the Mustang Lounge.
Why can’t women be brave? Every Baptist child is
told the story of
Lottie Moon – who was a girl and a darned sight braver
than Paige Patterson.
So we've come to this - The Baptist Theological and
Rambo Seminary.
Good Lord, idiots have stolen the Baptist Church.
Its so easy to make a
comment like that when no one is pointing a gun at
you. If someone in the audience had pulled out a
concealed handgun (this is Texas you know) and
pointed it at him, I am willing to bet he would
duck. It’s a natural response.
James H
Red Oak Tx
April 24 -
know those drugs that Rush Limbaugh takes? Somebody needs
to give some to Tom DeLay. The man’s has done gone
We should have seen this coming.
He thinks Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are guilty of
treason. Never mind that he made the same criticisms
during Kosovo. Never mind that he hasn’t read the
Constitutional definition of treason. Never mind that his
botox is starting to slip and he look funny. No, never
mind all that.
I just saw Tucker Carlson and Pat Buchanan making fun
of him. You know you’re nuttier than squirrel poop when
those two are making fun of you. It don’t get no lower
than that, Honey.
Okay, I have been following Tom DeLay for twenty
years. I can tell you exactly what he’s doing. I’ve seen
this pattern a hundred times.
Tom DeLay is talking crazzzy so that when the DOJ
indicts him for God-only-knows-what-all-he’s-done, Tom
DeLay will stand up and say, “I’m being indicted for
speaking my mind. They are trying to shut me up.” He
will paint himself a martyr --- again.
I will bet my best pair of pink boots on it.
You heard it here first.
I'm perfectly serious. Buy a ticket and watch.
I am gonna be
ringside for this spectacle. Hoo boy! this is gonna
be fun!!!
April 24 -
me just say this one thing, please.
Jessica Lynch, you are a hero in my book. Not
completely for what you did serving your country, although
that too, but what you did and said with dignity, honor,
and courage
before the House Committee today.
Lynch, then an Army private, was badly injured when her
convoy was ambushed in Iraq. She was subsequently
rescued by American troops from an Iraqi hospital but
the tale of her ambush was changed into a story of
heroism on her part.
Still hampered by her injuries, Lynch walked slowly to
the witness table and took a seat alongside Tillman's
family members.
bottom line is the American people are capable of
determining their own ideals of heroes and they don't
need to be told elaborate lies," Lynch said.
At a very young age, you recognize what the men in power
in our country do not – Americans can be trusted with
April 24 -
Tom DeLay doesn’t feel the devil’s breath on his hiney,
it’s only because he’s already lost his hiney in the book
selling business.
The DOJ is finally going after those who helped
Abramoff in the Northern Marianas.
another shoe drops in the Jack Abramoff
investigation. A former aide to Rep. Don Young (R-AK),
Mark Zachares, looks set to plead guilty to corruption
Justice Department filed a criminal information today on
Zachares, laying out the facts to which he'll be
pleading guilty.
Oh the joy of discovering everything DeLay did in the
Marianas. He’ll probably have to write a whole ‘nother
kiss and tell book.
But even Tom could learn some lessons in spinning
Rep. Tom Feeney of Florida, who is using the “my name was
just in the newspaper” defense.
Rep. Tom Feeney of Florida said Monday that the Justice
Department has asked for "more information" about his
ties to convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
But the Oviedo Republican said he is "not a target" and
is "voluntarily cooperating" with federal authorities,
who have expanded their influence-peddling investigation
in recent days to other associates of Abramoff, jailed
for bribing public officials.
Now wait – it’s coming. Hold on to something.
Justice Department is wrapping up its investigation and
they want to talk to everyone who has been mentioned in
a newspaper article," Feeney said.
Wheeeeee...... Boom!
Okay, you gotta wonder. Is that what the DOJ told
Feeney to get him to talk, and is Feeney stoopid enough to
think all the rest of us will believe it?
And Deb points out that we’re up to two a day now.
The Republican Party: Doing their part to keep DeeCee
trial lawyers employed!
April 24 - We
get more email. Rick Perry, of course. And,
no, I don't make this stuff up. These are real
people - at least, best I can figure.
I know better than to answer my phone in the
evening. It's always someone selling,
trying to sell reading some stupid script.
Tonight was no exception.
Except it was a celebrity tonight. No one less than
Rick Perry. Yup, our very own governor is
moonlighting, apparently, as a telemarketer. I know
Texas ranks near the bottom (Thank you
Mississippi!) in many economic statistics, but we
need to pay Little Ricky more. It's a sin that he
needs to make robo-calls to pay his hairspray
bill make ends meet.
Anyway, the Guv asked me if I was upset at runaway
government spending. Before I could reply in the
affirmative, he told me that I was invited to press
1 on my phone for English to join in on a
state-wide conference call in which two of his
unindicted co-conspirators cronies were going to
apparently share their ideas on how to fix the
problem of runaway gummint spending.
Runaway spending in Austin? Who'da thunk? Whose
fault might it be?
Who's been running the show up there for over
6 years now?
Rick Perry!
Holy Cow!
For a split second I thought Gov. Dimbulb was going
to announce his resignation as a sign of contrition
and shame for his role in failing to exercise
restraint with our tax dollars.
Then I remembered that our guv is shameless, that he
and his buddies are probably trolling for more
rubes concerned citizens to send the GOP more
campaign contributions. So I hung up.
You'll probably get the robo-call as well. Hopefully
you have a stronger stomach than I do, and make it
to the end of their pitch, or maybe even (The
Horror!) join in on their conference call.
Take care....
April 23
- We get email. About David Wallace.
can't you keep your corrupt politicians confined to
your own swamp. We don't need them. I could laugh
when he was one of yours, but now he says he is one
of US! What kind of drugs do you have to take to
cure this plague?
This is a page from a mailing promoting a
bond election to upgrade our Waco Convention
Center. When I saw the name David Wallace I got a
little sick and lost control of certain bodily

You know the drill. Click the little one to get
the big one.
Just give him all your money and then duck while he
gets into nasty fights with his business partners.
You'll be fine. Poor, but fine.
I cannot believe they allow him to use his Mayor title
in business ventures. That really stinks.
I know ya'll call this place the Branch Davidian
Wallace Mall. If you don't, you're missing a
good chance.
He's one of y'all now. How much do we owe you?
April 23 -
Okay, you gotta wonder --- what Senate interview did they
show Bush? It certainly
wasn’t the same one that the rest of America saw.
attorney general went up and gave a very candid
assessment, and answered every question he could
possibly answer _ honestly answer _ in a way that
increased my confidence in his ability to do the job,"
Bush said.
I cannot even imagine the dirt that Gonzales must have on
Bush. At this point, I would not be shocked to learn that
Gonzales has a stained blue dress.
You have gone and done it now.
The little man who draws cartoons inside my head
read what you said about L'il Alberto having a blue
dress and now I've got Mitch Ryder and the Detroit
Wheels singing "Devil with a Blue Dress On". But
the image is our Attorney General wearin' those
high-heeled Converse Chuck Taylor sneakers, an
alligator hat, and the most darling tight-fitting
little number in dark blue velvet. Senator Cornyn
is staring with his jaw agape while Senator Specter
asks "Mr. Gonzales, have you ever worn a dress?" and
Alberto says "I don't recall, Senator. Do you have
a specific date in mind because I can check my
planner..." and he pulls a sequined date book out of
a Prada purse, opens the pearl studded lock with a
little key on a chain that he has fished out of his
décolletage (along with a Saint Jude medal with a
red W on the back). In the planner is a tiny
pencil held in place by a rhinestone studded strap.
He removes the pencil, and proceeds to page through
the date book muttering to himself soto voce "Oh
please don't let him say Wednesday or we'll have to
drag Karl into this."
Spring has sprung here in Pennsyltucky, in case you
couldn't guess.
April 23 -
is so great! This guy --- 
this one right here --- Bobbie Eberle,
Jeff Gannon’s former boss, defeated candidate for Vice
Chair of the Texas Republican Party, and writer of a
column called “The
Loft” (no, seriously, that’s what he calls it), just
called Democrats “wimps.”
I could whip his butt with both hands tied behind my
back, barefoot, and give him a three punch head start.
And, gee, I hit like a girl!
Wimps? This guy called me a wimp?
Look, if there’s pictures of you with a famous
self-admitted homosexual prostitute doing rightwing radio,
then you don’t need to be calling anybody else a wimp.
Oddly, that’s not codified into law anywhere, but we still
expect you to know it.
Wimp. Hey, Eberle, bring it on.
Susan – my grandmother could whip that weenie.
Please note that his bio information does not
mention military service or college boxing. I think
you could whip him by telephone.
Eberle has an embedded advertisement at the top of
his web page for the search engine No
further editorial comment is necessary.
Best regards,
Dear Ms. Susan: I love your site and the humor it
displays. I say we need to put together a team and
give Eberle his choice. I know a 78 year old
retired teacher in a wheel chair, life long
democrat, who would make short work of this human
shaped sack of hate. I have a seven year old
daughter who could make this bully cry. I have a
buddy who left a lot of his left leg in Afghanistan
who would be glad to discuss the failures of the
GOPUSA with Mr. Eberle. Wimps? I’m just grateful
that there are folks like you calling his cowardly
bluff. Thanks for the laugh
Kevin M.
April 23 -
Whoa, wait. Hold on a minute. What the heck
am I reading here?
Food and Drug Administration has known for years about
contamination problems at a Georgia peanut butter plant
and on California spinach farms that led to disease
outbreaks that killed three people, sickened hundreds,
and forced one of the biggest product recalls in U.S.
history, documents and interviews show.
Overwhelmed by huge growth in the number of food
processors and imports, however, the agency took only
limited steps to address the problems and relied on
producers to police themselves, according to agency
Congressional critics and consumer advocates said both
episodes show that the agency is incapable of adequately
protecting the safety of the food supply.
Uh, when did this happen? Certainly some of that money
we’re spending on Homeland Security would also be used to
check the food supply.
And ConAgra? What price did they pay for hiding
their records? Why, only a
dividend to their stock holders announced last week.
The next time a Republican talks to you about market
forces or self-regulation, you have my full permission to
force feed them some peanut butter.
April 22
- I wonder if she needs a high-paying job or something

Senator Fred Thompson's wife allows some peeks at the
While House Correspondent's Dinner.
And, no,
I still do not know where her pole is.
You ask, "I wonder if
she needs a high-paying job or something ...."
I think so. She
appears to be the sole means of support for two
Hey, Suze - after I got over gagging, I looked for
the telling details in the picture of Mrs. Fred
Thompson with ol' Spitcomb Wolfowitz. A few things
leaped out:
1) Whose hand is that holding her right hand? It
looks too young and un-liver-spotted to be Fred's
2) Hard to tell for certain, but I'm pretty sure
ol' Spitcomb isn't looking her in the eye,
3) She looks like she's put on a few pounds since
the last time we saw her, and
4) She sure is proud of those things, ain't she?
April 22 - You just
gotta wonder - if Jesus comes back tomorrow,
will he recognize his loudest followers?
The Fort Worth Star-Telegram has an article this
morning about so-called Christian lawmakers in Austin
acting like Jesus was a mean ole codger.
Another has bills banning
chemical dependency clinics within 1,000 feet of a
church and enhancing the penalties for prostitution that
close to a house of worship.
By the way, if you read this article you need to know that
The Texas Eagle Forum
is a group of women who've never read the New Testament or
the Constitution.
"Another has bills banning chemical dependency
clinics within 1,000 feet of a church and
enhancing the penalties for prostitution that close
to a house of worship".
Two questions:
What are all those Super Delux Brand Christian men
supposed to do after Sunday worship now?
Texas Eagle Forum?
wonder what their penalty is for having this ad on
their good Christian website:
"Ask about the purple pill (tm)"
Their logic eludes me.
Your Dam Yankee Friend in Spring,
That article is from the Dallas Morning News. I
read the hard copy this AM and almost got sick.
Dear Susan,
Digby has a good post up about Pete Sessions
Take a look here
April 22 -
this is what I want to be when I grow up.
Venus Ramey has earned
lots of fame in her 82 years.
She was Miss America 1944
and later a candidate for Cincinnati City Council and
worked to save Over-the-Rhine's historic buildings. She
performed on Broadway and in movies.
Now, though, she's in the
news for another reason.
After confronting a man
she said was stealing from her Kentucky farm, Ramey
pulled out a gun and shot out a tire on his truck so he
couldn't leave, allowing police to arrest him and two
And these are
the guys I want to date.
April 20
- I wonder if
bananas fit the terrorist profile. Thank
goodness we had the polcie on this one!
A Midland man was charged
Wednesday after allegedly stealing a banana at
Austin-Bergstrom International Airport.
According to an arrest
affidavit, an airport security guard caught Jeffrey
Willard Smith reaching through a locked gate at the
Waterloo restaurant inside the terminal. Smith, 49, took
the banana, sat down at Gate 10 and ate it, the
affidavit said.
Airport police identified
Smith after he'd boarded the plane and arrested him.
Smith has been charged with burglary, a felony that
carries a maximum punishment of two years in state
Smith could not be
reached for comment. It's unclear whether he made his
Whoa boy, wouldn't you hate to go to prison and have to
tell Bubba, your cell mate, that you're in for
April 20 -
Texas Senator John Cornyn is drinking whatever John McCain
was drinking.
On CNN this morning, he said that Al Gonzales is
incompetent and maybe even lied, but he should stay in
office “because the Democrats aren’t gonna be satified
with resignation by Al Gonzales.” And then he accuses
Democratic of being political.
Maybe he’ll
go poof with Bush or pluck some chickens or
Am I getting smarter or are Republicans getting
April 20 - And
speaking of Republican wives,
The Wall Street Journal reports that Tom DeLay is
still under the nakkid bulb at the station house.
Exiting From the Game Doesn't Dispel Clouds
keep going even after some players leave Washington.
FBI agents continue to
interview aides to former Rep. DeLay, offering
immunity in exchange for testimony, individuals close
to the investigation say. Justice officials ask
whether former aides paid the Texas Republican’s wife
$3,200 a month for a no-show job at their lobbying
firm. DeLay, who retired last year, is on a book tour.
Speaking of book tours, DeLay's book still isn't even on
Amazondotcom's Top 100 Political Non-Fiction books.
Good Lord, John Kerry and Bill Bradley are beating him!
However, I might should have looked for his book in the
fiction category. I understand he writes about how
good looking he was while he was in the Lege. Humm
... I think I have pictures somewhere.
April 20 -
Roll Call is reporting that another member of
The Republican Wives’ Club may be
in trouble.
In a
second blow to House Republicans this week, the FBI
raided a business tied to the family of Rep. Rick Renzi
(R-Ariz.) Thursday afternoon as part of an ongoing
investigation into the three-term lawmaker.
Details of the raid on Patriot Insurance Agency in
Sonoita, Ariz., were not immediately available. Renzi’s
most recent financial disclosure form lists the business
as an asset belonging to his wife, Roberta, and valued
at $1 million to $5 million.
But, most importantly to democracy ---
a result of the raid, Renzi is stepping down from his
seat on the House Intelligence Committee,
according to a statement from his office obtained
Thursday evening by Roll Call.
We don't need to beat these guys at the polls, because
they're dropping out like spotters on a Dick Cheney's game
John Doolittle has resigned from the Appropriations
April 19 -
And they said we don't allow jackasses to testify in
that' just wrong.
DALLAS - Faced with
complaints that his donkey was too loud, Dallas attorney
Gregory Shamoun decided to bring his case directly to
the court: He had the donkey testify.
April 19 - Oh
somebody stop this man. Bomb Iran? Oh
Honey, a Beach Boy he's not.
John McCain ended his right to be taken seriously when
he took his Baghdad stroll. He now seems determined
to make us all say, "tak, tsk" whenever he opens his
April 19 -
We were all relieved to get rid of Tom DeLay, and it’s
hard to complain when your Congresscritter is a Democrat,
but ……
This is an enormous disappointment.
Concerned by the troop withdrawal timelines in a huge
war funding bill, U.S. Rep. Nick Lampson is among a
cluster of House Democrats urging Speaker Nancy Pelosi
to back away from a showdown with President Bush.
Stafford Democrat voted last month for the $124 billion
spending bill, which included a requirement for the
withdrawal of combat troops from Iraq by September 2008.
Yikes! I hope Nick Lampson is not going to say he
was for it before he was against it. Or maybe
Shelley’s crazy email got to him.
My feelings moved from disappointment to
embarrassment, however, when Lampson said …..
sickens me to know that I am a part of this body that
would rather play politics rather than come up with the
right kind of solution that this country can go forward
with," he said. "This isn't a game of gotcha. This is
real war, with real people dying every day."
Yet, isn’t playing politics exactly what Lampson is
doing? To point his finger at other Democrats takes more
gall than guts. In fact,
these numbers in the CBS poll suggests that more
Americans trust Speaker Pelosi with this war than they do
the President.
I agree with my friend
Kuff, “It's only a compromise if
both sides give up something.” Bush doesn't
Nick has really
disappointed me as well as other Dems in Pearland.
I worked for him because I thought he had a spine.
He won't get re-elected pandering to the
Republicans, they have their own form of vermin
already duking it out for the seat. The good news
that Democrats are going to pick up so many other
congressional seats in 2008 that the loss of this
one won't be devastating to the party or the
Sam in Pearland
April 19 -
friend Alfredo calls this “the most important political
story of the year.”
He’s probably right. And it’s breaking today while
Alberto Gonzales testifies, once again, that he’s an
incompetent idiot.
Realizing that they were about to lose the 2006 elections,
the White House and the Justice Department implemented a
conscious strategy to try and steal the elections by
suppressing Democratic voter turnout.
Facing nationwide voter registration drives by
Democratic-leaning groups, the administration alleged
widespread election fraud and endorsed proposals for
tougher state and federal voter identification laws.
Presidential political adviser Karl Rove alluded to the
strategy in April 2006 when he railed about voter fraud
in a speech to the Republican National Lawyers
I have ceased to be surprised at what these boys will
do to retain power.
Everyone has to remember who we're dealing with
here. It's less about their corruption, although
that's considerable, and more about their
world-view. To them, voting anything but a
straight-Republican ticket is voter fraud. I mean,
heck, it's treason, it's proof you hate the troops,
it's probably proof that you're a communist and a
goat-lover, so add all that up, and of course
you should sic the law on such varmints.
Dr. Doyle in Nacogdoches
April 19 -
Apparently Deb and I weren't the only people to notice
that odd passage in the CBS story.
It's all over the Internets this morning.
There's a
larger explanation at Salon now.
For a long time I've been wondering how much more of
this conservative government we can afford. Now I'm
wondering how many more conservatives want into my my
private business before we vote the suckers outta here.
April 18 -
According to
Roll Call (subscription only), Republican
Representative and Tom DeLay crony John Doolittle may be
the next to bite the dust.
Raids Doolittle's Home: The FBI has raided the Northern Virginia home of Rep. John Doolittle (R-Calif.),
according to Congressional sources. No details are
publicly available yet about the circumstances of the
raid, but Doolittle and his wife, Julie, have been under
federal investigation for their ties to the scandal
surrounding imprisoned former lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
Doolittle took $20,000 from DeLay’s ARMPAC, $12,000 from
DeLay staffer Tony Rudy, and $7,500 from DeLay’s former
Chief of Staff, Ed Buckham.
However, as far as we know, he never lied about
hoochy-koochy so he's probably an outstanding citizen.
April 18 -
UPDATE: Marita tells us that it's
whoa, whoa. Maybe I’m coming unglued at the seams here,
but Deb sent me this article from ABC News that made her
do a double-take and now I’m doing a triple-take.
Here’s the interesting paragraph:
news accounts have suggested that Cho had a history of
antidepressant use, but senior federal officials tell
ABC News that they can find no record of such
medication in the government's files. This does not
completely rule out prescription drug use, including
samples from a physician, drugs obtained through illegal
Internet sources, or a gap in the federal database,
but the sources say theirs is a reasonably complete
The federal government knows what medications I’m taking?
What the fool tarnation business is it of theirs? Where
do they get this list? Who gets to see it?
Look, I’m not pressing the panic button yet, but I
have had one installed.
Does anybody else know anything about this?
April 18 - For
the overly curious, and Heaven knows that's me, the New
York Times lets you search to see who your neighbors are
supporting for President.
Click right about here, and then perform the search to
the right of the map by name or zip code, it will take you
a page where you can then search by zip code for ALL
April 18 - Okay,
locals need to get a load out and march to the polls.
Thanks to research done by Kevin Tunstall and reported
by Bob Dunn,
the TIRZ gremlins are back and they're still impacting
homeowner's taxes.
Speaking of TIRZ (Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone) in
Missouri City, Dunn points out that the areas the city is
Obviously the above two
geographic areas are not blighted and are not in any way
arresting or impairing growth and development in
Missouri City, Texas. These are probably two of the most
desirable tracts of commercial land available in the
But they still can be
considered for TIRZ
designation because the Texas Legislature in its wisdom
included a paragraph that gives just about any developer
a shot at having his or her infrastructure paid for by
property taxes.
Tunstall discovered that Missouri City hasn't even
bothered to file the proper paper work for the TIRZ it
currently has. Laws, smaws ....
Speaking of which, Dunn found that the incumbents on
the FBISD hasn't filed their campaign finance reports.
Oh, I can hardly wait for Liz Mitton's "Intheknow's" smug
excuses for her bff Lisa Rickert.
April 18 -
Okay, it’s hump day and that means there’s no better time
for a link dump.
First off, here’s a link Ann sent of a kid who does a
dead solid Bush impersonation. It’s laugh out loud
For those who cannot turn on the sound at work, I
have a laugh for you, too. Deb sent us this year’s
Pulitzer Prize winner for editorial cartoons. Walt
Handelsman deserves it.
And, less funny or maybe more funny depending on your
viewpoint, Linda sent us a great link to someone who is
where all Tom DeLay’s charitable money went.
Click away.
I think the kid is lip synching
Will Ferrel doing a Bush impersonation:
April 17 -
Sometimes the irony is just
too thick to cut and too heavy to lift ---
AUSTIN -- The permit records of Texans authorized to
carry concealed weapons, even in instances when they
misuse their licenses or shoot people, would be
considered a secret under a proposal moving through the
Texas Legislature.
Debate on the bill, which has strong backing from the
gun lobby, was briefly postponed Monday, when a gunman
killed at least 32 people at Virginia Tech.
And somebody please remind me why Patrick Rose is a
But the author of the bill, Rep. Patrick Rose,
D-Dripping Springs, said the delay was unrelated to the
shootings and plans to bring it back up Wednesday.
I was privy to a conversation between two of my friends
yesterday. It went like this:
Friend #1: How did the gun lobby get to be so
Friend #2: Duh. Because they have guns.
Guess which one is blonde.
April 17 -
I wonder who taught them to do
A committee vote to bar state funding for embryonic stem cell
research was decried Monday as a "sneak attack" by
research advocates.
Stem cell research advocates said the legislation wasn't
discussed at the hearing until at least 1:30 a.m. and
that the vote came hours after testimony concluded while
the committee was focused on an unrelated
border-security bill.
I know the Republicans think this is cute – to play
Gotcha! with medical research that may save lives and
improve the quality of life for countless people.
If you have to sneak it through in the middle of the
night, then you probably shouldn’t be doing it.
And they have the gall to call themselves pro-life.
Speaking of which, the Belles of Heaven Republican
Women's Club, aka The Spirit of Freedom Women's Club (yes,
it's really real), are meeting on
Friday, April 20th at
11:30 a.m. at the Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce. Guest
speaker is Gina Parker Ford, President of the
National Eagle Forum.
I'm sure they'll have some cooking tips and ideas on that
hot feminist topic: "Blue eye shadow: Cool Retro or Gnarly
I'm going to ask the question: Is Phyllis Schlafly
for real and how 'bout that hair, Girlfriend?
NOTE: I didn't
know where to put this email, but it was too good
not to share. It comes from my friend Carol,
a Texan living in Vermont.
I have realized I am a kindred spirit with Mit
Romney. You know the “lifelong hunter” who has
no record of a hunting license, no registered
guns?. He said he mainly hunted varmints.
Well that also makes me a “lifelong hunter” I
have gone after ants and other bugs, field mice
with various traps (I now have an electric one we
nicknamed ol’ sparky, works great, probably
considered an assault weapon) so with no license
or gun I too have been hunting Varmints all my
life. Perfectly legal. Now I’m sure there are
a lot of us around with these credentials (of
course having lived in Texas I never harmed a
gecko I found in the house on the theory that they
were feasting on the bugs I was trying to get rid
Girl you'd better stop right now with those ugly
pictures. I almost spit coffee across the room
when I saw that mug of Phyllis. Have you heard
about all the bees disappearing from the hives
across the country...they're in Phyllis' bee
Susan, I don’t know about you but my daddy always
warned me that the only people out past midnight
are criminals and drunks. Seems he was right.
Passing legislation at that hour isn’t illegal but
it should be.
April 17 -
I knew it.
I just knew it.
judged the levels of knowledgeability (correct answers)
among those surveyed and found that those who scored the
highest were regular watchers of Comedy Central's The
Daily Show and Colbert Report. They tied with regular
readers of major newspapers in the top spot -- with 54%
of them getting 2 out of 3 questions correct. Watchers
of the Lehrer News Hour on PBS followed just behind.
Virtually bringing up the rear were regular watchers of
Fox News. Only 1 in 3 could answer 2 out of 3 questions
correctly. Fox topped only network morning show viewers.
That explains why I’m such a smarty-pants.
What makes Stewart and Colbert so great is that you have
to know the news to understand the show. That’s why
Republicans don’t think he’s funny. On the whole, I have
found that when a person joins the Republican Party, they
must first have a humorectomy. Seriously, name a funny
Republican. Okay, so Dennis Miller is the best you guys
can do?
But I have a question about the above study. Is
“knowledgeability” a word? Replace it with the word
“knowledge” and the sentence means the same darned thing.
Sound like truthiness to me. I think the Pew Center is
jerking with us to see if we really do watch Colbert.
It's fun. Better than
MENSA! See how SMAHT you AH!
As an educated
Democrat viewer of Stewart and Colbert, listener
to NPR, reader of USNWR and newspaper junkie, I'm
very proud.
I got 91%, so I'm feeling pretty cocky, though I
shouldn't have missed one. Yes, I'm a daily
viewer of the Daily Show, Countdown, etc.,
listen to NPR, watch PBS and C-Span, read
hardcopy newspapers and online blogs, the Texas
Observer, ad infinitum, but still don't feel
like I can catch up with all that's going on.
BTW, one of your
readers wrote: "
As an educated
Democrat viewer of Stewart and Colbert, listener
to NPR, reader of USNWR and newspaper junkie,
I'm very proud."
Unless it's a
typo, that should be "Democratic viewer," or
are we just going to give up the fight on this
fighting, girl. I read you faithfully out here
in the hill country, where a few other "blues"
and I are struggling against the tide of
nauseating red.
P. J. O'Roark used to be the only funny
conservative. Haven't heard much from him lately,
though I did just send my son an old copy of his
"Parliament of Whores" in response to a phone
conversation about how gov'ment works. Maybe even
PJ is finding the current crop of neo-cons too
depressing to be humorous about.
April 16 -
UPDATE: The hearings have been postponed until
the Watergate Hearings, I was at home with a new baby.
While the baby slept, I crocheted several blankets while
sitting in front of the teevee, watching rapt through
weeks of coverage. I thought that since Watergate was a
cover-up, blankets would be appropriate.
I still have a couple of those blankets; others I gave
as gifts. We refer to them as my Watergate blankets.
I don’t crochet much anymore so I got to wondering
what I’ll do with my hands tomorrow as I
watch a new attempt to bypass the Constitution of the
United States of America.
Tuesday, April 17
Senate Hearing with Atty. Gen. Alberto Gonzales on Dept.
of Justice Oversight
On C-SPAN3 at 10am ET
So, I went over the craft store just to look around. I’ll
be decorating flip-flops tomorrow while Alberto starts
building his nest in the
eighth circle of hell.
April 16 -
Well, we should have
seen this coming a mile off ….
Justice Department's Public Integrity Section is
investigating connections between disgraced lobbyist
Jack Abramoff and the White House, a probe that may be
affected by missing White House emails.
involved in the case said that beginning more than a
year ago, federal prosecutors and Federal Bureau of
Investigation agents interviewed Mr. Abramoff and other
cooperating witnesses at length about numerous contacts
between Mr. Abramoff and White House officials,
including presidential adviser Karl Rove.
It’s amazing how a man with money, a little charm, and a
decent Washington restaurant can bring down an entire
city. Abramoff is Monica, without the beret.
April 15 -
Scamper on over to
Hal’s blog and see for yourself what State Senator Dan
Patrick (R., Egoville) gave as a little present to his
good buddy, Tom DeLay.
will see that HB 630 takes away the purview of the
Travis County District Attorney, currently Ronnie Earle,
to oversee criminal prosecutions of state officials, and
gives it to a new “public integrity unit” that functions
under the state Attorney General.
It’s like putting the wolf in charge of the hen house.
Yep. Tom’s still got friends in high places. Or high
friends. I can’t remember which.
Dan Patrick is the dude who wants prayer in public
school, but walked out of the Texas Lege when a
non-Christian led the prayer. I certainly hope he’s for
giving Texas schoolchildren the same privilege to walk out
when they disagree.
He also claimed he could cut $3 billion from the
State budget, but simply issued a press release instead of
acting on it.
Nice catch, Hal.
Speaking of Dan Patrick ---
I must be a Communist or something.
It chaps my ass that the far right has PUSHED for
prayer at public events and, the minute the first
Muslim prayer is offered during the legislative
session, they start bitching. And they’re still
WE TOLD THEM --- be careful what you ask for, you
just might get it.
If it’s not a Christian prayer, they are offended.
I wonder what they would have said if a Rabbi had
offered the prayer (after all, it was Passover as
well as Easter).
We need to find some Wiccan or Satanist or something
for next month.
Sugar Lander
April 15 -
know, when they talk about a “trash
heap,” it’s hard to know if they’re talking about a
landfill or County Commissioner’s Court.
Stations: Landfill Trash Heap Would Block Doppler Radar,
Put Public At Risk
The safety of everyone in the Houston and Galveston
region will be at risk if Blue Ridge Landfill expands,
because the giant pile of refuse would block
Doppler radar signals and prevent hurricane detection,
three Houston TV stations claim.
If our County Commissioners aren’t walking away from
this deal with a couple of suitcases filled with cash
money, then they’re even dumber than I thought.
When your trash heap is bigger than a damn hurricane,
then maybe you better scale that sucker down. I dunno.
Somebody is getting rich off this deal and it ain’t you or
April 14 -
I’ve seen lotsa mean things in my political life. I’ve
also seen my share of lies, distortions, and deceit but,
Shelley Sekula Gibbs beats the cake on both today.
I got an email from her today that says,
Nick Lampson is back to his old self again -- voting
with Speaker Pelosi and her far-left wing liberal
for a
war spending bill laden with pork that requires combat
operations in Iraq to cease before September 2008.
The people of Congressional District 22 don't want
liberal pork and they don't like war protesters.
They don't want to tie the commander-in-chief's hands on
how to fight a war against terrorists who hate America.

You know the drill, click on the little one to get the big
Uh, Shelley, listen up. Nick Lampson wishes he was back
to old self but he’s not. The man is recovering from
heart surgery, you idiot woman, and hasn’t voted since he
went to the hospital on March 23rd. He’s
barely able to move around, so he's not voting right now.
a look for yourself.
Good Lord, Shelley, you’re dumber than bean dip.
You’d think a doctor would know better, but noooo…
You’d think a doctor would have a little more
compassion, but noooo …
Doctor Shelley ain’t coming near me with a scalpel,
that’s for sure.
It's fine with me if Shelley wants to give Republicans
a bad name, but I really hate what she's doing to blondes.
Shelley, I think the people of the 22nd District don't
want liars representing them. That's why Tom DeLay
dropped out, Babe. You might want to learn something
from that.
Shelley gives a bad name to dumb blondes.
April 14 -
Poor Tom DeLay. His book is not selling and his
Dancing With The Stars protégé is getting her lawyer’s
butt sued for …. well, fibbing, of course.
The husband of country singer Sara Evans is suing one of
his wife's divorce attorneys and his firm, alleging the
attorney slandered and libeled him with untrue
allegations of adultery.
Craig Schelske filed the $20 million lawsuit against
Nashville lawyer John Hollins Sr. on Wednesday in
Davidson County Circuit Court.
You know those Super DeLux Brand Christians can get meaner
than a double-eyed hurricane. I’d stay a mile and a half
away from Sara and Craig if I were you.
April 13 -
You gotta hand it to those Republicans – they can waste
money faster than we can send it to them.
Forty million dollars worth of FEMA food spoiled for
lack of a place to store it.
Add that to
$176 million in abstinence programs that didn’t work.
Granted, that’s only a quarter of a billion dollars,
but still ….
April 13 - We
get email. Yes, we do.
Susan, it has gotten to the point where I have
almost completely stopped watching any news programs
- I am getting physically sick to my stomach of Bush
and Rove and Delay and all those other
totally without integrity folks in DeeCee. My
"mute" button stays on most of the time nowadays
and I'd rather watch Sponge Bob Square Pants
than see those faces one more time!
And now they took Imus off but left Ann Coulter and
Rush Limbaugh and Rosie and the lewd rapper stuff on
!!! Admittedly, Imus is crude and hateful at times
but I don't see that he is one bit worse than
the other ones I named. Please, can't somebody
relieve us of these ugly people on TV?
It is almost too much to bear.
Dear Marie,
That's why I watch
Rachel Ray and
Paula Deen.
Yum - tried this dish last week and it's a
When the news media becomes the news, it's time to
switch channels.
April 13 -
If Karl
Rove is Bush’s Brain and Bush’s Brain
keep track of emails, then no wonder we’re up Crap
Creek without a paddle.
Rove's lawyer on Friday dismissed the notion that
President Bush's chief political adviser intentionally
deleted his own e-mails from a Republican-sponsored
server, saying Rove believed the communications were
being preserved in accordance with the law.
… maybe the emails are at the same place as the weapons of
mass destruction.
hi susan,
the emails?
they definitely did exist and could very well be
resurrected. now the weapons of mass destruction
– they were just a twinkle in the eyes of darth
cheney and his boy president and sand in the eyes
of the rest of us (or many of us anyway).
marion in austin
April 13 -
You know, I thought Republicans favored getting the
government out of our lives. At least that’s what they
What they do is scaring the
bejeebers outta me.
Compiling dossiers on Texas citizens who have not
even been accused of a crime means that Governor Rick,
rhymes with youknowwhat, Perry knows things about me that
I don’t even know.
Okay, now think this through. Anybody with their
head above water knows that the GOP isn’t going to stay in
power forever. I think the last election hinted at that.
So, all you GOPpers out there may think it’s real cool
that Gov. Rick is collecting information on citizens
because Ole Gov. Rick is on your side. But what are you
going to do when
Governor Senfronia Thompson has the keys to that same
You’re gonna have a heart attack and become a
born-again civil libertarian, that’s what you’re gonna
April 12 -
If this doesn't win a Pulitzer Prize, the voting is
Jake Bernstein, editor of the Texas Observer,
has just blown the top off the Texas Governor's office.
It seems that Governor Perry has gained massive
amounts of information on Texas citizens, with no law
enforcement oversight.
It's frightening. It's documented. It's
time to light the panic fire.
If you don't subscribe to The Texas Observer, shame on
More tomorrow morning.
April 12 -
Roll Call (subscription only) is reporting that Duncan
Hunter (Republican, California) might need to take
spelling lesson from Dan Quayle ---
In the California Republican’s formal Federal Election
Commission filing making his bid official, Hunter
misspelled “president,” mangling the name of his committee
as “Hunter for Prseident Inc.”
On the bright side, although the field of candidates for
the presidency is a bit crowded, Hunter is uncontested to
be prseident.
His signature song? “Hail to the Cheif.”
April 12 -
What Jaye said.
April 12 -
A regular reader, and yes there is one, from Sugar Land
named Janie alerted me to an article at National Review
Online. Janie knew I wasn’t a regular reader of The
National Review so I’d probably miss my moment of fame.
I am not a fan of The National Review and here’s one
good reason why. I just sent them this email.
National Review Online and Mr. Mark Krikorian,
stole my picture.
Right here. Click the first link in the first
Look at it. You moved it to a blogger site to cover
your felonious tracks, but it’s my picture.
Here’s proof it’s mine.
is wrong with you? Why did you steal my hard work?
got out on a cold and windy day, drove in my own car to
this location miles from my home at no small gasoline
expenses to myself, got out of my car in front of a
Republican Headquarters, which was pretty disgusting and
did I mention that it was cold and nasty windy?, and took
this photograph in the cold and mean wind. You, on the
other hand, were nowhere to be found.
I came home, figured out how to upload my pictures, and
posted it on
my website right here. At the time, you were probably
at a bar. Drunk. Wherever you were, you certainly didn’t
offer to pay for my gas or my camera.
did all the hard work, and you just came along and stole
all my hard work. That is so damn typical of a
Republican. You want me to do all the work so you can
come along and steal it right out from under me – me, the
working class.
you ask my permission to use my picture? No. Did you
contact me and offer to give me some money for it? Of
course not, because you’re a conservative and
conservatives only spend other people’s money, generally
mine. Did you even bother to give me credit for it? No,
you did not.
National Review Online and Mr. Mark Krikorian, you can
kiss my big blue butt, and my lawyer’s, too. I want money
for my hard work. From you.
don’t guess you took the time to read that these signs
were a total flop, and even Republicans wanted them gone.
Oh yes, they did.
New Payee,
April 12 - Who
would have thunk it? Lee Iacocca goes off on the
best darned rant I've heard in ages.
Am I the only guy in this
country who's fed up with what's happening? Where the
hell is our outrage? We should be screaming bloody
murder. We've got a gang of clueless bozos steering our
ship of state right over a cliff, we've got corporate
gangsters stealing us blind, and we can't even clean up
after a hurricane much less build a hybrid car. But
instead of getting mad, everyone sits around and nods
their heads when the politicians say, "Stay the course."
Stay the course?
You've got to be kidding. This is America, not
the damned Titanic. I'll give you a sound bite:
Throw the bums out!
I'm glad I didn't buy Tom DeLay's book. Now I have
the money to buy Lee Iacocca's. His 9 C's of
leadership should be required reading in every high school
in America.
April 11 -
We get Email ---
What's with the GOP?
Guess they're giving up their rugged individualism,
minimal government and, of course, no new taxes.
Can't they just leave us alone already!
"AUSTIN — Debate
over government's role in matters of love,
marriage and divorce begins today when the Texas
House considers a bill doubling marriage license
fees to $60 unless couples take premarital
Couples agreeing to
eight-hour courses in conflict management and
communication skills would get their marriage
licenses free under the bill sponsored by Rep.
Warren Chisum, R-Pampa, a leading House
conservative. "
"We're saying
families are important to us," Chisum said
Tuesday. "If that's the nanny state, then so we
are. We're very pro-family."
Read the whole thing….
Patrick S.
April 11 -
this ain't right. We can't be having this.
Freezing rain and snowy
conditions in Chicago on Wednesday made it impossible
for the Astros and Cubs to play their series finale at
Wrigley Field, and the teams were waiting for Major
League Baseball to approve a makeup date and time.
There's no snow in baseball. Somebody needs to
contact the proper authorities about things like this.
April 11 -
Our friend Deb
sent this with the tag: “Help Wanted: Scapegoat”
White House wants to appoint a high-powered czar to
oversee the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with authority
to issue directions to the Pentagon, the State
Department and other agencies, but it has had trouble
finding anyone able and willing to take the job,
according to people close to the situation.
least three retired four-star generals approached by the
White House in recent weeks have declined to be
considered for the position, the sources said,
underscoring the administration's difficulty in
enlisting its top recruits to join the team after five
years of warfare that have taxed the United States and
its military.
It’s sad that nobody wants it. I hear that even Mrs.
Rhonda Faye Frontage, leader of Cub Scout Pack #467 down
in Pleak, isn’t answering her phone for fear she’ll be the
next asked.
War Czar? Yeah, that whole Drug Czar thing worked
out so well that it could be the model.
April 11 -
Oh, you're gonna love me for this. The
Houston Press has come across something wonderful.
Click here (PDF
format - no sound) to find out what they say about the
Gospel According to Saint Tom.
April 11 -
Those who have been following the Washington Post’s series
on how lobbyists have changed our government
will enjoy today’s article. Maybe “enjoy” is not the
right word. It’s pretty frightening.
Lobbyists and political consultants are two of the
three worst things to happen to democracy.
April 11 -
Click here for an excellent
reaction from our new friend Marilyn about yesterday's
post about the SMU and the Bush Library.
April 11 -
CIT Group is involved in a mega-scandal about bribing
college financial aid officials to get on the college's
preferred lender lists,
And guess who made a quick $50,000 profit buying and
selling CIT Group stock when it went public in early 2005?
Texas’s own
Mike McCaul. His personal financial statement will
right here in PDF format.
Ripping off Texas’ college bound youth – the
Republican way.
April 10 -
Okay, so maybe it’s just me, but I’m wondering why it
takes “weeks
of intense preparation” to go before the Unites States
Senate and tell the damn truth.
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales remained out of public
view at the Justice Department Monday as he resumed
intense preparations for crucial Senate testimony next
week on the U.S. attorney firings -- the outcome of
which may determine whether he can cling to his post.
Holy Toad Frogs on a Ritz Cracker! It didn’t take me
weeks of intense preparation to explain to Momma what I
did for Spring Break in 1969 and she even expected
I mean, it ain't like they're gonna ask him to figure
square roots or something. I'll bet you money that
they don't even ask him to diagram a sentence.
April 10 -
Thanks to Sandy and E. Claire, I bring you
this story from Dallas …
new online petition charges that administrators at
Southern Methodist University (SMU) have been attempting
to silence faculty protest against the politically
partisan institute that George W. Bush seeks to include
in his presidential library complex. The petition
invites faculty members and teachers everywhere to sign
in support of the SMU faculty protesters, and in dissent
against the Bush institute.
Teachers and professors are invited to sign the petition
Hi Susan,
This is the letter I will send to the president of
SMU tomorrow. What I would like to do is to reach
like minded graduates and encourage them to return
their diplomas as an additional form of protest
against the decision to host the Bushie book place
thing and propaganda mill at SMU.
Click here for a PDF of
Marilyn's letter.
April 10 -
ahead, call me anti-development. I consider it a
The Republican controlled Commissioners Court has
cozyed-up to developers and their political contributions
for too many years. Commissioners kept telling us that
all this development and these tax abatements are good for
us because it’ll lower our taxes and make our community a
more desirable place to live.
My taxes have gone up, along with crime, traffic,
pollution, and
now this.
We’re in the same shape as New Orleans before
Thanks a bunch, Commissioner Boys. I hope all those
political contributions were worth it.
And to the
Greater Fort Bend Economic Development Council - as
soon as I figure out how to spell the word for the sound
that happens when you stick out your tongue, close your
lips around it, and blow real hard, I'll tell you what I
think about you.
In this neck of the woods, we call ‘em
Don’t know about Texas slang, though.
April 10 -
Bless his heart. Nevada Republican Governor Jim Gibbons
is having some Grand Canyon brain synapses. He thinks the
Democrats have bought the Wall Street Journal.
Jim Gibbons said Monday he’s heard a rumor that
Democrats paid the Wall Street Journal to publish
stories about his relations with a defense contractor
and that the coverage is designed to help Democrats in
the 2008 election.
Asked about rumors of a conspiracy among Democrats
against him, Gibbons said he heard the same thing but
did not name a source.
“I have heard that the Democrats have paid to have these
Wall Street Journal articles written,” Gibbons said.
Yes, Jimbo, and the Democrats have also bribed Matt
Drudge, Fox News, Charleston Heston, and a distant cousin
Well, you can hardly blame the man for going wacko;
he knows he’ll be prosecuted by Bush’s Justice Department.
(See below.)
April 10 -
Now they’ve done it. They’re not only hiring partisan
writ twits;
they’re hiring stoopid ones.
immediate crisis concerning the federal prosecutors will
be over soon enough. The Administration's forced brain
drain at Justice threatens its stature and effectiveness
for years to come.
Now answer me this: how on God’s green earth can you
drain a lawyer’s brain? I mean, Honey, it takes the
Bushies to pull off a feat like that.
Speaking of No Lawyer Left Behind, the Bushies have
done everything they can to make being smart a sin.
April 10 -
Well, ain't that just
real Christian of Tom DeLay?
During the 12 years that
Republicans ran the House, their leaders didn't pay
much attention to affordable-housing activists.
Despite soaring rents and complaints of a deepening
affordability crisis, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay
(R-Tex.) told his conference that he didn't want to
see housing bills on the floor. He thought housing
programs were unreformed welfare -- and they competed
for the same pot of money in an annual funding bill as
his beloved NASA.
* * * * *
Last month, the House
passed their bill, a measure to address the housing
shortages that have festered on the Gulf Coast since
Hurricane Katrina hit in August 2005. After the storm
wiped out 82,000 rental units in New Orleans, DeLay
blocked a housing bill from Richard H. Baker (R-La.)
because, sources said, the majority leader did not
consider Baker a "team player."
Considering Tom's new financial problems, maybe he'll be
looking for affordable housing, or maybe he can rent-out a
backroom to a Katrina survivor.
Tom DeLay is Just Like Six Million Jews.
Noted without comment:.
Oh hell, I'll comment. I am sooo going to hurl!
Susan, what are you all putting in the water down
Oh..DeLay doesn't live in Texas any more, so never
But man...this is just in-effin'-sane: Tommy Boy's
indictment makes him just like the Jews in the
Holocaust? Does NO ONE ever edit the stuff this
bozo says?
Or is that too rough on bozos?
Tom DeLay is just like 6 Million Jews
Rich M
Shelbyville KY
April 9 -
Displaced Texans and lore lovers alike will be charmed to
know that The Yellow Rose of Texas, Emily West,
was probably a true story. 
Yellow Rose of Texas is fancifully famous for bedazzling
Santa Anna out of his fancy pants at the Battle of San
Jacinto on April 21, 1836.
Increasing evidence suggests the story may be true.
San Jacinto Day, her believers in Texas saloons will
lift their glasses to the star of the battle's sideshow
– a mixed-race woman named "Emily" who distracted the
tyrant in his tent while Gen. Sam Houston's grim-eyed
skirmishers advanced on the Mexican camp.
She made Sam Houston, Texas’s first populist, famous.
Good on her.
April 9 -
Okay, if I were to make a list of places I would not go,
not even if they were giving away cash money,
this event may not be at the top of the list, but it
would certainly be above a Sheriff Milton Wright four hour
accordion concert or swamp wading with pork chops tied
around my ankles.
for FBISD Candidate Lisa Rickert
and Cheese Party in Sugar Creek
hosted by the Raia's, Howell's, and Mitton's
April 17th TBD
Until they have absolute scientific proof that unwarranted
smugness is not contagious, on April 17th I’m staying on
this side of the River in a bomb shelter at an undisclosed
safe location wearing a level 3 contamination suit and
roll of duck tape.
April 9 -
no, really,
you have to go see this.
Not only is some guy trying to get $40 for Tom
DeLay’s autographed book on Ebay, which is gonna hack-off
Tom because he needs the forty bucks, but the guy just
gets goofy over meeting Tom ---
It was
a real thrill for me to listen and visit with Tom Delay.
Okay, now check the seller’s name. Misfit Guy. Ya think?
And now check what Misfit Guy been buying on Ebay -
especially from keywestdvds. Oops. Speaking of
Gotta love the Tom DeLay-Lovin' perverts.
He's really a PREvert-he thinks about it ahead of
time. Evidently he needs all the help he can get.
those who still believe torture is acceptable
American behavior (count me out), I have a
suggestion. Buy DeLay's book and send copies to
That act will inflict enough torture on everyone
(from prisoners to staff) that they won't need to do
anything else. I know this because someone bought
the book for me, and I found that looking at the
cover was torture enough for me.
Now I'll confess to anything to escape looking at
Another Mike
My evil twin wants to buy the book just to learn the
identity of Misfit Guy. I bet it's some guy that
shares Tom DeLay's most deeply held principles.
No, not the principle of corrupt, incompetent
government by right-wing doofuses. I mean the
principle of our God-given right to participate in
hot tub freakery, especially with ladies that might
not be one's wife.
My guess: Mr. Misfit can't pull the babes like Hot
Tub Tom could. So Mr. Misfit must content himself
(repeatedly) buying naughty DVD's on the internets.
(Then again, Tom was a real hottie. A rock star! No
man will ever look so... so... scrumptious wearing
nothing but a helmet of hairspray)
So Mr. Misfit must content himself repeatedly buying
naughty DVD's on the internets. After all, who'll
find out? After all, we have a right to privacy,
don't we?
Robert P
April 8 - Our
friend Don H.
sent us this link for those who don't want to buy Tom
DeLay's book before it goes on the $1.99 table, but are
curious as to what the book says.
It's an interview of John Dean about Tom DeLay.
research in North America
indicates that the people who become leaders of
right-wing authoritarian movements tend to have strong
religious beliefs serving as co-pilots to dominating,
aggressive, amoral tendencies. It seems this arrangement
would lead to a plane crash. But often these people do
quite well in life. You and I both see Tom DeLay as such
a leader, and I wanted to study his account of his
"Amoral tendencies?" Ya think?
April 7 - Our
friend Alfredo hands us this news:
Tom DeLay's "No Retreat,
No Surrender: One American's Fight" - Number 1,148
Conservatives are so 20th
April 6 -
Wanna read something that has real meaning for Easter?
Roland Martin on taking back Christianity.
When did it come to the
point that being a Christian meant only caring about two
issues, abortion and homosexuality?
Ask the nonreligious what
being a Christian today means, and based on what we see
and read, it's a good bet they will say that followers
of Jesus Christ are preoccupied with those two points.
Poverty? Whatever.
Homelessness? An afterthought. A widening gap between
the have and have-nots? Immaterial. Divorce? The divorce
rate of Christians mirrors the national average, so
that's no big deal.
April 6 -
So now it’s
dog biscuits.
recall of pet foods and treats contaminated with an
industrial chemical expanded Thursday to include dog
biscuits made by an Alabama company and sold by Wal-Mart
under the Ol'Roy brand.
I went over to Whole Foods last weekend and bought Truman
some organic dog food. I am kinda worried that he’ll
start asking to go to Starbucks and want a pair of
(By the way, for those who've asked whether Truman is
named for a President or a writer, his full name is Hairy
S Truman.)
April 6 -
And it appears that Michael Berry, whose
loose lips sink radio blips, has
apologized for saying something else stoopid.
A Houston city councilman and conservative talk radio
host has apologized for saying taxpayers were paying
large amounts of welfare to American Indians who were
"whining" about having been "whipped in a war."
Michael Berry said Thursday that he posted the apology
on his station's Web site the night before "not because
I offended people, but because I was wrong."
"My facts were wrong, and the basis of my facts was
wrong," he said.
guess someone reminded Michael about the Alamo.
April 6 - We get
email. And, no, I couldn't make this stuff up.
Think we can get Andy Meyers to pass out
Fort Bend County Condoms like the ones they pass
out in New York City?
Dear David,
I would prefer that he keep them all at the
courthouse. They’re the ones screwing us.
April 5 - We
get email ---
Hi Susan,
The local folks here in central Pennsyltucky are
all agog. First -- the temperature was up into the
higher 60's on Monday and Tuesday which got
everybody thinking about Spring. Next, the Pirates
won their opening game and then the one after that.
Since the Buco's are usually mathematically
eliminated from the playoffs by now, the 3rd win in
a row had some of them lookin' to be signin' up for
World Series tickets and plannin' whether to put
Heinz Ketchup or Heinz Pickle Relish on the hot dog
they figured to be eatin' along about the 4th inning
of the first home game and how many Iron City
brewskies they could chug down before getting
ejected. But by Thursday morning, the temperature
had dropped back down below 30 and they started to
realize that there are still another 159 games to be
played. The AA affiliate team down the road in
Altoona (The Altoona Curve) had their home opener
snowed out today up in Erie so they'll try again
tomorrow. A little closer to home, the State
College Spikes (also affiliated with Pittsburgh)
don't open until June 19 when they take on the
Williamsport Crosscutters. The New York Penn League
features teams like the Batavia Muckdogs, the
Vermont Lake Monsters, and the Tri-City Valley Cats
(who are affiliated with your Astros). The Cats
will end their season in State College in a 3 game
set September 5-7 (at least that's what the Cats web
site says -- State College claims to be playing a
completely different team that day).
I must be turning into a real
old fart because I only want to watch the game. I
don't care for all the music and other things that
go on between the innings. And the day when we
could buy bleacher seats in Yankee stadium and see a
double header for only 75 cents? No one believes
that. So enjoy your team because that's what
baseball is really all about.
Don A.
Dear Don,
We've lost three in a row. The only reason
it's not 4 in a row is that we don't play tonight.
That's a good thing because all the Astros fans had
to go buy new teevee sets today.
However, Spring is here. It was today.
Usually it's on a Monday. (And people say we
don't have weather in Texas. Hell, we had a
three day Fall last year. Set all kinds of
records, we did.)
I was going to give up baseball for the Masters this
weekend, but Ben Crenshaw and Freddie Couples both
finished 4 over today.
I guess I'll hunt Easter eggs.
Somebody reminded me today of
something I'd written in October of 2004.
It's still true today. I'll watch the Astros
tomorrow night.
April 5 -
Okay, so somebody needs to pull in on them reins and
holler whoa. It seems that folks at the World Bank are
all in a dither because
Paul Wolfowitz’s girlfriend is getting some …. errrr,
special privileges ….
Employees of the World Bank have been "expressing
concern, dismay, and outrage" regarding favoritism shown
by the bank and the Bush administration towards the
one-time girlfriend of World Bank president Paul
Wolfowitz, according to an internal memo circulated
within the bank by the World Bank Group Association,
which represents the rights of the bank's 13,000
employees. Among other things, the April 3 memo alleges
that Shaha Riza, Wolfowitz's romantic interest was given
a "promotion [that] clearly does not conform" to bank
procedures. Moreover, the memo alleges, she was then
given a raise "more than double the amount allowed" by
the bank's rules.
Okay now, think this thing through. I think some
folks are over-reacting. Think: how much would they have
to pay you to be Paul Wolfowitz’s girlfriend? And,
as scary as that guy is, can you imagine him on a two
month celibacy binge? Oh no, there’s far too many nuclear
devices in the world to allow this man to get … well,
Honey, if she can keep him happy and out of making
another war, I say give her all the damn money.
April 5 - My friend
John Cobarruvias in Clear Lake
has a great find.
Houston City Councilman Michael Berry forgot that the
military upped their recruitment age to 42. Michael
Berry has a Houston radio show. Michael Berry pitched
himself a hissy fit over Charlie Rangel saying that there
are few educated professionals are volunteering to serve
in Iraq. John
Cobarruvias has a tape recorder.
Now, I'm not saying that the caller sounds familiar,
but .....
It's a hoot!
Listen to it on John's site. If you're at work
and can't listen to it, reading the comments is
entertainment enough.
(By the way, Berry hasn't enlisted yet.)
Oh Good Gravy.
Still being new to
these parts, I'm not familiar with Michael
Berry. But after hearing the tape, I have to say
that he is the epitome of greedy, young, neo-CON
republicans who have no qualms using our military
as political talking points to make money on his
radio show, yet can't see his own hypocrisy even
when it appears on radio with him.
I don't think our
brave military men and women want that kind of
"educated" (?) wimp next to them in battle.
BTW, he sounds like a
young Bill O'Reilly to me. Ya think God gave Texas
another April Fool's Day joke?
Your Dam Yankee Friend
in Spring,
Susan, near the end
of the Bay Area Houston blog this excerpt was
( Berry said on
that show on March 27 that American Indians do
not deserve the federal assistance that
they're getting because they were "whipped in
a war."
He also said this about Indians, "We conquered
The comments were galling for Cheryl and Steve
Melendez, co-founders of the American Indian
Genocide Museum in Houston. Cheryl Melendez
says you want to believe that things are
changing, but she's been left disappointed by
Berry's remarks )
and, if true,
could get his job if someone pursues it far
Check it out.
April 5 -
Have you ever sat around wondering what you’d buy if you
won the lottery?
Thanks to me, you now have a purchasing plan.
Buy your own
Texas Supreme Court Justice! They’re not only handy,
they’re cheap!
– A political committee funded by homebuilder Bob Perry
contributed $16,000 to help Supreme Court Justice Nathan
Hecht pay his legal bills as the court was preparing to
hear arguments in a case against the company.
Justice Hecht solicited donors in February to pay the
cost of defending himself against charges of violating
judicial ethics.
You just never know when a Texas Supreme Court Justice
will be useful. Buy one now and start a collection!
Ya know, Bob Perry must have a really big butt so he
can fit all those politicians in his back pocket.
About 30 years ago I had a housemate who was going
to law school at UT. The law school paper had an
article about the the students 25 top concerns as
lawyers. No.1 was their public image, No.25 was
their ethics. He got all bent out of shape when I
pointed out that if their ethics were their No.1
concern, they wouldn't have to worry about their
P.S. Yep, He's still a lawyer.
April 4 -
Okay, so now this global warming thing has gone too far.
I’m sorry, but you just
cannot tax barbeque.
government of Belgium's French-speaking region of
Wallonia, which has a population of about 4 million, has
approved a tax on barbequing, local media reported.
Experts said that between 50 and 100 grams of CO2, a
so-called greenhouse gas, is emitted during barbequing.
Beginning June 2007, residents of Wallonia will have to
pay 20 euros for a grilling session.
local authorities plan to monitor compliance with the
new tax legislation from helicopters, whose thermal
sensors will detect burning grills.
Scientists believe CO2 emissions are a major cause of
global warming.
Damn vegetarians.
It’s a plot. A plot, I tell you.
Far be it from me to tell people in Belgium about
barbeque, but …. Doesn’t the monitoring helicopter cause
more problems than Dag Bubba’s pit?
(Thanks to Deb for the heads-up. Deb finds all
the really cool stuff on the internet!)
BBQ Tax a hoax
The government of
Wallonia has refuted allegations of plans to
introduce a tax on barbequing in this Belgian
French-speaking region.
Reports appeared in
local media earlier in the month that a law had
been approved to charge residents of the
4-million-strong region 20 euros for each grilling
session beginning in June.
"We have repeatedly
denied this information, which is nothing but an
April Fool's Day joke. But we never imagined it
would create such a fuss," said the press
secretary of Wallonia's minister for agricultural,
rural affairs, the environment and tourism.
John D
Nashville, TN
The agriculture minister is nuts. "Never imagines it
would create such a fuss."? Have you lost your
mind? This is barbeque we're talking about.
You don't make jokes about barbeque.
Thanks for letting me know, John. I was riled
up pretty good.
April 4 -
I don’t know ‘bout you, but I’m voting with my fishing
license and my official mail.
John Kelso, the funniest person in Texas right now,
had himself some fun with State Rep Betty Brown’s voter ID
Rep. Betty, who’s from Terrell, is so narrow-minded
that she can see through a keyhole with both eyes. It
appears to me that she’s overly-anxious to see who’s had a
sex-change operation in Texas. I don’t know what caused
her curiosity, and I probably don’t want to know.
Still, we got this Betty Brown bill that says that at
the polls you would have to show your voter registration
card and one of the following: your driver's
license or personal Department of Public Safety I.D.
card, military ID with photo; employee badge with photo;
U.S. citizenship certificate with photo; a U.S.
passport; student ID with photo; or concealed handgun
along with your voter registration card, you could vote
with two of the following: your utility bill,
bank statement, government check, paycheck or other
government document with your name and address; official
mail addressed to you from the government; a copy of
your birth certificate; U.S. citizenship papers; a
marriage license or divorce decree; court records of
your adoption, name change or sex change; a Texas or
U.S. medical benefits ID card; a temporary DPS driving
permit; a pilot's license; a library card; or a hunting
and fishing license.
Gibbs said the bill has all these options "to make it
possible for everyone to have some form of
identification." That's funny. I thought a voter
registration card was "some form of identification."
So, I
gotta vote with a briefcase full of papers, identifying
myself to one of my neighbors who has been a friend for
thirty years.
I have a slightly better idea. Why don’t we
require the candidates to prove they are human.
So Bob Brown has a
sex-change operation and shows up at the polls
with a Bob Brown voter I.D. and a Betty Brown
sex-change certificate. Then what happens?
In Central Austin, or
Montrose, in Houston, Bob could merely show up
dressed as Betty... My head is spinning at what
could go on at the polls.
April 3 -
Heads up!
Jack Abramoff is chatting again.
Federici, the one-time girlfriend of a convicted former
senior official at the Interior Department, is a target
of the ongoing federal influence-peddling investigation
into the activities of former lobbyist Jack Abramoff,
according to court documents obtained by Legal Times.
In a letter dated Jan. 19, the Justice Department
informed Federici, founder of the Council of Republicans
for Environmental Advocacy, that she was a target of the
federal probe.
April 3 -
Official Announcement for Newcomers: It’s baseball
season. I operate with half a brain during baseball
season because the other half is keeping score. I am an
Astros fan. After last night, I do not know why.
Dude, we needed a mulligan.
Repeat until the pain goes away:
Say Brad Lidge is not a closer.
Take a drink.
Actually, I keep having this dream of the entire
opposing team wearing Pujols masks when they face
'stros and the Red Sox...a matched set...I knew
there was a reason the powers that be sent me (and
Mark Loretta) to Houston...KANSAS CITY????? 7-1????
the agony...I can take it...the beginning of another
looooong season!
Fenway Fran
April 3 - A
picture is worth ----

Thanks, David!
April 3 -
good news -----
President Bush is losing his top day-to-day adviser on
Iraq, the White House confirmed Monday.
Meghan L. O'Sullivan, who has played a key
behind-the-scenes role in implementing Bush's
controversial Iraq policies over the past four years,
will leave later this spring.
However, this means that the engine’s runnin’ but there
ain’t nobody driving. I can’t say if we’ll notice the
And there’s
better news -----
Horn, the Bush Administration's point man for welfare
reform, Head Start and abstinence education, resigned
Monday as assistant secretary for children and
This guy was the Super DeLux Brand Christians’ (New and
Improved from the Old Jesus Model) flag waver.
The way I see it, you’ll get a call this week to work
in the Bush administration. You're about all that's left.
Meghan O’Sullivan, mentioned in KMBBB today, was
one of Paul Bremer’s political advisers when he
was viceroy of Iraq.
She is described in a book that I’m reading,
Imperial Life in the Emerald City,
as follows:
“O’Sullivan was a tall, slender,
thirty-four-year-old redhead. After receiving
her doctorate from Oxford, she had joined the
Brookings Institution, a left-leaning think tank
in Washington, where she advocated a
leaner-but-smarter regime of sanction on Iraq.
In 2001, when her Brookings colleague Richard
Haass became the State Department’s director of
policy planning, she told him that if the United
States went to war in Iraq, “I want to be a part
of the effort to rebuild the country.”
She joined Haass at the State Department and
Powell asked her to go to Iraq with Jay Garner
(the predecessor to Bremer), “but her stance on
sanctions had angered many neoconservative Iraq
hawks, who complained to Cheney, who, in turn,
told Rumsfeld to remove her” (from the
reconstruction team going to Iraq). She
lobbied Powell, who called Rumsfeld, and
O’Sullivan was allowed to go, but her role was
limited to humanitarian relief.
“When Bremer arrived, she deftly shifted herself
onto the governance team. Her tenacity and
tirelessness impressed Bremer, who assigned her
to vet candidates for the (Iraqi) Governing
Council. Pleased with her work, he increased
her responsibilities and included her in
high-level decision making.” She ended up being
one of three advisers that Bremer relied upon.
Imperial Life in the Emerald City
is a good read and is available at the Fort Bend
County Library. The book pulls back the curtain
so you can see the in-fighting, politically-based
appointments, hubris, ignorance and lack of
planning that resulted in the botched
occupation/reconstruction of Iraq. But then, I
guess you already knew that.
April 3 -
The Dallas Morning News chides their city government
to do something I’ve been chiding Fort Bend County to do
for ten years – electronic campaign finance reports.
Hell, that’s a lie. I’m just trying to get the
darned things online in any freekin’ form!
In Dallas, they call this the dark ages ---
The city scans copies of the paper reports and posts them
online. The files aren't searchable databases, though;
they're more akin to photos of the hard copies. So,
quickly locating a particular name or ZIP code isn't an
don’t even have that, so I guess we’re in the Stone Age.
So simple a caveman can do it? Yep, that makes it too
complicated for county commissioners.
April 2 -
Unwilling or unable to just agree they were wrong and have
made a hash out of Iraq, Republicans
tour a market in Baghdad wearing bulletproof vests,
protected by 50 American soldiers and two Blackhawk
helicopters - and compare it to a farmer's market in
Heck, I’d play the Dallas Cowboys solo with that kind
of protection.
Republicans: too stupid to govern.
April 2 - I shall miss
my friend at White's Creek, but a man's gotta do what a
man's gotta do. And woman's gotta do the rest.
Only at White's Creek would Nubian goats meet the
offspring of former stockholders in Harken Energy.
Classic - this is what a real writer can do with a
April 2 -
it looks like Newt’s comeback is a real comedowner.
Not only did Newt refer to bilingual education as
“the language of living in a ghetto,” he did it in front
of the National Federation of Republican Women, which, I
believe, is a sister organization of the Belles of Heaven
Republican Women’s Club.
My favorite part of the whole story, though, was this
should replace bilingual education with immersion in
English so people learn the common language of the
country and they learn the language of prosperity, not
the language of living in a ghetto," Gingrich said to
cheers from the crowd of more than 100.
More than 100? Oh darn, I’ve got egg all over my face. I
made a bet with Nadine that there weren’t 100 Republican
women left in all of America. Whoa, was I wrong! More
than 100 people came to the National Federation of
Republican Women.
Honey, we’ve got a two headed calf down in Pleak that
draws close to 300 people every weekend. Heck, I could
announce that Jesus’ face had appeared on an oil rag over
at Crazy Manny’s Transmission and Bait Shop and draw a
bigger crowd than Newt.
I think they worded it real nice in the newspaper. I
mean, since they couldn’t say that hundreds came to see
Newt, they could have said, “Newt spoke to crowds of
tens.” See, there’s no liberal media bias. If there
were, it would have read, “The hall was big. The crowd
was not.”
I have one suggestion for Newt. He might want to learn
another language because he’ll soon run out of American
women to marry.
I live in Texas so I am multilingual. I speak Texan,
which is a lot like English but far more colorful. Think
of it – we have 27 words for big in Texas. We have animal
husbandry terms you’ve never of and we use them in our
normal everyday conversations.
I also speak Spanish because if I didn’t I’d miss the
poetry of
Octavio Paz and the sounds of the zocalo in Mexico City. I speak
enough Creole not to make a total fool of myself in
Lafayette, and to talk to the voodoo princesses in New
I speak a little Czech because I live in a heavily
Czech area. Up until 1996, we had a radio station in
Rosenberg that broadcast in Czech every Sunday afternoon.
It was great. They taught me a few phrases and had me on
the show one Sunday. I am told that I was the Charo of
Czech. I was real proud of that.
Cute story for Newt: the woman who gives me pedicures
speaks very little English – she’s from Vietnam. I speak
no Vietnamese. However, we both speak enough French to
communicate basics with each other. That’s a good thing.
Just because Newt and his lady friends aren’t smart
enough to learn several languages does not mean that I
have to leave the language of my culture behind. Or, that
the language of my culture is somehow poorer than his.
Welcome to the website formerly known as The World's Most
Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.
My name is
Susan DuQuesnay Bankston.
I live in Richmond, Texas, in heart of Tom
DeLay's old district. It's crazy here.
No, seriously, it's triple z crazzzy.
I used to be an independent voter, but that all changed when
I got to know a few local Republicans. They are meaner
than 10 acres of snakes and have the ethical compass of a
bank robber.
So, I
decided that they could just Kiss My Big Blue Butt.
A lot of
what I post here has to do with local politics, but you
probably have the same folks in your local government.
This ain't
a blog. Blogs are way too trendy for me. I've
been doing this since 1992, so I'm used to it even if you
Email me
and I'll find a place to put it if I like it.